View Full Version : CAMPING TIPS

Derek Bullock
13-02-2002, 06:21 PM
Hi everyone

What's your favourite camping tip. How about sharing it with the world through here. I'm sure everyone must have a few.

Here's one of mine to kick it off.

When you buy a new tent, dont clean the metal pegs after you use them...............leave a bit of moisture and dirt on them and let a bit of surface rust build up.......this causes a rough surface on the peg and it won't pull out of the ground as easy as a shiny new one.

Well, there's one..............what's yours.



14-02-2002, 06:06 PM
;) To make life easy on your first night at camp,(after being knackered from setting up!) bring along a curry or a casserole to reheat for dinner. We usually freeze it up and let it defrost in the esky. We also buy a pack of 20 paper plates. This saves on a few dishes. We have a theory that less work you have to do, the more fun you can have!! Happy camping!

15-02-2002, 07:54 AM
G'day all.

I've got heaps, but here's my favorite.

Rubber spiders + sleeping bags = entertainment.... ;D ;D


Cheers, Slates

15-02-2002, 08:32 AM
I some times (alot) camp in sideways rain, like tropical down pours...

durring this high wind I have found away to stop my cover tarp set up from falling over...

i have one of those 3m x 3m free standing tarps, it has a pole for each corner and one taller one in the middle.
to remove wind movement I add guide ropes as rafters. So from each corner post I run a rope to the middle one and adjust tight. you can pretty much camp in a cyclone like this.

handy if you like a dry bead and stable camp site, nothing worse than being ut all day comming home to find your camp destroyed by wind and rain...

slates dont worry about the rubber spiders, we chucked this frill necked lizard in me mates tent. He went to bed and it took them about 10 mins before they bumped in to each other. Mate you aint seen funny till you watch your mate running and screaming like a girl with full on fear in his eyes. Destroyed the tent but as he busted out, small price to pay, and if we had a video (even though it has been dont) reckoned we would have won a prize.

I also use two pegs per allocation, one as per normal the other on a big angle and it locks the other peg down to remove and side to side movement that causes them to creap up.

My tent stays up...


P.S i normally take two tents camping one of which is a cheapo dome tent 3 man size. the 3 mean tent becomes my change room/shed and thats the in and out tent. the other is the sleeping tent it gets opened only twice a day to go to bed and to get out of bed, I also rool my swap up most times as I have had a centerpede in there with me not nice at all...

P.P.S a places like shady we have a hose fitted to a cut open coke bottle, the hose pionts outside the tend witht he bottle in side. that way ya can take a leak with out the mozzies givein ya hickies where they shouldnt...

15-02-2002, 10:46 AM
The hose in the coke bottle thing would be interesting for the female fraternity - maybe there's a funny home video inspiration for ya.

A bag of rock salt sprinkled over your ice and then covered with a wet towel or bag will keep things cold a hell of a lot longer.

All the best

15-02-2002, 11:31 AM
they need to use a 2lt coke bottle or milk bottle, and yep its a dead set pisser to watch (hehehehehe ge it)...

I had this one bird all to shame to do it, righto me says out with ya. 2 whole seconds she lasted prior to back in the tent, no shame is greater than mozzies where they aint supose to be...

15-02-2002, 01:58 PM
Funny stuff guys. ;D

Tent pegs are my tip. I use only 'D' form bar or Rio as some call it. about 10mm and 40cms long. heat it up and bend it in the tow bar of the car. These pegs will hold in sand, dirt, or anything you put them into. Once in, they are easy to remove as well. One twist and pull. Also use H/Duty springs on all guy ropes.

Hey Katrina, I like your work, but I prefer a Lasagna.

My funny story is the " Bush Rat " that got into me mates tent on Whitsunday island. Chewed through the side to get to some food. I don't know who was more scared. But just to see the sides of the tent blowing out with hits from Greg and the Rat, kept us in stitches for the whole trip. ;D ;D ;D

15-02-2002, 03:37 PM
Not really a camping tip but for rod holders we use pvc pipe with two hose clamps(ones used for cars) and heavy duty tent pegs clamped on the outside of the pvc. Screw the clamps up tight and you can just about belt them through rock with a hammer.
I haven't found a better rod holder on the market.
Cheers Luke

15-02-2002, 05:15 PM
;) Lucky Phill, I forgot to mention Lasagne, we've done that a few times now, just heat it up, toss a salad and away ya go!

23-02-2002, 09:01 PM
my tip, dont bother to carry extra steel pegs to popular spots. just count up the ones you have.if you find your short when you break camp,walk around like an emu and youll find five more.......try it! a bit of lame fun and ya always find a few better than the ones ya got...... ;) ;D

Derek Bullock
16-06-2005, 04:12 PM
Bringing up this old post again.

Any more tips to share ? ? ? ? ? ?


17-06-2005, 06:25 AM
zip ties on tent zippers allways great fun in the morning when people gave to get up for a leak
you can do a whole campground for under a dollar


17-06-2005, 07:44 AM
Hi all, An oldie but a goodie is the shade cloth thing, spread out under your tent and tarp to keep leaves,sand and other foreign matter out of your bed, (best of all the sand)

09-08-2005, 04:17 PM
Take a trolly camping with you.
You know the type that you can buy from the cheap shops.
You can put your fold up chair, esky and fishing gear on it making transportation of all your stuff to the jetty or beach easier.

