View Full Version : Trailer galvanised

22-12-2022, 06:13 PM
Just got my cat trailer back from the galvanisers today, cost was $1,800 (gone up considerably since Covid) including all the brackets, guide ring and other assorted bits and pieces, I will take some photos tomorrow. I built a new frame, the old one was pretty sad, and used lots of the old stuff that was still OK, Currently cleaning up the suspension and doing general "stuff" while it's easy to get to. Thought of making an aluminium one, but because I was using lots of the old trailer, sizes were not suitable. Got some new U bolts and odds and ends, nothing is cheap these days! I need to tap out some threads that are filled with zinc, but got that half done now.

23-12-2022, 06:21 AM
A couple of quick photos before I start putting it back together, I will take some progress shots later. Please note, pictures might be sideways or upside down!

23-12-2022, 09:45 PM
Yep, upside down, are you related to my wife by any chance, she does that a lot. I take my photos in landscape mode with the RHS of tge phone to the top, she does it with LHS a lot and I often have to flip them depending on which device I'm viewing them. Some seem to be sensitive to the original device orientation.

The new gal looks great.

24-12-2022, 04:01 AM
The photos seem to be a "feature" of this site, I can rotate them, save changes and post, but they are still upside down, I will try the landscape thing, just in case. Yeah they did a pretty good job of galvanising, hardly any rough bits.

24-12-2022, 09:04 AM
And I suspect Android and Apple treat them differently.

24-12-2022, 02:24 PM
Noel, have a look at this thread I posted for Cobbo. The first pic is how I do it, in landscape mode with the RHS of my phone to the top. The second pic is tajen the way my wife takes it, LHS of phone to the top. In my gallery they both look fine but posted the second one is upside down.

24-12-2022, 02:52 PM
It seems to be an iPad thing with Ausfish only, every other site it's no worries at all, must be whatever "back end" they use is not compatible.

24-12-2022, 05:15 PM
It seems to be an iPad thing with Ausfish only, every other site it's no worries at all, must be whatever "back end" they use is not compatible.
That was my next suggestion, there used to be a box bottom LHS that allowed you to select if you had an ipad but it doesn't seem to be there lately.

24-12-2022, 05:20 PM
That was my next suggestion, there used to be a box bottom LHS that allowed you to select if you had an ipad but it doesn't seem to be there lately.
Found it, says Style/color selector.I tried to post a screenshot but ended up having problems.

24-12-2022, 06:42 PM
I have fiddled with that ages ago, nothing fixes the problem, unless I ditch the iPad for Ausfish......or maybe just don't post photos.

20-01-2023, 08:04 AM
Starting to look like a cat trailer again

20-01-2023, 04:00 PM
Try these pics...

20-01-2023, 04:29 PM
They look like Noels 🤣

20-01-2023, 05:00 PM
They do look much better dont have to turn the screen over to look at them