View Full Version : Upgrading LBT

31-05-2022, 08:35 PM
Going to upgrade my small 20 litre bait tank i have found a 85 litre tank looking to hold a mix size of live squid up to 45cm calimari's (head and hood length)

Do u guys think the 85ltr tank will be to big for the 19ft hull?

I will be welding a aluminium frame to go under the tank just looking to raise the tank enough to hang 2 or 3 drains over the back, also going to buy the 800gph pump with pickup tube so i can just switch on the pump and run it the whole day

31-05-2022, 09:17 PM
Going to upgrade my small 20 litre bait tank i have found a 85 litre tank looking to hold a mix size of live squid up to 45cm calimari's (head and hood length)

Do u guys think the 85ltr tank will be to big for the 19ft hull?

I will be welding a aluminium frame to go under the tank just looking to raise the tank enough to hang 2 or 3 drains over the back, also going to buy the 800gph pump with pickup tube so i can just switch on the pump and run it the whole day

I litre of water of seawater weighs just a fraction over 1 kg. Decide for yourself if you are happy with 80kgs+ sitting there.

01-06-2022, 07:29 AM
80lts is pretty big - but realistically it's probably 70lts ( considering the overflow) - 60lts is pretty common on boats

If it is mounted in the center of the transom - I cant see an issue other than dragging 70kgs of water around .


01-06-2022, 08:33 AM
Gazza, plenty of 60 litre drums around, put one in the boat next trip, fill it with water and see how that affects the genetal ride and handling. You may need to tie it down to stop it rolling around but you should be able to reposition a couple of times to get a feel for it.

01-06-2022, 05:42 PM
Thanks guys, i waslooking at raising the 85ltr tank a little higher than normal just so i can position the over flows lower so no water sloshes on the deck, i have had 20ltr home made and one bought 30ltr but wouldlike to downrigg some big squid

I will take the online measurements out to the boat, biggest worry is the water sloshing side to side making the boat feel unseasy

01-06-2022, 09:24 PM
Gazza, i run 2 40 litre tanks, one in each corner. I normally go as high as about 15 big slimies to a 40 litre tank, 20 or a few more on smaller ones, secret to cramming them is ALLOT of inflow at the bottom of the tank and overflow from the top of the tank. 85 kg's allot in a 19 footer i recon, i'd be looking to go 40 to 50 with an optimal water setup. Thats my 2 cents worth anyway.

02-06-2022, 12:16 AM
What size and brand of pump are u running out station? Are u running a one way ball valve on the intake line?

I have found some 35L and 55L tanks (poly mate)

02-06-2022, 12:17 PM
Gazz, Rule tournament 800gph. My infeed goes through the side at top water level but its an elbow with a hose tail, i have a length of hose on it to the floor of the tank so water enters at the base (so hence no one way valves or anything like that needed). Where it comes of the elbow i have a 2mm diam hole punched in the tube, just big enough to let air in so it doesn't syphon out if somebody turns the bait pump off by mistake. 800gph through a 55L well set up tank would work well imo.

02-06-2022, 03:36 PM
Thanks OS i will go with a 800gph pump on my transom i dont wanba drill a hull thru the bottom hull, i'll run the hose up over the transom over the splash well than down to the bottom of the tank

I will just need to run the pump the whole time so it doesnt back siphon

02-06-2022, 07:00 PM
Thanks OS i will go with a 800gph pump on my transom i dont wanba drill a hull thru the bottom hull, i'll run the hose up over the transom over the splash well than down to the bottom of the tank

I will just need to run the pump the whole time so it doesnt back siphon

So did you miss this bit in Out-Station's post:
" Where it comes of the elbow i have a 2mm diam hole punched in the tube, just big enough to let air in so it doesn't syphon out"

Basically where it enters your LBT at just above water level you want drill a hole, even 1 mm is enough. It will act as an aerator which a lot of people go for which I don't consider necessary if pumping in fresh continuously, or if you have one already then use it and it's the same thing.

