View Full Version : Ladder Chains for Off Road

25-06-2003, 05:19 PM
Anybody had any experience with these? How do they compare with Diamond chains? A guy at Opposite Lock reckons Ladder are better.

02-07-2003, 06:33 PM
no direct experience but you can quoting not quite verbatim from other websites this is the difference on frictionless surfaces - ladder chains, great on horizontal surface, they grab they climb they are fantastic, but then as the earth tends to do, the horizontal incline turns to a slight off horizontal incline, the ladder format acts as momentary skis because of their 90 degree angle to the horizontal. Slide as go forward. In this scenario the diamond patterns grip in horizontal pressure as well as forward pressure situations, don't slide, just climb or safely descend.

So for horizontal climbing or descending it makes sense the ladder chains have more horizontal pressure upward or downward against the offending surface, but in low range crawl have the tendency they say to slip sideways. Diamond chains are not so efficient but will get you to the top or bottom with less sideways slide, the downside is if it needs that extra ladder grip then you may spin and dig in. I suppose one of those impossible questions then that is only able to be accurately answered upon knowing where exactly you think you will need chains. Thus if you have the money an air locker will be the best of all worldls. But like you i suppose i am sick of waiting for mud inclines to dry and will invest in some chains.