View Full Version : Serious Fisho's
02-10-2022, 04:50 PM
I found this a bit mind-boggling that blokes would go to these lengths to cheat to win fishing competitions..:o
Just why..?..:-?
02-10-2022, 09:15 PM
Back in the late 80's early 90's there was a prick injecting water into wild pig carcasses and selling them at the boxes....shut the industry down almost....prices dropped to nearly nothing overnight.
I found this a bit mind-boggling that blokes would go to these lengths to cheat to win fishing competitions..:o
Just why..?..:-?
Human nature .......
03-10-2022, 11:06 AM
It’s dumb to me in an age where fish are deemed legal by length and have lower and upper slot limits that they aren’t measured for length instead of weight. Competition organisers left themselves open to that one.
13-10-2022, 05:56 PM
Back in the late 80's early 90's there was a prick injecting water into wild pig carcasses and selling them at the boxes....shut the industry down almost....prices dropped to nearly nothing overnight.
I used to help out my uncle trapping and shooting pigs around that time was quite lucrative ...we had to gut them but leave in the heart, lungs and liver..never thought about injecting them with water though...
Human nature .......
yeah, nah its just a very small proportion of humans that lack a moral compass like that..
It’s dumb to me in an age where fish are deemed legal by length and have lower and upper slot limits that they aren’t measured for length instead of weight. Competition organisers left themselves open to that one.
Makes total sense to me....I think these clowns were investigated previously when other competitors became suspicious why their weights for similar fish were not corresponding...its bizzare they tried it on again in further when they were already under suspicion..Just dimwit rednecks I think...
Now they are facing Felony it should be...some pretty serious money iinvolved and I think they even won a boat previously...
Prosecutor -- Fishermen caught cheating at tournament charged ( (
I hope they throw the scumbags in jail..
13-10-2022, 09:45 PM
I found this a bit mind-boggling that blokes would go to these lengths to cheat to win fishing competitions..:o
Just why..?..:-?
300k in money and a new boat it’s a lively hood and job in the USA even in Australia I’ve seen bream comp guys fishing illegaly in oyster leases just to put fish in there boat ,there a different breed when moola or bragging rights are involved.
14-10-2022, 08:22 AM
300k in money and a new boat it’s a lively hood and job in the USA even in Australia I’ve seen bream comp guys fishing illegaly in oyster leases just to put fish in there boat ,there a different breed when moola or bragging rights are involved.
Chris, is that the comp rules as oyster leases are generally non exclusive leases and anyone is allowed to fish them.
14-10-2022, 11:14 AM
Chris, is that the comp rules as oyster leases are generally non exclusive leases and anyone is allowed to fish them.
You can fish oyster leases in nsw but not in qld as I am aware not that there’s many left leases left.
14-10-2022, 02:19 PM
You can fish oyster leases in nsw but not in qld as I am aware not that there’s many left leases left.
With the new Bribie Island Bar opening up early this year there were some changes to the Passage and some very old oyster leases got exposed for about a month or so but have now been covered over again. Never got to fish them.
14-10-2022, 03:40 PM
You can fish oyster leases in nsw but not in qld as I am aware not that there’s many left leases left.
is this a competition rule or a QLD Fisheries rule? Never heard of this before.
14-10-2022, 07:03 PM
is this a competition rule or a QLD Fisheries rule? Never heard of this before.
Apparently in Qld, after much searching you need permission from the lease owner, good luck with that unless you're good friends. I doubt comps would get permission.
yeah, nah its just a very small proportion of humans that lack a moral compass like that..
You think ? - The courts & gaols are full of people that lack a moral compass .
today I saw on the news the story of peoples homes being looted during the current floods in Victoria .
Leave your boat on the side of the road for 24 hours & see what's left ......
As I said - human nature
Most of us to some extent will take advantage if given an opportunity ...... it's just a case of how far is one willing to go .
17-10-2022, 08:05 PM
Apparently in Qld, after much searching you need permission from the lease owner, good luck with that unless you're good friends. I doubt comps would get permission.
Yer in the southern end of the passage they had NO TRESPASSING signs on there racks and its a commercial fishing operation which no one can interfere with or enter and if you owned one the last thing you want is to get a hook or trebble in your finger while working on the lease from fishers loosing lures and tackle on them, and yes if you cut your teeth learning how to catch big bream from them and then let everyone fish leases in the bream comps well to me there illegal fish which should not have been offered for weigh in.
And yes now once you think about it dosn't open up a can of worms and i do hope that someone from those comps sees this and takes an issue with what they now know lol.
