View Full Version : I could probably afford a Stella but lets see this..

25-06-2022, 03:14 AM
Ali Express is offering clones of Shimano Stella's for under AUD$100, I just purchased a Stella 5000XG clone for AUD$31 i don't expect much that isif customs allows it thru

Change the bearing and drag washers to genuine Shimano u may have a decent reel

I seen a Stella SW for $88 delivered, i have only used ali express once in 2017 for a AC/DC TIG torch and the service was great

Can provide a link to the reels if anyone likes, also other purchesers post real pics of there delivered orders on the reviews of the product they bought

25-06-2022, 07:33 AM
::) do you put these things up to see what kind of bite you get ?

If you could afford a Stella , why look at a polar opposite ?


25-06-2022, 09:26 AM
Nagg $31 delivered if it turns up i'll post a video catching a kingy on it

25-06-2022, 10:36 AM
Buying fake goods seems like a good idea until they turn up in the supply chain at your local chemist or as spare parts in a flight you are on with your family from overseas or interstate.

25-06-2022, 12:35 PM
Ali Express is offering clones of Shimano Stella's for under AUD$100, I just purchased a Stella 5000XG clone for AUD$31 i don't expect much that isif customs allows it thru

Change the bearing and drag washers to genuine Shimano u may have a decent reel

I seen a Stella SW for $88 delivered, i have only used ali express once in 2017 for a AC/DC TIG torch and the service was great

Can provide a link to the reels if anyone likes, also other purchesers post real pics of there delivered orders on the reviews of the product they bought

Alliexpress :o jayzus ,Joseph n Mary Gazz !!!!!!, Ya didnt didya!!??..
Knew i should have posted my Dilema as mighta saved you some brainpain at days end !!..
Recently decided to have a play wiith Alliexpress as prices looked Good:o::)..
So decided to purchase some kastking braid through or via their site and served me right as coupla hundred brainsnaps later the Braid shows up..
Two spoools actually a 30lb and a 40lb with the 30lb spoool broken having effected some of the braid.
Messaged Kastking via Alliexpress's message centre only to start a Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnggggggggggg messaging back n forth with a Mob based in China that just keeps sending messages and vouchers that dont go through etc !!.
Placed the purchase in dispute via Paypal whom were the payees for the purchase only to be told i have to post both spools back to China at my cost and claim cost via paypal later !!??..
Been there4 done that previousely with the same return adress though with a Fsihing Reel in the past but different utfit so learnt or thought i learnt a lesson there lol,,
Parcel sat at the Post office there with the sellers claiming it hadnt arrived .. Luckilly Post office stepped in and wrote Na-ah !!. and Got both refund as well as a replacement reel then b the Headache caused was not worth it in the least and they know that when dealing with items that are suss..
FECK Alliexpress from m y end as they know all the messaging going back n forth and did feck all to assist.
Not on Fleabay i dont purchase no more lol or Local..

25-06-2022, 01:43 PM
Guy I worked with bought a setup to take on a trip to WA. He suffered no illusions about quality and only wanted to catch a couple of fish on his one and only outing. (Didn't want to cart a rig around for the rest of his trip).
He got his couple and threw the lot overboard after the reel exploded. He was expecting it to happen and wasn't surprised or disappointed when it did.

Hope you are of a similar mind Gazza.

25-06-2022, 01:58 PM
Reels are far more than bearings and drags. In those cheapies the shafts are mild steel and will bend with very little pressure the cogs etc cast aluminium and very poor quality at that and the rest of the build is just as shoddy. Just don't do it.

25-06-2022, 02:08 PM
No it won’t be as good as a real thing with a bearing and drag upgrade
look at your history of quality products off eBay here

25-06-2022, 07:06 PM
Nagg $31 delivered if it turns up i'll post a video catching a kingy on it

Be honest & post a video of when the reel fails ...... it's bound to

A few years ago I bought a reel that looked like a fair old copy of a Stella - A reel that wears the name of a reasonably well regarded brand name & is imported by a well known distributor ......... it failed on it's first trip . The thing is this reel cost many times more than your reel . When I did a bit of research I found out that there are many companies that make copies of reels & some do a decent job - & sell the same reel under many brand names ......... then you have the others .

Do you really feel that such a cheap reel is going to stand up to the task ?


25-06-2022, 09:48 PM
The fool spends twice

for the cost of getting out on the water why even risk losing a fish on junk

26-06-2022, 02:41 AM
This is another piss take.

Billy C
26-06-2022, 08:06 AM
Gazza surely this is a gee up?

