View Full Version : Camp Lighting

Derek Bullock
22-04-2003, 02:35 PM

I have been using a Coleman Kero lamp for many years but am finding an allergy to the kero fumes.

Not keen on carting gas bottles around either so am looking towards a battery powered unit, either from the car, rechargeable or with it's own batteries.

Have seen some good fluro models. Any thoughts ??? ??? ???



22-04-2003, 03:50 PM


Derek Bullock
22-04-2003, 05:37 PM
Thanks Caveman

By the way can anyone tell me what an inverter actually is and how it works? ??? ??? ??? ???



23-04-2003, 04:09 PM
sorry derek all you do is plug it in to you ciggy light in your car
and plug your lead into the sockett provided , what it actualy does is transforms 12vlt to 240 vlt the bigger inverter you get the bigger appliaces it will opperate i.e. 300 watt will only run appliace up to that wattage if you need anymore info the store where you buy them should be able to tell you more about them , but the bigger unit you buy the more they cost so dont let them talk you into buying one bigger than your needs hope this helps

cheers caveman

25-04-2003, 09:48 AM
Hi Derek,

You should visit a shop that specialises in 12V gear and have a look at what's available.

Springers on the Bald Hills Flat carries some good stuff!!


25-04-2003, 05:35 PM
Thanks Caveman

By the way can anyone tell me what an inverter actually is and how it works? ??? ??? ??? ???



An inverter takes a direct current voltage (e.g. 12VDC), chops it up into little bits, and converts it to simulate 240 volts at 50 hertz, the same as standard Energex supply.

Like Cavemen says the bigger the wattage the more you would expect to pay. However, if two brands have similar specs, I would expect that you get what you pay for. eg The more expensive item would have better overload capacity or warranty etc.

26-04-2003, 11:33 AM
Derek, I bought a couple of Versa Lights a few years ago and find them excellent.One plugs into the cigarette lighter in the car and the other one has a couple of alligator clips to go onto the battery.That way I don't have to park the car in a certain position to have light close by.
They are twin fluro lights and not a drain on the battery, also they are only about 40cm long and I keep mine under the seat no problems.They are very robust and will take a fair bit of punishment.They actually threw it on a concrete floor for a demo and that sold it to me.They were about $80 about 7 years ago and I saw them at a 4W.D. show a couple of years ago and I think it was an A.R.B. stand.
Worth a look and definately better quality than some of the stuff you see at the camping stores although Campmart may sell them.Hope it is of help to you.

27-04-2003, 05:57 AM
i've got one of those cheap 12V fluoros from supercheap with alligator clip connection powered from a small deep cycle battery carried in a 6 pack esky (stiff plastic Coleman type).

The esky means you can carry it around easily - you should leave the lid off though to prevent gas build up. I use it as a backup when camping & in the boat, also good with a spotlight. You can use a standard battery but requires charging more often.


25-05-2003, 12:24 PM

I am with you...... i also use a cheap fluro from Super Cheap and now i dont really need any other lighting at all..... it servers a dual purpose as i also use it in the boat as well ... dont get much better than that.


07-06-2003, 10:57 AM

Just saw this post. Befroe doing anything - go and see choice electrial at Bowen Hills near the Ekka grounds.

If you're like me you wont walk out of that place empty handed.

I have one of their two foot long flouros for about $55 running on a 12 amp dry cell battery with an old 10 amp back-up. I can camp for over a week with as much light as you can handle.

Clean clean clean and much more brightness

Derek Bullock
07-06-2003, 03:40 PM
Cheers Brett

I might just pay them a call.


26-06-2003, 10:11 AM

I have been using a Coleman Kero lamp for many years but am finding an allergy to the kero fumes.

Not keen on carting gas bottles around either so am looking towards a battery powered unit, either from the car, rechargeable or with it's own batteries.

Have seen some good fluro models. Any thoughts ??? ??? ???



Mmm...well i use a pressure kero one that works ok. PLuse also the big gas one that the tank connects to both the light and stove.

However, recently i went into a camping store and purchased a little light. I don't know what its called but the light itself screws and locks into a disposable canister of gas. The brightness of the light is better then a 60watt globe in the house...

The canisters aren't all that big and i have used them for many hours while camping.


Derek Bullock
26-06-2003, 01:34 PM
Thanks to everyone for their input on this subject. It certainly has created a loty of interest and has helped me in looking at new equipment. I hope others have also been helped.

Rosso, how much are you paying for those disposable canisters and how many hours do you reckon you get out of one.



26-06-2003, 06:55 PM
ahhh now you have me on the spot.

I think roughly they are between 10-15 a pop (for the large ones) and can last about 20 hours or so. I can go away for a week and only use one as it really only lights up the tent for a few hours.

I got it from campmart at enoggera (when it was on pickering street) now up the road abit.

I could say to you to go in as see Todd, who knows me, but alas he has moved interstate. I don't know anyone who does a better deal then him in that store anymore *sighs*

anyway, if you could think of the height of a beer can, and about the area of a CD, then thats the size of the cylinders/cans. they are also blue.

If your really want i can get more info for you, but go into campmart and see what they have.


Derek Bullock
26-06-2003, 07:34 PM
Thanks Rosso

I know what you are talking about now.


Derek Bullock
01-04-2004, 07:45 PM

Thought I would bring this one to the top. Some interesting info.


02-04-2004, 07:28 AM
thanks derek.
what did you end up with

04-04-2004, 12:54 AM
I have been through the Kero Lights, Gas Lights, 12 V Car Bulbs linked like fairy lights, cheap Fluros and rechargable Fluros.
Conclusion after years of missus and abuse.
For the couple of times a year camper - Cheap Fluro from Supercheap or Gas Light

Life long product - Versa light Fluro for around $120. Low current draw, Good quality light, strong as, and fits under seat of car which is handy if you break down.