02-06-2022, 09:01 PM
I could'nt make sense of the hole Digs, while the pump is on would'nt water push out the hole and leak into the hull? I can't see the hole working like a ventury while under pressure

I grabbed a jonhson 750gph, the 55ltr tank like in my first post pic and i ordered a transom pickup bracket, i will need to drill a hole in the pump base

02-06-2022, 09:54 PM
The hole is in the pipework inside of the LBT and just above the waterline. Once the pimp is turned off the water won't be able to syphon back out. As I said, make it an above water aeratir inlet and probldm solved.

03-06-2022, 12:42 AM
Ok now i understand

03-06-2022, 05:22 AM
Cheers for the clarification Digs i was going to plumb the intake straight into the bottom side of the tank i have since found this flowrite powerhead

05-06-2022, 07:44 PM
What Dignity said Gazz. Hole is in the tube where goes onto the hose tail, just above top water level so it can suck air to stop the syphon effect, simple but crucial part of the system!!!

06-06-2022, 02:09 AM
Cheers Outstation

06-06-2022, 02:22 AM
None of my stuff has been delivered yet must be problems with auspost, i will need to run new wiring, a switch, a fuse etc.. for this bait tank pump so its got me thinking about doing all my wiring installing 8x 19mm round stainless button/switches for bait tank, bilge, nav lights anchor light, eventually cabin lights, bow and transom flood lights

I absolutely suck at wiring i can solider but most of my crimp connectors fall off

Plan is to buy the stuff from ebay ARB or Narva brand for fuse box, switches will be cheapies on ebay $25 for 4 2x sets only because they are $70 each individual switch from Narva and i need 8x of them

Want to avoid switch panels would rather do individual switches as they can fill up console space

Going to extend my console in height so i can dash mount my lowrance 9" sounder and dash mountmy raymarine A series gps than i will be using a samsung S8+ velcroed onto the dash and connect mercury vessel view mobile for engine data

So a bit of wiring to go on, also crank battery is getting replaced with a century 780 going to place it back left of hull under the gunnel/splashwell

06-06-2022, 07:32 AM
If you have problems buy this type of crimp (I call them F type crimps) and a crimper (about $20). They will not come apart, just need to remember to put a piece if heatshrink on first or you can also buy the slip on covers, you can buy them galvanised and in all types of configurations. If you've ever pulled motors or other electrical equipment apart this is what is used. Also looks so much neater, you'll never go back to those other cheap crimps.

Here is just one site:

06-06-2022, 04:24 PM
Yeah i have worked with those F type crimp plugs Digs they are heaps strong compared to flat squash type crimps

09-06-2022, 05:28 PM
Tank came today looks perfect size for big squid but has no mounting brackets or bolts

My order for the pump pickup was cancelled the shop said they sold out

13-06-2022, 04:15 PM
Started building up my console today to fit a switch panel or seperate 19mm stainless buttons for my switches, not sure if i want to dash mount my lowrance hook 9 and A series raymarine i am actually contemplating selling both of the above and ordering a lowrance ti2 12inch from ebay usa before i cut any holes in the raised console

The raised console is only screwed into place stitched with cable ties and filletted for now i will radius the edges than glue and glass it down soon

Once this is done i need to do a huge wiring job of the whole boat

13-06-2022, 04:43 PM
Gazza, just wondering, as you are not the tallest person around will you be able to see over that console, I would reduce it by half and have the top half glass or polycarb. After all you don't want to go hitting anything because of obstructed view, unfortunately happened here in Qld on the weekend, a young fellow died when the boat he was in hit a marker buoy.

13-06-2022, 09:30 PM
I can see over it very easy Digs its a litte shorter than the windscreen i had on there, whole console is only about 1200mm tall

Yeah i heard about that accident crazy stuff i don't fly around at night very cautious for that reason

17-06-2022, 09:58 PM
Only just fits the two screens Digs plus a samsung S8+ will go down the bottom hooked up the the engine data, im about to order 6-8 19mm stainless push buttons that will go up the left side of the screens

I'm going to velcro the screens in so i can remove them

Also going to cut my T-Top in half weld on some plates and hinge the top half hopping to do this next week when i get another argon refill

21-06-2022, 04:15 PM
Finally getting around to the t top just made my cuts and grabbed some 44mm stainless tubing its only 308 not 316 as i got it from a exhaust place i dont care if it rust, made my adaptor sleeves 250mm now i just need to sort some kind of locking bolt set up that i dont need tools for and weld on some feet, the top will be pop rivetted on

Ramble... or not no one is making u read this post... :)

21-06-2022, 06:25 PM
Click bait ???????

