View Full Version : Cast v spun

01-10-2003, 04:43 AM
Hi everyone, it may have been posted but I'll ask. Can all the things that can be cooked in a cast camp oven be done in a spun metal type? I'm looking at the Aussie Camp Oven from SA. The versatility looks great. Any downfalls?

Cheers, MON. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

01-10-2003, 05:28 AM
All the same things can be cooked in both, but in my opinion, the spun ovens will need greater heat regulation from the chef( easier to burn food in than cast).

Derek Bullock
01-10-2003, 04:21 PM

I think everyone knows my thoughts on this one as I just about use spun steel camp ovens exclusively.

Neptune is right about one thing and that is that they don't hold the heat as well as a cast oven. Must admit though I have cooked just about everything you could think of in a spun steel oven.

The Aussie Camp Oven is a new product from Southern Metal Spinners in South Aussie and in my view a very versatile piece of gear and very good value for money. If you can afford it then get the big one as you can fit all manner of baking trays in it, particularly muffin tins.

If you haven't already check out their website at http://www.southern-metal-spinners.com.au/

The attached photo is a batch of bread rolls and a loaf of bread cooked in my trusty old Bedourie Camp Oven that is now about 25 years old. You will see that I was using heat beads for fuel.


Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

02-10-2003, 07:32 AM
thanks Derek, yeah they look pretty versatile. Can you put them on a normal gas ring? like to boil water for pasta or a crab?

Cheers MON.

02-10-2003, 02:06 PM
Derek you seem to be an expert on Bedourie ovens, is there any secrets to lifting the lid off it without it pivoting on the handle and spilling all the coals into the oven. I have had a couple of close calls, have you made any modifications to make it easier to lift the lid?

Derek Bullock
02-10-2003, 04:20 PM

You can use them on a gas ring no problem at all.


I have a homemade pair of hooks for lifting mine off and even then you have to be careful. The new Aussie Camp Oven has the lid facing the opposite way to the Bedourie so the coals sit down inside it and it comes with it's own handle. That makes it great for lifting the lid off without filling the oven up with ash. I think that over the years though I have just got used to being careful.


Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

Derek Bullock
02-10-2003, 04:46 PM

The photo below shows a loaf of bread in my Aussie Camp Oven (Sorry not the best photo). This was the first time I used it and as you can see it is just a little overdone on top. It is the large oven in the range and can take a good size loaf. In the background you can see where I mentioned the coals sit down inside the lid.


Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

Derek Bullock
02-10-2003, 04:57 PM
Just to show you I am not totaly biased towards spun steel ovens ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D here is a pic of a nice cob loaf cooked in my cast iron oven.

Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

03-10-2003, 04:47 AM
Thanks Derek, looks like I've found my xmas present!


03-10-2003, 06:39 AM
Derek and MON, I have quite a few camp ovens, one is spun, but my favourite is one I had cast at a local foundry where I live. It is my favourite because of the speed it cooks without burning. I believe it cooks so well because of the time an old blacksmith and myself spent on getting the best seal between the lid and the base possible.The seal surface is nearly 10mm wide all the way around. What I am trying to say is that I don't think you could ever achieve that good a seal with a spun oven. Does that make a difference? I personally think that it does.

Derek Bullock
03-10-2003, 07:55 AM
Could be right Neptune but I am no expert on cast ovens. The Bedourie and Aussie Camp Oven have a pretty good seal because of the precision manufacture.

Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

03-10-2003, 09:30 AM
Hey Neptune, I've got no doubts about a cast oven. I use a cast frypan at home and it's great but the weight is something. For camping/fishing I'm looking for something not as heavy, just wanted to see if the cast could do the job.

Cheers, MON.

03-10-2003, 10:18 AM
Whatever you get MON will you will get used to. I have also seen some cast aluminium ovens, never seen one in use so I don't know about their performance or how good they might be for you, aluminiums a bit suss. Derek, I liked the precision manufacture part, you could make a good salesman for them. Cheers, neptune.

Derek Bullock
03-10-2003, 03:02 PM
For the record

I do support the products from Southern Metal Spinners in South Australia and have done some road testing for them.

That aside I have also looked at a lot of other camp cooking equipment on the market but still believe the Bedourie and Aussie Camp Ovens to be the best Australian Camp Ovens there are.

I am open though for someone to try and prove me wrong.


Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

03-10-2003, 03:42 PM
Hey Derek, where abouts do you get the "gizmo" that holds your oven near the fire thing??

You know what I mean?

Thyanks, MON

Derek Bullock
03-10-2003, 03:44 PM
Do you mean the stand it is sitting on in the pics? ? ? ? ? ?


