View Full Version : Oil Injection Rate- how much is enough?

12-09-2022, 06:28 PM
G’day all.
Quick question re the oil injection on my newly acquired ‘06 Merc 75 2 stroker. If anyone could lend some advice.

The outboard really is in great nick, however previous owner informed of an issue with the low oil alarm/oil tank (which happens), so had the oil injection ‘disconnected’ and started running premix.

I’ve checked and looks like they’ve simply disconnected the low oil,alarm which is fine and all oil pump plumbing looks spot on and lastly, the oil pump indeed spits out oil, but when I did the injection rate check as per manual I forgot that they gave a figure for 1500rpm for 10mins when I was probably chugging along at around 800rpm according to the tacho,

I measured around 3mL in 5mins at bugger all revs when they reckon 27ml in 10mins at 1500.
Given I forgot to turn up the flow regulator and rev her up a bit, Does the 3mL sound ok? I’m guessing the dribble of oil would be ok given there was only a dribble of rpm?

I’m wanting to go back to oil injection, just wanted make sure there wasn’t a pump issue too…

Any advice would be great!