WTF has this got to do with a live bait tank ?


21-06-2022, 06:35 PM
Other members have complained about me starting new threads... saying i should keep it all in one of the other threads i have posted, now your saying it has nothing to do with my lbt, cant win..

All my other thread's have been over ran, closed or turned nasty

Pretty simple if no one has any advice reguarding my rebuild would be helpful to start ya own raving and ranting thread

21-06-2022, 06:45 PM
Other members have complained about me starting new threads... saying i should keep it all in one of the other threads i have posted, now your saying it has nothing to do with my lbt, cant win..

Yep - you cant !

But you do have posts already with regards to your rebuild don't you ?

your live bait tank post was a legitimate post - so why screw it up by putting up a post about your T Top .

Gazza - seriously .... people will help you out when you need help ......... that said you need to listen & take advice - the minute you throw that back in members faces you'll cope a backlash .

I've fired my shot - because you've just ignored your own post & gone feral

I'm sure most here would agree


21-06-2022, 06:52 PM
Yep - you cant !

But you do have posts already with regards to your rebuild don't you ?

your live bait tank post was a legitimate post - so why screw it up by putting up a post about your T Top .

Gazza - seriously .... people will help you out when you need help ......... that said you need to listen & take advice - the minute you throw that back in members faces you'll cope a backlash .

I've fired my shot - because you've just ignored your own post & gone feral

I'm sure most here would agree


Thing is 10 people chime in with there own ideas i cant actually physically put all 10 peoples advice into motion for one job than 9 people get in a uprorr that i didnt listen to them,

I have one job not ten ofthe same to utilise everyones advice

21-06-2022, 07:22 PM
Thing is 10 people chime in with there own ideas i cant actually physically put all 10 peoples advice into motion for one job than 9 people get in a uprorr that i didnt listen to them,

I have one job not ten ofthe same to utilise everyones advice

Hey you can acknowledge & let it slide ...... but you ignore sound advice time & time again .

If some one says X & you say Y ..... then several others say X .. ..... & no one says Y or supports it - hey ?

I went with LiFePO4 batteries against what most were saying 4 years ago ....... but it was based on research & elimination of what people actually didn't know .

The reality it was a couple of weeks of research that supported what I believed .


22-06-2022, 10:36 AM
Gaz I hear you have scrapped the build of the smaller 2nd boat...

Here is a great alternative thats ready to go...

They do 3-4 knots last for 4 hours on your 2x100 Ah batteries and have all the mod- cons ..


Just need to mount a live bait tank for your squid and you could rip into the Kingi's..

All for the cost of a battery recharge...

If fuel prices keep rising I might get one for chasing Reds on the reef up here..;)

Might actually be fun in the estuaries though..:)

22-06-2022, 01:46 PM
Gaz I hear you have scrapped the build of the smaller 2nd boat...

Here is a great alternative thats ready to go...

They do 3-4 knots last for 4 hours on your 2x100 Ah batteries and have all the mod- cons ..


Just need to mount a live bait tank for your squid and you could rip into the Kingi's..

All for the cost of a battery recharge...

If fuel prices keep rising I might get one for chasing Reds on the reef up here..;)

Might actually be fun in the estuaries though..:)

Yep that looks like a great idea , maybe he could follow you out and show you how to catch those reds bahahahaha

22-06-2022, 06:24 PM
so where does your vhf and epirb fit atm on that console?