Derek Bullock
09-08-2005, 04:23 PM
Also good for carting your water bottles to and from the taps.


10-08-2005, 10:55 AM
lights... I use 12v fluo tubes covered with yellow plastic i find it does not attract the mozzies and bugs as clear lens lights do.

10-08-2005, 12:22 PM
i was going to say shade cloth to but swfisher beat me great for comunal areas when camping on sand.

20-08-2005, 10:45 PM
Gas mantles break up very easy when in transit. To keep them in one piece, spray them with a couple of light coats of hair spray. Any cheap hair spray will do just fine. The lacquer stuff holds the mantel in one piece and when the gas is ignited, the stuff burns off and you have your original light again in seconds. Saves a bundle in mantles. Just dont hold the spray can too close or you will be back to square one again.
Eagle :)

04-09-2005, 10:27 PM
A tip passed onto me from my father many years ago was to always roll your swag/sleeping bag up in the morning no matter how many more nights your plan to sleep in it. This will greatly lessen the chance of a Jo Blake (Snake) taking a nap in it durring the day and causing havoc when you go to bed at night.
P.S. This applys even whan sleeping in a tent as well.

05-09-2005, 01:01 PM
This is one people with kids possibly do anyway.
When camping with children who may get a bit scared of the dark, tie a glow stick to the inside of your tent.
They provide security light and also make it easier/safer to get up during the night to get beany, bedsocks, warm clothing or to find the zipps for a walk outside.

05-09-2005, 04:45 PM
If your sleeping near a tent that has people who talk in there sleep, record it for future reference when they go "i dont snore" ... its not snoring.. but just as bloody annoying!

When ur camping with a bunch of fellas, make sure there is a stash of porn somewhere to keep the curious eyes off ur backside...

and make sure your first aid kit is well maintained and has plenty of bandages and stuff.. with more and more people going into the bush.. snake bites will be more common. but so will spider bites.. especially when collecting fire wood and possibly just walking around camp


06-09-2005, 11:06 AM
One thing I have found invaluable when camping for a couple of day is getting the ice to last. The easiest way to do this is freeze a carton for beer cans the night before you leave and twist the tabs so you know they are the frozen ones and leave the cold (not frozen) ones in their original form.

This works well for me cause it is no worries for me to consume a carton a day, so by the third day my frozen tinnies are just right and the ice has lasted a treat.

You will find one night in the freezer wont explode youre prized possession :o



06-09-2005, 01:38 PM
[smiley=shocked.gif]A carton of beer a day.....Thats 24 cans of beer a day.
Im plastered after 3 cans[smiley=dizzy.gif]

06-09-2005, 09:39 PM
Carton a day, I would think is fine, I do that with Rum Cans. That's 24 cans in a day, and let's say you start drinking at a conservative 10.00am. Generally, away with the boys, you will be up till about midnight, that equates out to 1.714 cans an hour, which really means that, at that pace, you would be able to legally drive a car.
Now, if you started drinking at 6.00pm, then that is 4 cans per hour, this means you are a machine.
Not sure if I am trying to convince myself here or not, but hey, beats drugs.


07-09-2005, 12:22 AM
24 beers in a slab /24 hours in a day
Just a coincidence ::) ;D

07-09-2005, 11:00 AM
My record is 23 XXXX Gold cans and a six pack of Dark and Stormeys from about 8.00am to 12.00am at Fraser last year. It slowed me down the next day thats for sure.



07-09-2005, 01:27 PM
Thats OK... Boys can drink more than girls anyway. Thats been proven by research.
Do a literature search if you dont believe me.
I am just amazed, but I remember when my husband was younger he used to do things like that as well.
Not anymore as all our money is needed for caring for the family now.
Except for Christmas, New Year, holidays secular and religious.
If I even attempted to drink that much it would not stay down.
Those Dark and Stormys are so nice arnt they.
Cheers, have fun and keep safe.

07-09-2005, 03:59 PM
When setting up dome style tents, keep as much space between the Fly and the inner tent layers,, never have them in contact with each other, this creates more ventilation and helps to prevent condensation on the inside of the tent... (common cause for people thinking their tent isnt water proof)

Shellite (available from coles and some servos, in bottles similar to metho bottles) eliminates any problems you may have with getting the fire started... be careful with it though or risk loosing your eyebrows.

08-09-2005, 06:59 AM
Tried the shade cloth on the ground bit the other weekend, works a treat until the sand gets rained on then nothing will help :)

08-09-2005, 07:12 AM
Make your esky work better for you.
Put a block of dry ice in the center of your esky, and a bag of ice either side of it. Place cardboard over the lot. Place your frozen products in, then another layer of cardboard and your cool products, milk, butter, etc. I have a one seventy litre foam esky and this last's about seven days without drowning the meat.

09-09-2005, 07:37 AM
I've found when camping on the beach if you dig a hole about two thirds the depth of your esky and place it in there and push the sand up around it the ice lasts a couple more days than if it was on top of the sand.
Ken ;D ;D