26-06-2022, 08:09 AM
:lolk: Stella with 3 + 1 bearing

I had to find the add ;D - unfortunately Ausfish wont allow it

We will all be running out to buy a Deukio reel on Gazza's recommendation

Nah , Time to send the padded van out to Gazza's place :)


26-06-2022, 09:30 AM
No this is just Gazza shitting up the forums again I swear he thinks it Facebook.

most normal humans tell us what they have gone and done and how it went
not their day dreams and what will never happens

How many posts since you have come back with no completion on anything ?
start a bloody blog and waste bandwidth with that

Billy C
26-06-2022, 12:10 PM
Tell us what you really think stevej 😂

26-06-2022, 01:41 PM
ls it a Stella or a Chinese stealer ,I’ve seen baitcasters for $30 too but if you can’t afford a Stella why not something under a Stella like a twin power or a Daiwa Catilina just down from the Saltiga the lesser top brand reels are nearly the same thing just a few more bushes instead of bearings.

26-06-2022, 03:09 PM
A Saragossa or saltist would have a better chance of surviving a reasonable fish

26-06-2022, 03:21 PM
Ali Express is offering clones of Shimano Stella's for under AUD$100, I just purchased a Stella 5000XG clone for AUD$31 i don't expect much that isif customs allows it thru

Change the bearing and drag washers to genuine Shimano u may have a decent reel

I seen a Stella SW for $88 delivered, i have only used ali express once in 2017 for a AC/DC TIG torch and the service was great

Can provide a link to the reels if anyone likes, also other purchesers post real pics of there delivered orders on the reviews of the product they bought

A budget model from a well known brand would be a better bet - such as a Pflueger Salt 11, Penn Fierce, etc.

26-06-2022, 05:17 PM
I'm holding back replying to Steve..

26-06-2022, 05:24 PM
This is the reel i purchased

26-06-2022, 06:01 PM

He makes it hard

26-06-2022, 06:24 PM
Gaz doesn't need a reel to go fishin
Caught 21 already, me included.

26-06-2022, 06:33 PM
This is the reel i purchased

You're more talented than I thought, didn't know you could read chinese

26-06-2022, 06:46 PM
Pretty easy to work it out Digs the brand name and kg rating is in chinese and english

26-06-2022, 06:49 PM
If i loose a fish its not the end of world guys i do 99% catch and release i also live bait for kingys and salmon on 8lb mono 10lb leader its about the thrill and fun not how many fish i can kill altho taking one home every now and again for family is ok

The reel will never see 15kgs of drag or a locked drag most kingys i catch i catch on a sienna 2500 size reel

26-06-2022, 09:12 PM
Here is a couple video's of people using the reel



26-06-2022, 10:02 PM
Here is a couple video's of people using the reel



Is it the same reel ?

doesn't look like it


26-06-2022, 10:18 PM
If i loose a fish its not the end of world guys i do 99% catch and release i also live bait for kingys and salmon on 8lb mono 10lb leader its about the thrill and fun not how many fish i can kill altho taking one home every now and again for family is ok

The reel will never see 15kgs of drag or a locked drag most kingys i catch i catch on a sienna 2500 size reel

If I loose a fish because of the gear I chose to use ...... I would be pi$$ed off .

I also don't like throwing gear into the bin & thinking , that was a waste of money .

If I was into catching quality fish on light gear - I would want the best gear that would give me the best chance . I've done a hell of a lot of light sport fishing - you don't succeed by using $20 reels . I don't know how many times I've had to guide fishing mates in the right directions ..... because you never know what was going to come along . I've caught 1m jewies on bream gear ...... but my bream gear is a Certate & a Stella matched with Egrell rods . I can hang my hat on those captures & think yeh . Ditto for my snapper gear ....... 1.2m kingy & 1.3m cobia dont come easy .


26-06-2022, 11:24 PM
Yeah i have caught 1.1m+ kimgys and there not something i will use a 2 pound rod, 2500 sienna reel and 8lb line

If i catch bigger fish offshore big tuna, marlin, mako it will be a team effort passing the rod around just so everyone gets a go and it aint a donut day

The bigger gear i use is 10, 12, 15kg overhead gear 100lb leader but thats trolling gear not something i stand around for hours holding

None of my gear is high quality, Penn Bait Runner, Shimano Sienna, cheap $60 rods, if i were to get a Stella it would be a one off

26-06-2022, 11:26 PM
Yeah those videos are same brand but different model they are the SW 4000 mine is SG 5000

27-06-2022, 07:23 AM
Yeah i have caught 1.1m+ kimgys and there not something i will use a 2 pound rod, 2500 sienna reel and 8lb line

If i catch bigger fish offshore big tuna, marlin, mako it will be a team effort passing the rod around just so everyone gets a go and it aint a donut day

The bigger gear i use is 10, 12, 15kg overhead gear 100lb leader but thats trolling gear not something i stand around for hours holding

None of my gear is high quality, Penn Bait Runner, Shimano Sienna, cheap $60 rods, if i were to get a Stella it would be a one off

& btw - no one is saying that you need to buy a Stella either

Personal budgets always come into play ....... but that said , I'v never seen a cheap reel go the distance & expecting a $25 reel to match it up with kingies time & time again is just nuts ...... specially putting out that much drag (supposedly) .......
A video means bugger all mate ...... specially when it isn't even the same reel
This is just like your battery charger...... except you wont be blowing as much coin.