23-06-2022, 09:31 PM
VHF will be a handheld model a mate recently purchased one from jaycar and he checked in with the coast guard out at the fads, the radio will be mounted on a arm band

Epirb will likely be strapped the t top leg or to the side of the console

24-06-2022, 06:18 PM
I got a STEDI 18W mini light bar delivered look how much light this little thing puts out for a $44 light just crazy!! I have 2x STEDI 20W lights coming for the back of t top

This little light bar only pulls 18watts at 13.8v the spread is about 13 meters with really good light spread 5 meters each side of the light bar

26-06-2022, 06:58 PM
Only just got the add on to consoke glued in tonight had a brain loss moment and forgot to coat the inside with epoxy i will do that once i cut out the holes for fish finder

Looking at getting a stereo for the new console add on but want to spend less, looking at getting this boss unit

26-06-2022, 10:25 PM
Only just got the add on to consoke glued in tonight had a brain loss moment and forgot to coat the inside with epoxy i will do that once i cut out the holes for fish finder

Looking at getting a stereo for the new console add on but want to spend less, looking at getting this boss unit

Yep .... now I know you are taking the piss Gazza

I give it ....... 6 months


26-06-2022, 11:38 PM
Nagg Boss is a known brand i had a boss amp in my car back in 1999 it worked perfect the onepictured is also a marine radio thats waterproof

27-06-2022, 07:37 AM
Nagg Boss is a known brand i had a boss amp in my car back in 1999 it worked perfect the onepictured is also a marine radio thats waterproof

I'm familiar with Boss - helped a mate rip one out of his boat & replace it with a Fusion .

Does that radio really look like a sealed marine stereo to you ?


27-06-2022, 06:23 PM
I'm familiar with Boss - helped a mate rip one out of his boat & replace it with a Fusion .

Does that radio really look like a sealed marine stereo to you ?


They only have a waterproof face but if water got in behind my dash all my electronics would be ruined

27-06-2022, 07:51 PM
I went with Digs advice on the crimpers/terminals, i chose this waterproof connector kit and it makes very nice and very tight cable connections

Also had two of these new STEDI lights delivered but im not happy with the light beam, the other STEDI light bar is way better

28-06-2022, 09:29 AM
They only have a waterproof face but if water got in behind my dash all my electronics would be ruined

The trouble is Gazza that salt spray / mist will get into your console ...... That's why the quality gear is all sealed (front & back) .

All your electrics should be based on marine gear..... incl silver wire - otherwise you'll just end up with failures . ...... been there done that


28-06-2022, 04:03 PM
The trouble is Gazza that salt spray / mist will get into your console ...... That's why the quality gear is all sealed (front & back) .

All your electrics should be based on marine gear..... incl silver wire - otherwise you'll just end up with failures . ...... been there done that


I live 500m from the beach and even in the home all fittings even SS rust, what chance has something got on a boat in the briny.

28-06-2022, 06:01 PM
I live 500m from the beach and even in the home all fittings even SS rust, what chance has something got on a boat in the briny.

Absolutely ....... I've had gear locked in dry hatches & still corrode

Hence my comment to Gazza


28-06-2022, 11:42 PM
Yeah im using tinned cable, galvanised lugs, looking for galvanised or zinc coated spade connectors, i got a NARVA 8 fuse block which has all metal contacts coated silver for marine use, i have a couple neg pos distribution terminal post that are plated

So doing it all right just the stereo was a thought, i may just use my mobile phone for music connected to the local radio station app

29-06-2022, 12:19 AM
I'm going to run 3 gauge cables from the battery to engine (start/run), i will be running 4mm2 (25amp) cable from the battery to the lower consoke where the power post + - will be than i will be running 2.5mm2 (7.5amp) cable to the switches, fuse block, and accessories

Items i will be running

Fish finders 1.8amp x2
Front light back light seperatly wired/switched 1amp each
Both nav and anchor light pull .5amp
Cabin lights x2 wired together pull .5amps
Mobile phone usb charger 2amps
Bilge pump 2.5amps
Bait tank pump 3amps

All above will be on a button switch on/off also every accessorie will be on its own circuit's from the power posts but the usb charger will be connected live without a on/off switch incase the switch is faulty and have no power = flat phone battery in a emergency

