View Full Version : camping lights

30-03-2004, 10:35 AM
what do you guy's use as lighting when camping?
gas, battery, petrol, kero etc etc
i currently use a 12 volt fluro, which has it's limitations.
would be interested to hear your opinions

30-03-2004, 12:52 PM
dazza, I use 12v fluros both latern rechargeable style and car/powerpack powered type, and find them a very good lighting option. I would be interested in what you see as the limitations of your light.


30-03-2004, 12:52 PM
Torch, Gas lantern, plug in 12volt fluro and at Fraser with the gennie, a system of 240volt fluros.

I prefer the Gas light myself. on an extension pole. with adaptor so that the gass bbq and light operate off the same bottle. That way the light is close to the bbq so you can see wqot ya cooking.

I also have another gas bottle with a light for the table. small bot.

But a Gel Cell battery, or old car battery will power a 12volt fluro for quite some time.

Sometimes I just get very sunburnt during the day, and the rest of the camp get light from the glow of me bright mug ! ::)

Cheers Phill

31-03-2004, 03:56 AM
I made a 12v light set-up out of stainless. It has a conical surround with a bayonet style light fitting and a small battery box attached on the top that fits those sealed 19 amp batteries. You can buy 12v fluros just like the 240v ones you use in lamps at home. I put a stainless chain on the set-up so I can hang it where ever. I have two batteries which gives me about 5/6 nights of use and also an extension lead that can plug into the second battery of my car just in case.

31-03-2004, 08:02 AM
thanks guy's
might give your sunburn idea a miss, i can usually get a good glow up after a few rums though ;D

i should of been a bit clearer. i currently use an old motorcycle battery, which is lead acid. it had its limitations in that if it is knocked over i get acid everywhere :(
i think the fluro is the way to go.
how's this sound-
head to battery world and get a sealed battery that i can recharge etc
which leads me to my next question.
roughly how much is it going to cost to get a decent battery and a charger?
i aready have a 240 volt battery charger for lead acid batteries, can i use that.
would also like to be able to charge the battery form car and boat.

31-03-2004, 09:47 AM
Dazza, have you given any thought to a powerpack/ jump start unit, I brought one from repco for about $80 and it has jump start leads and two cigar lighter type sockects to run lights, phone, tv any thing 12 volt and is rechargable by mains power or by your car lighter socket whilst travelling. Its very portable, weights about 10kg.


01-04-2004, 04:11 AM
hi bc
was having a few quiet ales with the neighbour yesterday and he mentioned those things.
he was at fraser at christmas time and a bloke had one.
the ducks nut's.
will look into one of those

Derek Bullock
01-04-2004, 07:52 PM

Have brought up an old post where I asked the same question. Some interesting topics on it.


02-04-2004, 05:10 AM
thanks derek,
i thought there was a simmilar thread, couldn't find it
what do you think of those power packs, have you seen them in use much in your travels

02-04-2004, 09:51 PM
My olds have been doing the trek around aus for the last 5 years or so. They go the 12volt versa light option, and if you get a 20m length of twin insulated cable with a ciggie lighter fitting on each end, it is bloody brilliant. Doesn't matter how close you park your car (well within 10m is fine), hang it over the BBQ, then move it to the table, then into the tent if you want to read. I haven't looked myself yet, but I'm thinking / hoping you can get those yellow bulbs for them that don't attract the bugs. I've got a extra battery fitted in my 4WD to run it (and trailblazer etc), and I've also fitted ciggie lighter sockets in my boat, so the versa light can get used there for extra light when fishing, or the boat is usually parked beside the camp at night, so it can supply the camp lighting if you haven't got a backup battery in your car.

But I have to say (like Phil) that the gas light beside the gas cooker is great. Bugger all use for anything else beside cooking and fixed camp lighting unless you want to start carrying mutiple cylinders and fittngs. As far as I know, they dont come in yellow gas, so the bugs can flock to them like flies to a turd.

But then if you want to walk to the dunny at 2am, strolling past loads of other sleeping campers with a all around lantern of some sort is a real good way to piss off your neighbours, so a battery torch or headlamp is the go.

So I' say combo setup.


03-04-2004, 05:54 AM
thanks jeff
i am currently looking at
Jumpstarters- emergency starting and 12v power supply
they come in 3 sizes
300 amp
400 amp
500 amp
can recharge from 240v or 12 v. they weigh from 5kg to 9.5 kg
have 2 male and 2 female cigarette lighter points, jumper leads.
the 500 amp one has inbuilt charger so it can be left on 240v without damaging the unit.


just getting a few prices

03-04-2004, 07:45 AM
I'm not familiar with those things, but it sounds like they're designed like a car crank battery ie for heavy current, fast draw down. If you are going to be drawing small currents over a long time, deep cycle batteries are best. They seem extremely light when compared to the 130amphour battery I stuck in my boat and car. Each was about 30kg I think.
Guess it doesn't really matter if all you are going to use it for is a couple of lights, but if you were thinking of sticking a fridge on it in the future, think you'd be better off looking at deep cycle.
If they are really that light, sound like they would be the bee knees for a night spent on the rocks fishing. Lights and aerator for a blow up livie tank, whoo hoooo.

Derek Bullock
01-07-2004, 03:52 PM
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