View Full Version : SPAM EMAILS

Derek Bullock
11-10-2004, 04:12 PM

Are you like me and getting heaps of dumbass spam in your inbox. It's driving me crazy and generally I just delete them.

However I have now been contacted and told I am not answering emails. Yeah thats right, in my haste to get rid of the junk I am most likely also deleting emails from people who are genuine.

If you have sent me an email lately and I havent answered it, please send it again with a distinctive message in the subject box.

My apologies to those people affected.

Many thanks.


12-10-2004, 06:32 AM
Derek instead of deleting spam I highlight it (without opening) and use the email software I'm using to say this is spam and the software then blocks all emails from the sender from then on. Pretty soon your inbox will clean itself up and the spam will be deleted for you. It works quite well as opposed to manually deleting.
Cheers, Mark.

16-10-2004, 03:19 PM
G'day Mark,

What spam software are you using. Any recommendations ???

The time spent deleating crap is starting to annoy me. >:(



16-10-2004, 03:34 PM
Just plain ol Norton internet security attached to microsoft outlook mate. If you're using outlook express, the block sender option within the software itself is good enough to stop the spam, but you should get internet security and antivirus anyways.
Give us a bell if it still doesn't work.
Cheers, Mark.

16-10-2004, 03:44 PM
Try this one, works well for me


17-10-2004, 01:01 AM
I deleted Norton Internet security several months back..flogs too much memory space and slows everything down...now using PC-cillin..awesome product..firewall..anti virus..spam filters..everything Norton does but better.

21-10-2004, 05:48 AM
I deleted Norton Internet security several months back..flogs too much memory space and slows everything down...now using PC-cillin..awesome product..firewall..anti virus..spam filters..everything Norton does but better.

And if the need arises you CAN actually un-install it... Unlike any Norton products! Norton = Bad!!!

22-10-2004, 02:14 AM
It took me a while to delete Norton Internet Security and all the associated files..I had to use Norton System works to help me outsmart the damn files and get rid of them...best thing I ever did...computer is back to its full speed again and no more lockups..farewell Norton Internet Security...never to be used here again.