View Full Version : catfish recipe?

04-08-2002, 04:01 PM
gday does anyone know of a good recipe for catfish. ???
cheers billy

Derek Bullock
04-08-2002, 05:15 PM
Hey Billy

I might get into strife for saying this but I heard that the best resipe was to put them in a pot of water with a handfull of gravel. Boil until the gravel goes soft then throw the catfish out and eat the gravel. Hahahahaha.

Seriously though, check this site out on the web and you will have catfish recipes coming out of your ears.




05-08-2002, 10:40 AM
thanks derek not real keen on them myself but my wife luvs them.
cheers billy

06-08-2002, 08:31 AM
YUKkkkkkkk thats discusting !!!!!!

08-08-2002, 03:19 PM
I can remember when my uncle had one of the pubs at jimboomba they had fresh water jew (when available) on the menu thoroughly enjoyed the meal until they told me it was catfish..they caught the fish themselves knocked the head of gutted and put under a big griller with seasoned flour on it..peal the skin back and glorius white flesh..top eating.

09-08-2002, 04:46 AM
We used to fish for "Jew" quite alot in the rivers around the Lockyer Valley. Old bloke I went with loved em. He would skin the blighters by making a small cut up near the head and then grabbing the skin with pliers and ripping it off towards the tail. He would either then fillet it or eat it whole.
I must adsmit the few times I had it it was beautiful white fleash with no realy muddy flavour.
In fact I reckon it tasted better than yellowbelly. But it was just the thought.

09-08-2002, 04:29 PM
thanks fellas and my missus also reckons there better then yellabelly
cheers billy

30-08-2002, 06:26 PM
Hey Dave
best recipe is put them back and take her home a feed of cod ya slack bugga.
wamjam ::)

Derek Bullock
25-09-2002, 05:07 PM
Hey Billy

Whats the best recipe you have found???????


26-09-2002, 04:57 PM
gday Derek
cajun catfish fillets baked in the oven coat fillets with lemon juice sprinkle with cajun and bake till flesh flakes not to bad.

Derek Bullock
27-09-2002, 04:26 PM
Good one Billy

I reckon that recipe would work a treat on most fish. Might give it a go with some mullet.



06-10-2002, 07:39 AM
:-X wouldn't that taste off :o

10-10-2002, 02:17 PM
jaybee & bugman are right, apparently catfish have a white firm flesh. I have a mate (we'll call him "B") who was a pro fisherman in the gulf. They had an off season enquiry from a rep from a large southern hotel chain for a big order of white (unspecified) reef fish fillets - could they supply?
"B" sent him a 10kg sample of catfish fillets (not specifying the species). The chain placed the order, happy with the product. "B" and crew started netting. Within a week 800kg of catfish fillet were being served down south as white reef fish.

24-01-2003, 08:15 AM
Guys can we, where not obvious, distinguish between succulent freshwater catfish (at the watchamacallit dam near Kunnunurra in WA they grow up to 50Kg and sell them in takeaway shops as freshwater something or rather that doesn't live in freshwater) and the totally inedible saltwater catfish from like the brissy river.

25-01-2003, 05:54 AM
Have to backtrack here - someone catches catfish in the gulf and sells the fillets and they are edible ? They would be saltwater esturine catfish wouldn't they ?

So has someone tried a brisbane river catfish that style ?

25-01-2003, 06:50 PM
hey porl when i use to work at the qld fish markets a couple of tonne of catties come in from the bay, a trawler dragged em up and decided to put them through the markets for running costs. They were bought by a chinese fella who owned a very swish restaurant in Town, asked him why he bought them, he said, you want cod, mackeral, coral trout or any white flesh reef fish i have it, you want crab bait i have that too. he paid 8 cents a kilo, a fillet would bring around $6 in the restaurant back then with some lettuce, toms etc. crab bait returned him around 30 cents a kilo. it still happens. ;D ;D ;D ;D :o