18-10-2022, 03:13 AM
Apparently in Qld, after much searching you need permission from the lease owner, good luck with that unless you're good friends. I doubt comps would get permission.
have you got a link? What is the penalty if caught chucking plastics near oyster leases?
18-10-2022, 09:58 AM
have you got a link? What is the penalty if caught chucking plastics near oyster leases?
I didn't keep the link but as Chris says it apparently is all to do with the lease being a commercial operation. I'll have a trawl through the fisheries rules and regs once I get a chance
Edit: This is from the Fishing Regs 2008 which only allows you entry into a marked licensed area if you hold the licence or been give authority by the licence holder. I'd have to dig deeper to find the fines etc, Fishing Regs is not an easy thing to navigate.
Entering, or taking particular oysters from, particular
(1) A person may enter a marked licensed area or take a blacklip
oyster or milky oyster from a marked licensed area only if the
(a) holds a licence on which the area is stated; or
(b) is nominated by the holder of a licence mentioned in
paragraph (a)
22-10-2022, 10:31 AM
Well getting back the those guys in the USA that put those fishing the comp and got caught out as it turns out they were arrested and fined $2500 banded from hunting for 2 years and banned from fishing for 5years and it turned out someone had seen them fishing in another lakes days earlier and as it is here fish look different from one dam to another and the bass get stressed in the live well and there fins get red that’s what other fishers picked up on.
That we a the case in a Fishing comp the Stradbroke classic many years ago where someone put a bream in with very long teeth and it looked very rusty and very old it was around 45cm and a well know fishing guy and a old ausfish mod here did not like being beaten buy this fish and called it out and that lead to the end of what was known as Jurassic lake but that’s another story.
28-10-2022, 10:17 AM
The cheating dogs are pleading not guilty... ulud2P_mMX6KQth9Sk
Whats the "Jurrassic lake " story Chris...?
28-10-2022, 10:28 AM
The cheating dogs are pleading not guilty... ulud2P_mMX6KQth9Sk
Whats the "Jurrassic lake " story Chris...?
29-10-2022, 10:55 AM
The cheating dogs are pleading not guilty... ulud2P_mMX6KQth9Sk
Whats the "Jurrassic lake " story Chris...?
There was a pond that was feed from a drain for decades and this pond had the biggest bream and flathead and mud crabs ,because of its location not many new about it ,as I mentioned someone caught a big bream from there and entered it into that fishing comp and someone from here called him out ,and this is what really peeved me off about it all someone’s friend was told we’re it was and flew over this pond known only to a few and too aerial photos and published them in a fishing publication and after that the Jurassic lake was fished out all over someone’s ego ,being beaten in a fishing comp.
Now for all those decades these huge bream and other things would have been spawning and their fingerlings would have been swimming out and repopulating the local creek and because of this silly act these fish were wiped out ,when I posted something here about it to express my anger over the photos being publish that mod that got beaten by this fish got angry with me and I got booted from here that was a long time ago.
29-10-2022, 12:04 PM
Never fished the Straddie Classic, did it have a reef fish category. I used to camp on South Straddie with a now defunct boating club and recall some of the regulars fished a comp. There was always a couple of guys "catching" some decent sized fish ut it was usually after a couple of mates who'd fished off Fraser came down for a visit. One of the club members knew what was happening but there was little he could do as the fish were transferred between boats away from the club grounds on the water.
01-01-2023, 10:51 PM
My solicitor told me that he used to have a bait supply company, now I know why those little bottle squid were so fat. He said they would by the squid in bulk frozen lots, thaw them in fresh water which was absorbed into the squid, refreeze and onsell.100% weight gain and the unsuspecting fisho pays for water. No wonder people have a jaded opinion of lawyers.
01-01-2023, 10:56 PM
My solicitor told me that he used to have a bait supply company, now I know why those little bottle squid were so fat. He said they would by the squid in bulk frozen lots, thaw them in fresh water which was absorbed into the squid, refreeze and onsell.100% weight gain and the unsuspecting fisho pays for water. No wonder people have a jaded opinion of lawyers.
02-01-2023, 08:29 AM
Not too sure anything can gain 100% by defrosting in water, but I am pretty sure there may be some increase.
02-01-2023, 03:22 PM
Same reason saltwater species don't urinate and freshwater ones do it constantly. Saltwater tends to leach body fluids from them so they try to retain as much as possible. The squid absorb the fresh water and blow up to that fat little round shape. On another note, I'm trying to comment on another thread but no text window opens when I try to reply. Anyone help?
02-01-2023, 03:58 PM
The reply box does not appear at the bottom? or is it covered by an add? if covered, try "go advanced"
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