03-10-2003, 04:09 PM
Hi Guy's
I have a "tool" that a worm farm farmer in gyimpe makes that will lift any lid off camp ovens-spun or cast and will not drop ash in your food.It has 3 legs and is spring loaded so you can hold the lid side ways to empty the ash off it.Will try and find his card he was at the camp oven festival and that is were i got it from, he sold heaps
Cheers Wizard

03-10-2003, 04:54 PM
Wizard I bet he sold plenty as this is the main problem I have found with camp ovens and the Bedourie is the worst.
Neptune I don't think the sealing would make a lot of difference as whatever you are cooking will be composed of water and it will turn to steam and vent through the lid seal. I was just reading a book on Outdoor Cooking by Viv Moon and the tips in making bread is to put something in the lid seal to stop moisture buildup.
My first effort cooking bread turned into burnt offering so I put it away to throw it out and made a second one which turned out OK. The odd part of it was when the rest of the party came back from fishing they saw the burnt bread and instead of throwing it out they just cut off the burnt bits and smothered the rest with treacle and ate it. It just goes to show you even it it's burnt fresh bread sure goes down well.

04-10-2003, 04:27 AM
Bros, you should try and leave your oven door open when baking a roast at home, then come back and tell me if the seal makes a difference.

04-10-2003, 04:42 AM
Yes Derek the stand.


04-10-2003, 09:19 AM
Neptune I wasn't talking about the going to the extreme I was referring to tight sealing v's half mm gaps. Of course leaving the lid off will make a lot of difference but that wasn't what was implied.

04-10-2003, 10:26 AM
I know what you meant Bros, just having a go at you, but if you read what I said again, I was really talking about the speed that you can cook things. I believe the better the seal the quicker things will cook, and after a long day fishing and being in the sun, I want to get stuck into my meal and then relax. I guarantee that I have reduced the cooking times for my roasts by at least half an hour and no burning at all.

Derek Bullock
04-10-2003, 04:14 PM

What you are seeing in those pics is a part of the BQMAX Portable and Compact Barbecue currently manufactured by a mate of mine in New South Wales called Max. He has recently started advertising in Bush 'n Beach Fishing Magazine. His email address is bqmax@dodo.com.au.

I have been giving it the rounds of the park and it comes out as a bit of top gear. Watch out for a feature article in a future edition of BNB.

Hey Neptune, you sure that Camp Oven isn't a Westinghouse Fan Forced model. [smiley=oops.gif] ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

04-10-2003, 04:31 PM
I think Neptune has a very good camp oven mainly due to the fact it was a one off and would be over designed. The "assembly line" models are designed to be just adequate.
Derek, Mon was asking about the gizmo but I am sure he will see your reply.
Hey Wizard have you found that worm farmer yet?

05-10-2003, 02:12 PM
Hale the Wizard
I found his card (bloody amazing in all this mess ;D)

Bob & Beth Bellette
31 St Kidla Rd Gin Gin
Qld 4671
Ph/Fax? (07)41572325
Gin Gin Worm Farm

Still can't believe I found his card must be due to win lotto soon
Cheers Wizard

05-10-2003, 04:51 PM
Thanks Wizard your memory must be as good as mine Gympie, Gin Gin bit of a difference but it is better for me as Gin Gin is closer and I will be down that way before the end of the year so I will look them up.

07-10-2003, 04:40 AM
Derek, I know you jest, but one of my friends takes a gas oven out of a caravan when he goes camping, the thing is pretty big and takes up a lot of space, but he swears by it. We go to a few fishing comps and everybody else has their little camp stoves and we have a full oven with stove top burners and griller.

Derek Bullock
07-10-2003, 05:45 PM

I often take a pressure cooker with me camping so I guess we all have our little differences. I think the key to it all is use what you are comfortable with. Speaking of pressure cookers I guess with the good seal on the camp oven you most likely would cook quicker.

Ya still cant beat a Bedourie though. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Derek [smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]

30-12-2003, 02:16 PM
Wizard I went to see the worm farmer in Gin Gin a couple of weeks ago and had a look at his lid lifter. It is designed for camp ovens with a hook in the middle of the lid and I didn't want to modify my Bedourie by putting a lifting hook in the middle of the lid. I have since modified my Bedourie to fix the instability with lifting the lid and oven as the original could be dangerous so I won't have any need for a lifter but it would be great for the ovens with a hook in the middle and also if you had a number of camp ovens on the go at once

31-12-2003, 09:20 AM
Anyone had a go at one of these. Bought one for my oldies last christmas and have to say, they are great. Great for lamb roast and full baked dinner whilst camping. Even cooked a roast at our house once, then just picked it up, held it in my lap in the car whilst it was still cooking and we drove around to another house and had dinner there. 7 heat beads are enough to do a full roast dinner, and then there is enough heat left to place some dough in it and have fresh bread cooked and ready to eat the next morning.

Derek Bullock
31-05-2004, 09:37 AM

Have had an interest in the Cobb Ovens for sometime. I first saw them at the Boat Show in Brissie. Wouldnt mind getting my hands on one but need to justify spending with all the other stuff I have here.


Derek Bullock
01-07-2004, 03:48 PM
Lift to front page

08-07-2004, 05:18 AM
well lifted

to seal a camp oven that may have an iffy seal - take the lid off lay a sheet of foil over the top & jam the lid back on - simple & efffective - is also a good way if roasting in the oven to remove the lid without ash entering the food.

I prefer the cheap & nasty cast iron ones from KMart / CampMart etc. for $20 they do a great job & at the price you don't get the guilts for mistreating them. You;ve got to really clean them well to start with & season properly to remove that disgusting wax they coat them with.