29-06-2022, 01:42 AM
These are the lugs i will be using

Big lugs are

M8 - 3gauge for starter cables from battery to isolater switch to engine

M6 - 4mm2 from isolater to power post

M6 - 2.5mm2 from power post to accessories

M6 pos/neg power post

29-06-2022, 08:41 AM
Yeah im using tinned cable, galvanised lugs, looking for galvanised or zinc coated spade connectors, i got a NARVA 8 fuse block which has all metal contacts coated silver for marine use, i have a couple neg pos distribution terminal post that are plated

So doing it all right just the stereo was a thought, i may just use my mobile phone for music connected to the local radio station app

Why not buy a little GME radio - they go OK just as long as you use some dielectric grease on the connectors


29-06-2022, 06:09 PM
I will take a look at GME radios shortly thanks

29-06-2022, 06:12 PM
Just getting my add on sorted before the rain hits sydney ended up with a little air bubble here and there but turned out pretty good, i need to pick a radio and speakers that fit the two lower holes in my console than fill in all the other holes

30-06-2022, 03:16 AM
The GME stereo is awesome i found this video of the american model on youtube


30-06-2022, 09:52 PM
I'm ganna order that GME radio above next week, last couple of things i need are a epirb (not purchasing just yet) and a VHF portable radio anyone know if there are any optional longer antennas for our australian handheld radios?

So far looking at the GME GX850

01-07-2022, 02:01 AM
I'm ganna order that GME radio above next week, last couple of things i need are a epirb (not purchasing just yet) and a VHF portable radio anyone know if there are any optional longer antennas for our australian handheld radios?

So far looking at the GME GX850

A stereo is more important than an epirb is it…?

01-07-2022, 02:04 AM
A stereo is more important than an epirb is it…?

NSW you dont need a epirb up to 2kms

01-07-2022, 07:03 AM
Big difference between 'needing' and required by law.

01-07-2022, 07:06 AM

If you're on open waters and more than 2nm from the shore, you must have an EPIRB. Even within 2nm, it's recommended.

Open waters are navigable waters that are not enclosed by land or not within a river, bay, harbour or port. They include coastal and ocean waters.

all nav maps have an open waters line marked
for Botany Bay it’s well within the heads and same for broken bay and Sydney harbour

from the places you have shown yourself fishing you need a epirb
Also 2nm is 3.7km they don’t use kms in the rule book but it doesn’t matter as the open water line overrules the 2nm rule

id be buying a $400 epirb before a Stella bro

01-07-2022, 08:04 AM
I'm ganna order that GME radio above next week, last couple of things i need are a epirb (not purchasing just yet) and a VHF portable radio anyone know if there are any optional longer antennas for our australian handheld radios?

So far looking at the GME GX850

Wouldn't you need an EPIRB if you fished the Port Hacking artificial reef ?


01-07-2022, 12:24 PM
Its 2nm's from shore not 2nm's from the open water planing line otherwise people would'nt be able to leave the bay

Looks like all my planning is turning to crap i waited 5 weeks for the new electric motor shaft and it never got delivered, just receieved 7x 19mm stainless button switches that are momentarally not latching so i need to come up with a new switch idea

The john dunphy reef off port hacking is only 2kms offshore

01-07-2022, 12:56 PM
Its 2nm's from shore not 2nm's from the open water planing line otherwise people would'nt be able to leave the bay

The john dunphy reef off port hacking is only 2kms offshore

man surely you do realise that its not about splitting hairs over distances...

Its about what are you going to do if you end up capsized and fighting for your life in the water when you cant use your radio or phone..

You can just as easily drown 2km's offshore as 20 km's.

01-07-2022, 01:02 PM
I guarantee waterways and water police will ream you if you go out past the open water line at botany

is based on a shore accessible landing spot which there are none and beaches with surf conditions don’t count

Your not exactly a reliable source of safety advise or with your videos of batteries in saltwater moving around in a engine well
it’s Dodgy shit like that ruin other fishos days having to tow people back in

01-07-2022, 01:03 PM
man surely you do realise that its not about splitting hairs over distances...

