View Full Version : midgies and sandflies mix

11-09-2005, 04:36 PM
Went away this weekend, and as usual was eaten alive by midges and sandflies, no matter how much bushmans I had on!
I have read about diffferent mixes, you can do yourself in trigger bottles and I am determined to try something new!!
Any good recipes out there??
Thanks soo much

11-09-2005, 04:54 PM
teatree oil
and make sure you eat alot of vit b

but most if all i find it a case of mind over matter just kep telling yourself that they aren't biteing and they don't hurt or itch ;)

11-09-2005, 05:34 PM
Ok will try it first :)
Nephews 21st next Wed & Saturday (party) Baroccas may come into play!
Question though,
Mixture ratio? Only tea tree oil I can think of, is pretty strong generally used for inhales with a head cold?

11-09-2005, 06:13 PM
yep 1/3 dettol to 2/3 baby oil mix them together and you get a white milk.Put this on liberly and bobs your uncle.Tried and tested in northern qld and it works.It also stops the itching from any pre existing bites

11-09-2005, 07:26 PM
Dettol/Metho/Baby Oil in equal measure. Add a dash of citronella Oil. Shake well and enjoy with a fourex.

Good luck,

11-09-2005, 08:16 PM
i have read that it really depends on how much exposure you have had to them as to how bad you are affected by them and vit b does not work.

some ppl hardly notice them and others get covered in sores. the home brews can work tho they can be a bit messy.

keep some antihistimine tabs handy as they releave the itch and stop you scratching yourself to pieces.

12-09-2005, 12:12 PM
I am told it is actually the midgys PEE that stings. The mixers work ,but when the buggers do bite and itch put Vicks Vapour Rub on the spot.
[ keep this stuff away from your private bits]
Cheers Brush

12-09-2005, 02:01 PM
I supose if it doesn't work you can use what's left on the local toad population as they don't like dettol.

13-09-2005, 07:07 PM
I dont know what fire restrictions are on but you can build a little fire at dawn and in the evening.
The smoke keeps the nasties away.
I use a torch that is fueled by citronella.
This seems to work as well.

16-09-2005, 09:40 PM
Just back from 5 days at Burrum Heads (highly recommended by the way). The mix I mentioned earlier worked a treat, though there might not have been too many around.

In another previous thread, I'd been considering using a mix on my tent itself. I tried it on an older one (that's just made it's last tour of duty, due to an unfortunate accident involving a zipped flyscreen, a structurally-unsound centre hub, and an exuberant 6 year old tearway). It seemed to do the job too.

The downside is I've wasted a litre+ of home brew on a tent that's now for the bin; the good bit is that as it was the little fella that wrecked it and not my good self, the Financial Controller is obliged to release funds for a replacement. I'd already had my eye on one from Downunder Camping in Enogerra, so a good result all-round [smiley=wink.gif]

Give it a go, I say.

Good luck,

17-09-2005, 09:12 AM
If you fall victim to these blokes, Don't scratch and break the skin.
They deposit acid on the skin.
50/50 Metho and cold Tea sponged over the affected area will remove the acid and relieve the itch.

17-09-2005, 01:56 PM
eat garlic and lots of it they wont go near ya

19-09-2005, 05:56 PM
Thanks Everyone!!
Sorry I'm slow coming back to the thread, its a occupational hazard for me, I only get home once a week.
From what I read, looks like I picked the perfect weekend not to be in SE Qld ;)
I'm making two batches, the dettols and the tree-tea oils,
will see what the wind is upto this weekend, and let you know :)

19-09-2005, 06:15 PM
Try one brew on the left side and the other brew on the right, you'll soon tell which is the most effective.

I'm also interested in the results.


23-09-2005, 12:53 PM
eat garlic and lots of it they wont go near ya

Yeah and neither will anyone else.


26-09-2005, 11:09 AM
In the brew mixes using baby oil you can replace it with Sorbolene cream and its non oily when rubbed in and works as good.
Sorbolene + dettol + citronella.

26-09-2005, 01:52 PM
Thanks fellas for the tips
I'll let my mother know, she lives at elliot heads Bundy and is getting bitten alive to the point where she wants to sell and head back to Brissy

Tight Lines

27-09-2005, 08:20 PM
Adrian I think there are different species of sandflies in different area's. The reason is I live in Gladsone and if you go fishing you are sure to get bitten however other than the discomfort while they are biting I suffer no lasting effects.
I have just come back from Elliott Head and I got a few sandfly bites and they itched for three to four days. I have had the same experience when fishing in Theodolite creek.

01-10-2005, 09:42 PM
I hardly ever get bitten but when i do i ignor them. I also have been sidebyside to many who get eaten alive and i'm fine; I do eat lots of garlic almost everyday and as a result the classic garlic body odor does not happen as your system gets used to it. i do take a B multi vit sup so that might have something to do with it.....

01-10-2005, 10:10 PM
WD 40 stops them in their tracks. Sue and I have used it and we have put it on our daughter, Abbey. Apparently it won't hurt you and it is interesting to note that some people spray it onto their elbows and knees each morning to prevent arthritic problems. It is also much cheaper than any insect repellant.


02-10-2005, 05:41 PM
Hello everyone
My results were
half a teaspoon of tea tree oil, was a bit strong
1/3 dettol and 1/3 baby oil, left side
or the right I did the same but used sorbolene cream
They both worked a treat.
In the sand though, especially the really fine, after its been sandmined stuff, the sorbolene didn't attract the dust so much.
A left field, we met a camper who swore by lavender oil, trouble is my sinuses didn't agree !! ;D
Either way, very impressed with the result. :) :) :)
Thank you very much everyone. :)
Saph, bit a difficult coastal camping, but if you are about the dams, get a "dry" cowpat and throw it on the fire, won't be a mozzie about at all

07-10-2005, 12:57 PM
Dreamdays, was wondering, if 1/2 tsp of tea tree oil, 1/3 dettol and 1/3 baby oil, where is the other 1/3? Or is that the tea tree oil?

