View Full Version : northern nsw

10-02-2004, 02:03 PM
looking for a good camping spot to take the family between coffs and the border

10-02-2004, 03:06 PM
Minnie Waters / Wooli or Woody Head just north of Iluka are my two favourites. See attached for a bit more info.

10-02-2004, 03:16 PM
Terrible area the northern nsw coast, wouldnt go anywhere near it ;)

11-02-2004, 04:37 AM
Ha ha Kris,
Guess you won't be anywhere near it at easter. ;)
My old's are at Minnie this week. I'm guessing it should be great fishing after the recent rains having flushed the creeks. Hopefully the fresh has had enough time to disperse.
Tough job, but someone has to do it. :D

11-02-2004, 03:08 PM
Guess you won't be anywhere near it at easter. ;)

Actually Jeff I won't be, with the return of 3 mates from england after 6 months an Island trip will be on the cards. Minnie will be tops at the moment, should be like a ghost town now the school hols are over. I have some photos from early january, will try and put them up later...

13-02-2004, 08:18 AM
thanx fellas minnie must be great lots of people have told me about it will try to get there soon
regards Tim

13-02-2004, 03:01 PM
Mate don't know if you surf but here is a tempter, not minnie but in the general area ;D

13-02-2004, 09:32 PM
What? Sydney to Byron surfing bus.
Yah Yah, vee lern to stand oop tooday! [smiley=gorgeous.gif]

05-03-2004, 04:54 AM
FOr years i use to goto Brunswick Heads.

Its not that far from here, and there are two great places to stay. one is the ferry reserve caravan park (thats next to the bridge) it has nice grounds and boat ramp etc, the other is the place that i cannot think of atm. But its fuither into town and the big advantage for that is it has a beach :)

Great for the wife and kids to lap up the rays! (and build a few sandcastles...)

Oh and the fishing...well....*maaaaaayybbbbbeee* good...you might have to go upriver a fair bit.

A few years ago a tanker with clourine (sp) came over the hill and lost its load....The owners of the oyster leases are still fuming I am sure.

ANyway, its worth a look. Either there or a pottville. But forget going there if you are thinking of heading off at easter. its chockers..



05-03-2004, 05:55 AM
Think the one further into town you are thinking of is called Massy Green caravan park, nearby the boat harbour. Theres another one further round near the footbridge as well.
Think the river is pretty well over the chlorine now, but there are better rivers to fish if you want a feed. Nice spot for a quiet day out boating though, and there is always plenty of little bream and whiting to keep the kids amused.

05-03-2004, 05:36 PM
If you go to brunswic some nice jewies can be had from the breakwall after good rain just a short walk from the vanpark :GOODOO

09-03-2004, 05:33 PM
Hi Gorilla in Manilla,
Sounds like you know Minnie/Wooli to.
I lived in Coffs and Grafton for many years and fished out of Wooli mainly.
Only time putting boat in at minnie when I could borrow old tractor.
Now live in BrisVegas and usually fish out of seaway.
I posted a test photo today and spaniards are from a little bait reef out in front of wooli.

Havent had the luck out of seaway or the pin but still trying.

10-03-2004, 09:22 AM
Hi Strategy,
Yeah mate, nice neck of the woods isn't it. Hope to be back down that way in the not too distant future; probably after easter when the crowds have left and my current contract is done.
Stay at minnie mainly, but usually go for a bit of a drive over to Wooli when there. I don't fish outside, usually just pull a few whiting from the beach beside the northern wall at Wooli, or the casual cruise down the beach at Minnie is great.