View Full Version : Camping closure at Fraser Is

22-07-2003, 11:51 AM
Hi All
Was wondering if anybody has heard about this camping closure, I have not seen any advertising, prior to this happening
Dilli Villiage to Poyangan(spelt) rocks. This is a huge area
It is from now untill October, then it will be re-assesed.
Not even the residents saw this coming


22-07-2003, 12:02 PM
Where did you hear this, get it from ?


22-07-2003, 12:11 PM

A work colleague told me today, she is a friend of the owner of Fraser taxi's service. He saw the sign being put up on the weekend.
Eurong will loose some money from this for sure.

22-07-2003, 12:21 PM
bugga.........eh !

22-07-2003, 12:33 PM

I cannot beleive there was no prior notice. This is going to pi.. off a lot of people when they get there. Hopefully some info will be given when u buy your permits. I would like to know if some hidden agenda is at work here. maybe the start of number restrictions or controlled camping areas only. I always camp futher up or at orchid if I the have boat so no real impact on me

Derek Bullock
23-07-2003, 06:36 AM
Hey guys.

It's true and you are right there was no prior warning. Got this straight off the Department of Environment web page. Note the "until further notice" part. Not sure what they mean by public safety.


In the interests of public safety, beach camping is prohibited from Dilli Village to Poyungan Rocks. This area will be a No Camping Zone from Tuesday 15 July 2003 until further notice.

Alternative camping is available at:
1. Beach camping sites north of Poyungan Rocks.
2. Dilli Village campground
3. Lake Boomajin campground
4. Lake McKenzie campground
5. Central Station campground
(9pm noise curfews apply to campgrounds 3,4 &5)

For further information contact:
Senior Ranger Fraser Island
PMB 10, MS 2173
Rainbow Beach QLD 4581
Eurong Information Centre
Phone: 07) 4127 9128

Derek Bullock
28-07-2003, 10:12 AM
Hello all. It seems there was a reason for the closure of beach camping. They gave one days notice.

Found the following:

Fraser Island camping closure 14 Jul 2003.

Camping on a section of beach at Fraser Island will close temporarily to allow dingoes in the area to be managed.

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service’s Great Sandy District Manager Rob Allan said the stretch of the eastern beach between Dilli Village and Poyungan Rocks would close to campers from tomorrow.

“The closure will be reviewed in October,” Mr Allan said.

“Two dingoes in particular have been behaving in threatening and aggressive ways towards people consistently in recent weeks, and have had to be humanely destroyed.

“Cutting off contact between the dingoes and people through closure of the area to camping will help the dingoes’ behaviour to be moderated.”

Mr Allan said the temporary closure affected an area that was normally open for informal camping in the foredunes along the coastline.

“This is a quiet time for camping on the island and there are many other camping areas available for use,” he said.

“This camping closure shows that dingo problems still arise, and visitors need to follow the dingo guidelines.

“Feeding dingoes or making food available to them is an offence and can attract a fine of $225, or a court-imposed maximum penalty of $3000.

“We are committed to visitor safety on Fraser Island and the QPWS has taken a number of steps to ensure that there is significantly increased public awareness about minimising the risks posed by dingoes.

“Dingo rangers and campground rangers have direct contact with visitors to increase public awareness and provide further advice.

“In particular, parents should always stay close to their children, even small teenagers.”