View Full Version : Water storage containers.

02-09-2001, 03:57 PM
I have two 20ltr containers that I use for drinking water when we are on the road. I stupidly :Pleft them partially full for the last 5 months and a scum/ algae or some sort of growth mark is visible in the containers.

What is the best method to clean and prepare these tanks for further use.

Thanks guys...


Derek Bullock
02-09-2001, 04:16 PM
Bundy Rum mate

Cleans your guts out so it must be OK for a water container.

No, seriously now. One good thing I have found for cleaning water containers is bicarb soda. Put about half a cup in with about a litre of water and give it a good shake. It seems to absorb all sorts of odours as well.



23-07-2002, 02:36 AM
Hi What about washing them out with some Chlorine say a few Table spoons of the Chlorine powder then some water rince it out afew times or let it soak over night .
But in futcher make sure that you keep them stored out of any sun light as it the sun that makes the algaes grow.

23-07-2002, 02:57 AM
Hi What about washing them out with some Chlorine say a few Table spoons of the Chlorine powder then some water rince it out afew times or let it soak over night .
But in futcher make sure that you keep them stored out of any sun light as it the sun that makes the algaes grow.

21-09-2006, 10:03 AM
Try a couple of steradent(false teath tablets) ;)in some water and give a good shake 8-) should do the trick I think

21-09-2006, 04:42 PM
Chlorine will do the trick. Common household bleach will do. About 60mls of 3% bleach with 3l of water. Shake ir regularly for 20 mins then rinse well. The idea of the bicarb could be worth following up withto destroy any smell


29-09-2006, 08:15 PM
Maybe try the baby bottle steriliser Milton I think.

But then again all that really is, is some form of bleach.