View Full Version : Coleman Sleeping Bags

08-07-2002, 02:25 PM
Now don't get me wrong I have alot of camping stuff that has the Coleman name on it (from tents down to ovens and lights)

HOWEVER. The other day i was in the camping store at Enoggera and saw their sleeping bags that are rated to 8,5 and 0 degrees.

Now, i have looked at bags for some time and the ones that go down to 0 are always made of down.

This was made of something different. I can't remember what its made of, but they are all priced at $50 (well 49.95 or so)

Seriously....a bag that wil go down to 0 degrees for $50? Has anyone tried/tested this? I camp alot and need a decent bag, but a bit concerned about it...

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!



17-07-2002, 05:40 AM
Don't know much about the Coleman range but it sounds too good to be true.
We bought our sleeping bags when we headed over seas for a year that were rated at 0-5 degrees. They were a new zealand brand and cost us over $200 bucks.
Best thing I've ever bought though. Camping in the snow in the Austrian mountains in a small tent and being snug as a bug in a rug.

19-07-2002, 04:32 PM
I'd almost bet they would be made of some kind of polyester and you would sweat a few kilos during the night. Probably wouldn't breath to much but only a guess. Best of finding out what they are made. Feel like you've been hit by a mack truck if you don't get a half decent kip.
Cheers Luke

27-07-2002, 03:58 PM
the only problem with rated bags are that in our cilmate we don't need them as much as if you where down south in the snow as up here and further north you go they get a little too hot for our likeingwhile they are great in winter not so good in any of the other seasons .


31-07-2002, 04:13 PM
I have a jackeroo rating 5 for the same price. ($50) I find it really comfy in winter but not too good for summer :( fibre filled. But then i have learnt that the bigger the tent the less effective a bag is because of heat dissiptation (if i spelt it right) or so i am told.

Derek Bullock
01-08-2002, 03:59 PM
Hi Guys

Have been following your comments with inerest and like some of you have always found the ratings on sleeping bags a bit strange.

I have searched the net and found the following sites actually talk about ratings and what they mean. It might be of interst to you all. Not only that, they are Australian.





05-08-2002, 01:27 PM
the only problem with rated bags are that in our cilmate we don't need them as much as if you where down south in the snow as up here and further north you go they get a little too hot for our likeingwhile they are great in winter not so good in any of the other seasons .


Well Most of my camping is done down south anyway (you know the *other* side of the tick gate? The place where you jump 20 in the future? :P)

So basically most of time it will be cold anyway



05-08-2002, 02:34 PM
g'day Rosso
i used to sell camping gear a few years back and if you are going to be using said bag while chasing trout in the new england area definately, go for down. ive done some excavation work there during winter and jesus does it get cold at night.