27-06-2022, 08:24 AM
Yeah those videos are same brand but different model they are the SW 4000 mine is SG 5000

So the smaller reels have a decent ball style handle but the next size up has the smaller paddle style handle. Was that an optional upgrade or is the video a con.

27-06-2022, 08:28 AM
All I can say is in your situation maybe look at someone like FishingRus in parramatta they have a lot of budget stuff that will hold up to what you want with warranty and at great prices , or keep an eye on Mo tackle they also do specials on stuff all the time . The stuff bought from Alibaba and the like are garbage at best , but of course you won’t understand that so carry on . Matt
Have a look on here it may help https://fishingrus.com.au/product-category/reels/

27-06-2022, 01:13 PM
Ironically, these reels look the same as the one I just got delivered as part of my members pack with Addict Fishing, except they have Addict Fishing written on them and it's a 3000. I'll interestingly pull it apart to see what the insides look like, but I'm thinking it'll be the same as my Sustains.

06-07-2022, 03:28 PM
....... .....

15-07-2022, 01:45 PM
Reel is not spectacular the quality of reel is about that of a ebay chinese reel, a bit loose on the tolerances, it may whitstand a kingy we will see

Trying to get the boat out next week hopefully get some winter salmon or a lone kingy and get this reel spinning

17-07-2022, 09:17 AM
Back to the title ......

I could probably afford a Stella but lets see this.. (http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php/210444-I-could-probably-afford-a-Stella-but-lets-see-this)
Yeh I could understand the title if you went & bought a Certate instead ...... $600-$700 saving but still ended up with an awesome reel .
Be interested to hear how long it lasts .


17-07-2022, 12:11 PM
For the cost of a days fishing it’s not worth the risk when a oversized $99 penn Spinfisher could do the job

also don’t like the idea of leaving fish with 50m of braid and a circle hook left in them all for a look at me reason on ausfish

17-07-2022, 02:01 PM
For the cost of a days fishing it’s not worth the risk when a oversized $99 penn Spinfisher could do the job

also don’t like the idea of leaving fish with 50m of braid and a circle hook left in them all for a look at me reason on ausfish
Up my way everytime a pelican is found with hooks in it's beak we're blamed for leaving the stuff lying around.

17-07-2022, 04:30 PM
Would one say Braid is more evil in this regard than Mono ??..

17-07-2022, 04:46 PM
Would one say Braid is more evil in this regard than Mono ??..

I wouldn't

It will take a long time for mono to break down enough to break up ..... it could be years

But yes - most braid will last longer .


17-07-2022, 05:12 PM
Gee Steve you exagerate a lot when was your last fish caught with 50 meters of line? I'll wait

17-07-2022, 06:42 PM
again gary being a flog and ignoring the point, the fellas at the hull truth start ignoring you too ?
Guess you truely have run out of forums to shitpost on

focus on the statement if you can

"For the cost of a days fishing it’s not worth the risk when a oversized $99 penn Spinfisher could do the job"

"why even risk leaving a fish trailing braid of 1 -1000m"

most people cant afford stellas and you dont need a stella for this type of fishing, good luck to anyone that can

17-07-2022, 06:50 PM
Would one say Braid is more evil in this regard than Mono ??..

both are bad, wasnt implying one wasnt.
just dont have mono on anything but my beach gear

17-07-2022, 06:52 PM
So u make a statement i call it out than u make out it was theretical now you turn it on me posting shit?

Come on Steve don't make shit up than i have nothing to reply to

17-07-2022, 07:49 PM
Gee Steve you exagerate a lot when was your last fish caught with 50 meters of line? I'll wait

Most of my offshore fishing is often in significantly deeper water and yes I have often lost 50m of braid due to it being cut on part of the boat/motor somewhere.
Good luck if you're lucky to fish in shallower waters just remember it's not all about your fishing.

17-07-2022, 08:35 PM


17-07-2022, 08:50 PM
Quote 1: "Don't make shit up"

Quote 2: "Gee you exagerate alot"

Thread title: 'I could probably afford a Stella'