04-04-2004, 08:53 AM
Derek, we've been using a fluoro called a Col-light for years, they arent cheap (about $90 - $100) but they are reliable. the only problem with fluoros is in spots where the car battery is further away from camp than the cord will reach.

04-04-2004, 09:01 AM
10 or 15m of twin insulated wire with ciggie lighter fitting either end solves that nicely.
You can even take into the tent and have a read or get settled and just reach up from the fart sack and turn off the light.

05-04-2004, 06:23 PM
Jeff, mine has been lengthened to about 25m which is usually long enough, the ciggie lighter idea is a good one though, saves stuffing around with terminal clamps in the dark.

09-04-2004, 01:12 PM

I tried kero, gas, electric but finally bit the bullet and bought a shellite lamp. It is light weight, no fumes, no leads and a brilliant light you can turn up or down, same as gas lamp. Shellite is cheap $3 a bottle at camp shops / servo's. I bought the small lamp. It is great I take it camping and it is small enought to cart around, down the beach etc. It cost about $80 but it is a great thing and no leads attached.

09-04-2004, 01:21 PM
Has anyone tried a fluro on a battery with a solar panel. Supa cheap have cheap fluros and a simple solar panel but i don't know if the panel would charge the battery enough to run the light each night?

18-04-2004, 04:30 PM
Bug man has got the wright info .But super cheap is the go just went throw the exercise.

25-04-2004, 08:38 AM
a small solar and fluro work wonders

30-04-2004, 02:43 AM
Bit of a late post here'''
But have U tried CITRONELLA oil , instead of KERO...
$ 2 per ltre.... Great 4 out door lamp`s.....

Cheer`s MACKA.....

30-04-2004, 12:54 PM
Gday friends
Ive tried em all and the best is a Good Quality 12 V flouro draws 1 amp only,. cost around 90 buks attached to a portable jump pack cost around 50 buks/Battery will last for days can be recharged on 240 or car.Light can be taken anywhere and battery pack can be used for 12v showers or watever.also available to jump start if necessary.
I take mine in the boat night fishing or down the river or tape light to the jetty.
Handyist thing in my camping gear.!!!!

01-05-2004, 09:42 PM
WHONT 1 of those..................

whot shop & where in Tewantin area,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Need inside lite with NO flame///////////////////////

03-05-2004, 06:18 AM
Al sent ya a pm.
Supacheap have both lights an batteries or camping world nex door at Tewantin

03-05-2004, 06:44 AM
Many thank`s.. Got mate tracking down said product.
Cheer`s AL............

Derek Bullock
31-05-2004, 08:28 AM

Havent had the opportunity to go camping for a long time so havent renewed any of my gear. When I do though I will definately go for the Versa Light fluro.

A few extra dollars but well worth it. Mate of mine, as an experiment, ran one for a day and a half on his boat battery and it still had plenty of kick to start the boat.

For me, one of these and an extension to the car battery is the way to go.



Derek Bullock
01-07-2004, 03:49 PM
Lift up to front page

04-07-2004, 03:21 AM
G'Day Derek, What does Lift up to front page mean? I have seen it used a few times ;D Hope i don't look silly [smiley=hammer.gif]

Derek Bullock
04-07-2004, 12:28 PM
Yeah you look silly. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

These few posts were lost back in the archives and I wanted to bring them to the front page for people to look at so just typed that on them.

By the way, you arent the first one to ask.


10-07-2004, 07:32 PM
I have the same as Sharkbait a COL LIGHT , they tell me it draws .8 of an amp and i have taken it to Moreton and hooked it up to an old battery from my 4wd which was sitting idle, and it lasted for 2 weeks and never looked like having problems . It comes in a sealed plastic waterproof case as well with an inline switch . Was about $90

10-07-2004, 07:33 PM
Bought it from Camp Mart

11-07-2004, 07:45 PM
Just a note on the solar panel discussion earlier, for the unwary. If your flouro draws .8 to 1A then on most small panels you would need almost the entire day to recharge an hours usage. Check the current rating of the panel in question and the actual current draw of the load. (200mA charging for 5 hours will give you 1 hour of usage at 1A).
I use a solar panel to trickle charge my boat battery.

Having said that a 12V battery may easily have 40Ampere hours available so you would be able to run the 1A flouro for 4hrs a night for 10 days straight before the battery would be totally flat. More than most people would need I suspect.

11-07-2004, 10:49 PM
Thats true Burley_Boy , ours was only on for approx 4 hrs each night and lasted ok.

17-08-2004, 05:05 PM
I made a fluro 12v, I ripped out the internals of a 2 foot fluro and brought a 12v inverter from a solar shop and put that in there, simple and just conects to the car battery, lasts the entire trip without recharging.

24-08-2004, 04:45 PM
anyone tried a inverter runing off a battery pack

22-10-2004, 11:35 AM
lift up to the front page, turn around & put back down again ...

anyone tried a inverter runing off a battery pack

two questions ...

is the advantage of the invertor that operating a 240V light will throw more light ?

if that's the case ...

will it drain a source at a faster rate ?

I am now changing over as well will only have a gas above the stove. The new tent even has a handy zip up lead entrance so the tent the chord doesn't need to run thru the walkways. I am contemplating the jump pack idea (not that a Landy ever needs jumping) because i've seen relatively inexpensive jumppacks with variable voltages that could be used for stereos as well.