08-10-2005, 11:45 PM
If camping out check your surrounds well before pitching tent. Most people know but incase you didn't...the more wind and less swamp or still waters around...the less midgies around. A couple KMs can make all the difference.
Cheers, Jay

09-10-2005, 06:32 PM
rum - I treat the symptom not the cause

its an internal treatment, 35ml taken every 20mins until the pain eases.

It comes in handy to use premeasured doses, but I prefer to buy in bulk & dispense myself.



ps it has the handy sideeffect of making fish caught in the past remarkably larger than reality

10-10-2005, 09:23 PM
hmmmm reallly must consider that measuring stick :D

12-10-2005, 02:50 PM
Geeeesss wish I had read this post before I went to the fly blown west, could have made up some of those brews, will no next time. Not to worry I used the same method as Chris only 50mls ;) ;)

13-10-2005, 01:34 PM
Heya people! I'm from Victoria and if I get bitten by midges when up in QLD I suffer for about 3 weeks afterwards, it sucks royally. I'm headed to the Whitsundays for some camping and fishing in about a month, so this time I'll be prepared. With the sorbelene, citronella and dettol mix, is it citronella oil? Will teatree do just as good a job?

20-10-2005, 09:21 PM
definatey use tea tree!! lol ;D
Citronella you burn, definately not on your skin

21-10-2005, 04:30 PM
I don't believe Citonella oil will burn on its own.

The stuff marked as Citronella torch Oil only contains 2% citronella, I think the other 98% is kero. That's the stuff you burn.

30-10-2005, 06:48 PM
if you have no repellant on hand, a good coating of mangrove mud works. ;D ;D

23-11-2005, 09:15 AM
These remedies look like they need to be rubbed on by hand. Are there any home made concoctions that can be put into something like a litre spray container and simply sprayed on ???

23-11-2005, 11:43 AM
Yep, that's exactly what to do - a $2 spray bottle from Bunnings or wherever normally used for gardening etc is the go. Adding the baby oil gives it a nice consistency, and rubbling it in doesn't hurt in finding spots you've missed (like the back of the neck, ears etc).

I used mine up the Everglades in Noosa this weekend. The mozzies were buzzing round your ears thick, and not one bite. I've used it before, but the current batch is working amazingly well. I leave one on the boat, one with the camping gear and another on the pergola. The wife reckons I should go into commercial production :D

Good luck,

23-11-2005, 05:07 PM
Thanks Mike [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

25-11-2005, 02:52 PM
With Vit B complex, you need to be taking it regularly for several days before it works. Its only 1 part of the complex, I think it B12, that actually works, so make sure you are taking a complex, not B1 only. Those that drink grog often will already be low on B groups, so boost up on B complex or get eaten if thats you.

Different people give off different amounts of Carbondioxide, and thats why some get eaten more than others. Its the CO2 that attracts em. If you have a major problem with them at home, you can buy gas cylinder based systems that attract and kill sandflies and mossies really well. It costs about $35-40 per month, but like my mate says, thats less than foxtel, and Id rather be enjoying the backyard.

Both the dettol and teattree oil with baby oil mixes will work fine, Ive tested both. Yes, 2/3 baby oil is the right base amount, and the rest can be any mix of dettol, tea tree and citronella.

For those already bitten and suffering, rub tea tree oil directly on the bites 2-3 times a day, and you should get relief in 2 days. Get a good brand with 10% tea tree oil in it, like Eureka or Thursday Is.

Its also a great fish repellant, so DO NOT get any of this mix on your fingers/bait if U R fishing.

13-12-2005, 04:50 AM
if you have no repellant on hand, a good coating of mangrove mud works. ;D ;D
Yep! I've had to resort to the old mangrove mud trick meself,saved the day.

11-10-2008, 10:21 AM
Hi All,

We have just moved to Ningi (next to Bribie Island) and we get midgies in the backyard. I am trying the teatree oil as I dont want to use Bushmans on my kids as its full of carcinogens.

I have always suffered large but short term reactions to midgies/sandflies however I do believe you become more immune to them as time goes by.

I am trying my lavender/witchhazel moisturiser each morning with a drop of Thurs Island 100% tea tree oil added and rubbed into the moisturiser prior to application.

I know it helps post bite but hope it will work prevent them!

Wierd question ... do dogs, cats and chickens get affected by midgies as well? should I be dousing my animals in it once a week??


11-10-2008, 10:52 AM
Hi Kaety

Yes animals are affected too. I rinse my dogs with malawash after they have a bath, and also put a bit of tea tree oil on them if I notice them getting annoyed by bities.

In addition to this I add a small amount of crushed garlic to there food, this helps control fleas as well as midgies.

I used to use a homebrew similar to the baby oil,tea tree oil, and dettol mentioned above for personal use, although a few years back discovered a product a lot of the local commercial fishos use - It's called "skin so soft" from avon, it comes in a spray bottle and is far better than anything else I've ever tried for midgies, plus it doesn't stink!


17-10-2008, 01:26 PM
I heard about the use of Diesel as a deterant. The diesel does not stink and stays on your skin until you wash it off with soap and water.
Apparently the aboriginal use it.Ken