Its about what are you going to do if you end up capsized and fighting for your life in the water when you cant use your radio or phone..

You can just as easily drown 2km's offshore as 20 km's.

Darwin Award in progress.

01-07-2022, 02:47 PM
man surely you do realise that its not about splitting hairs over distances...

Its about what are you going to do if you end up capsized and fighting for your life in the water when you cant use your radio or phone..

You can just as easily drown 2km's offshore as 20 km's.

Yeh well said ......


01-07-2022, 07:08 PM
I have been pulled up offshore only a few times, i have been pulled up inside botany bay a ton of times, they have never said anything about not having a epirb or radio in open waters

We see water police or maritime almost everytime offshore from port hacking heads they never harass us marine rescue is always out there too

The boat has already proven its sea worthy yes the battery will be relocated but it was fine where it was just look at open transom tinnies they have the same battery location

01-07-2022, 09:17 PM
Waited 2 weeks for these stainless switches to arrive and was sent the wrong type so now in the process of returning them, i have just ordered 2x of these blue and black Narva switch boards which means i wont be able to install a stereo on the face of the console

I may still be able to mount the stereo on on the left or right lower side of what i built onto the console

But i'll order a epirb and radio for now instead of the stereo

08-07-2022, 03:07 PM
Ordered a epirb and a gme gx800 radio, my SCA order looks like it may have gone missing (2x narva switch panels) 3 days late (6 days in total) tracking saying they are having problems

I am not having much luck with ordering parts the electric motor shaft from the united kingdom also went missing and was never delivered

Sanded my whole console add on with the flap disc than made some cut outs to fill in the console holes, glued them in today

I am now making a new easier to use heavy duty trailer mover this little sucker will be geared for over 2000nm of torque 48volt dc motor

Tested pulling my trailer with a comealong and it took 175kg to move it

14-07-2022, 09:34 PM
Just a paint brush job, should have my GPS and fish finder in there in a few days

Big day today went to grab paint and had a phone call cops wanted the neighbor who was aparently hiding in my boat, uniform cops, detectives, helicopter, dog squad all at my house they wanted to gain access to lift the tarp after an hour my poor mum let them thru the house to find no one in the boat

One cop went to draw the gun on my dog my mum put him in place tho

True story... contact fairfield police if u think im talking shit..

14-07-2022, 09:38 PM
GME GX800W VHF radio and a non GPS epirb added to the boat

14-07-2022, 10:32 PM
Looks a bit blurry gaz

15-07-2022, 06:50 AM
Just a paint brush job, should have my GPS and fish finder in there in a few days

Big day today went to grab paint and had a phone call cops wanted the neighbor who was aparently hiding in my boat, uniform cops, detectives, helicopter, dog squad all at my house they wanted to gain access to lift the tarp after an hour my poor mum let them thru the house to find no one in the boat

One cop went to draw the gun on my dog my mum put him in place tho

True story... contact fairfield police if u think im talking shit..

More importantly Gaz

Why did you design such a small console ?

I mean you've got bugger all protection - little room to add a second sounder & very little dry storage .

Side by side seating with the steering wheel in the center ...... how does that work when driving the boat ?

I'd imagine It wouldn't be nice being a deckie on that boat

If you tried to sell it - it would go against you.

Just my opinion as a long time console boat owner & having owned a Quintrex reef raider which also had a small console ( but bigger than yours) .......


