View Full Version : Mozzies,Kids and Camping

23-10-2003, 11:40 AM
Hi all,
chasing some ideas about keeping the mozzie off of the young one. We like to camp up at Mission point (bribie is) which has to be the mozzie capital of the world >:( >:(
i have an old dome tent (6 man) that i am going to use as a "day area" and getting some light cotton pants made up for bub to keep the mozzies away. is there any kid safe repellants. the bushmans is too toxic to use on the baby, sends me troppo, but that might be the
xxxxgold ;D ;D
what do other people do. look forward to a few ideas

23-10-2003, 12:19 PM
Have a look at Thursday Plantations website for some natural repellants. Have used their Walkabout Insect Repellent in Darwin and Townsville while fishing and have had no trouble from the Mozzies


23-10-2003, 02:25 PM
Hey Dazza Thats my neck of the woods mate and I take my boys there heaps. Heres my recipe that we all use and never come home itchy.

1 bottle Rid
1 small bottle Dettol
Top up with baby oil

If you dont want to use the rid, substitute citranella.

25-10-2003, 05:27 AM
Thanks for the reply guy's. I have ordered some tee tree repellant and will post a test when i give it a whirl.
reminds me of a not so funny story, when a company was trying its neem repellants. I was a "crash test dummy" smothered myself in the stuff up at Mission Point, got absolutley eaten- few other people could see the funny side :( :(
Grunta, we have had some great times up there, will giive you a yell next time we are heading up, might be able to catch up.

25-10-2003, 11:19 AM
Dazza just be careful with the mixture with the Rid in it. I am allergic to Rid cream and the resulting rash is far worse than the mozzie bites. I don't have any problens with the spray on mixtures. Whatever you use try a little bit on the kids a couple of weeks before you leave home to see if they are allergic to it.

31-10-2003, 11:13 AM
Hi Dazza, matey a few weeks ago I got bitten badly by sand flies. About a 100 bites, not a happy camper oh boy was I itchy.

I did a good look around on the internet and found all these sites and remedies to keep sandfly and mozzies away. Vitamin B1 seems to be the secret ingredient. People who get bitten a lot are B1 deficient. It was suggested to take B1 every day and it takes a few months to be really effective.

How to stop the iches? There was a thousand and one remedies on the net. I tried vinigar, tee tree oil, stingose and a few others.

Nothing seemed to be really effective untill I tried Vegemite and believe it or not it worked. A dab of the vegemite on a bandaid put over this really super itchy bite. I was suprised that after a few minutes it started stinging a little so I just left it there for a few hours. Forgot it was on after a while and finaly took of the bandaid. The bite was gone, couldn't even see where it had been. Why did it work? Vegemite has vitamin B1 in it's ingredients.

Tried it on a few more bites and it worked on them too.
A friend with a few sandfly bites tried it today same result.

Bloody amazing, from now one I'm going to rub Vegemite all over myself before I go fishing. lol

Cheers Pete

18-12-2003, 02:23 AM
update on the tee tree mozzie repellant.
it works ok on mozzies when they are not thick.
i applied some on the weekend and got eaten by sandflies, it didn't seem to slow them down one little bit.
have been using it for a few weeks now and it is ok for mozzies. for full on protection i think a deet based repellant is the go.

18-12-2003, 06:01 AM
Hope what you say about the vegemite on the sand fly bite is right. I've been looking for a cure for years. I got serverly nailed up at Fraser a couple of years ago. Bloody things lasted for days with two practically sleepless nights in a row. Must have had about a hundred bites also.
I seem to get hit a lot worse than the rest of my family. Maybe its because I drink the most beer and am continually washing all the vit B out of my system. (so VB definitely doesn't stand for vitamin B)
I wonder how a little vegemite mixed with the tea tree oil would go and if the mixture can be still be used in a spray bottle. I have an adversion to putting on lotions with my hands because I don't want my bait to smell like RID when fishing.
Cheers and Merry Xmas to all.

18-12-2003, 06:32 AM
G'day All,

There's always one in a family who gets targeted and attacked by the armies of mosqutoes and sandflies. And in my family it is me. >:( :( I decided when we were down the pin one day that i would ignore my dad and venture into the mangrove swamps and I payed the price. ICHING FOR WEEKS. :-[ One of my dad'####### had a good recipie but we have yet been able to get a hold of it.


18-12-2003, 01:39 PM
I am one of those people who are natural targets of sandflies - if there is one with 100kms of me it will zero in and have a go.

In my experience there is only one effective repellant - Bushmans Ultra.

I spend a lot of time at the Pin - 4 and 5 days at a time - and I'm there during the worst sandfly times. Since I started using Busmans Ultra (that's almost 3 years ago now), I consider myself very unlucky if I get bitten even once in those 4-5 days.

It's not cheap but it works - and if you suffer badly from sandfly bites then cost is immaterial.

The Ultra is 80% DEET - hence its effectiveness. If you have sensitive skin then try a small area first. I have had no side effects (other than no itching) since I started to use it.

Oh, it has another very good use - if a sandfly does get past or finds a spot that isn't protected, just rub some Bushmans on and the itch goes almost immediately - and it lasts for ages.

Give it a go!

19-12-2003, 07:21 AM
So Big_Muddie, you haven't grown any extra arms or legs yet hey?

19-12-2003, 10:31 AM
Not a one, and not likely to either. But an extra arm or leg would certainly be handy at times.

19-12-2003, 10:53 AM
especially to slap those mossies with.

19-12-2003, 12:06 PM
LOL - I was thinking of other things. No slapping for me!

20-12-2003, 03:33 AM
What "other things", I hope you haven't grown any extra appendages elsewhere.

20-12-2003, 03:57 PM
hahahahaha - no - but if I had you could be damn sure I'd have the process patented.