15-07-2022, 08:18 AM
Nagg it was a bought second hand console something i dkne to speed up the peocess of getting the boat on the water

The console fits my t top that is going in next, yeah the console could be wider but its ok

The ride is pretty dry that last video i done was in 5 foot swell plus chop the camera only got a tiny bit wet, all of us stayed dry tho

The console can fit both of my sounders 9" and 5" plus my switches which u may see pics later today with them installed

The console being in the middle of the boat suits me perfect, the seat is often reversed facing backwards where my cousins sit while i drive the seats will be later replaced with a sliding single CC seat so it can be reversed

15-07-2022, 08:28 AM
Nagg it was a bought second hand console something i dkne to speed up the peocess of getting the boat on the water

The console fits my t top that is going in next, yeah the console could be wider but its ok

The ride is pretty dry that last video i done was in 5 foot swell plus chop the camera only got a tiny bit wet, all of us stayed dry tho

The console can fit both of my sounders 9" and 5" plus my switches which u may see pics later today with them installed

The console being in the middle of the boat suits me perfect, the seat is often reversed facing backwards where my cousins sit while i drive the seats will be later replaced with a sliding single CC seat so it can be reversed

Find yourself in a sloppy sea with a stiff crosswind & you'll appreciate what I'm talking about .

I'll certainly be interested in seeing the sounders in place


15-07-2022, 12:17 PM
Needs lots of wet sanding than another coat or two ofpaint but i cant be bothered, thats a9" lowrance and a E or A series raymarine gps

15-07-2022, 02:22 PM
Why anyone buys a non gps epirb these days beats me.
Might as well save ya money and buy a whistle.

There's minimum compliance.... and then there's safety for loved ones & friends. No brainer for me.

15-07-2022, 03:07 PM
Needs lots of wet sanding than another coat or two ofpaint but i cant be bothered, thats a9" lowrance and a E or A series raymarine gps

Or stripping right back and doing it properly, and considering photos tend to hide a lot of blemishes that looks terrible. Maybe if smidsy saw this job before he started on his project he might have had other ideas.

15-07-2022, 03:30 PM
Why anyone buys a non gps epirb these days beats me.
Might as well save ya money and buy a whistle.

There's minimum compliance.... and then there's safety for loved ones & friends. No brainer for me.

I had to go back and have another look at his Epirb..
Wow he saved himself $50 by getting an Epirb with a 5km accuracy rather then 100m...
Well done gaz...::)

15-07-2022, 04:17 PM
I have come to the conclusion you guys live very little lives you're not hapoy with other peoples advancements yet judging every aspect of every feature on every minute detail

I have 2 gps sounders, i have a vhf to relay gps co ordinates, i have a epirb, i have a boat that cant sink, shit should i wear tow life jackets incase one doesnt work?

15-07-2022, 05:15 PM
got a compass,proper marine map vhf licence?
doubt it

15-07-2022, 08:24 PM
I have come to the conclusion you guys live very little lives you're not hapoy with other peoples advancements yet judging every aspect of every feature on every minute detail

I have 2 gps sounders, i have a vhf to relay gps co ordinates, i have a epirb, i have a boat that cant sink, shit should i wear tow life jackets incase one doesnt work?

Depending purely on electronics is really just asking for a Darwin Award. The difference between life and death is literally 1 second. Think of what can go wrong and take steps to avoid it, it's neither cheap nor worth arguing about it. You think you know-it-all all, trust me the ocean has far more power than you realise. Do some research and find out how fast even a swell travels. A single wave carries more power than most machinery you've had anything to do with.
I've been pushed sideways by waves I thought were very minor. You have no idea where thst wave originated nor how it buikt up the power behind it. Are you even aware of the relationship between the length of a wave and it's depth.
You really are living in a very temporary world.

15-07-2022, 08:29 PM
I have come to the conclusion you guys live very little lives you're not hapoy with other peoples advancements yet judging every aspect of every feature on every minute detail

You keep posting every minute detail.
Whaddya expect?
You'll get praise when it's due and criticism when it's not.
Get used to it. You should be by now.
And I wasn't being critical.. merely stating an opinion. Buy and do whatever floats ya boat.
Oh. And 2 lifejackets might not be a bad idea if ya electronics get shorted while underwater and you're waiting for that search mob 5ks away to see you.

15-07-2022, 09:14 PM
I have come to the conclusion you guys live very little lives you're not hapoy with other peoples advancements yet judging every aspect of every feature on every minute detail

I have 2 gps sounders, i have a vhf to relay gps co ordinates, i have a epirb, i have a boat that cant sink, shit should i wear tow life jackets incase one doesnt work?
