View Full Version : Owner barrel swivel sizes

13-05-2022, 12:26 PM
Hi all,
two weeks ago I was ganging some 4202’s with black Owner barrel swivels between the hooks. On the 4/0, 5/0 I used size 10 which was perfect and on the 6/0 I used size 8. Was getting a bit low so went to order some from an online retailer in size 10 and 8. The swivels I received had the correct sizes on the packets (10, 8) but I was pretty surprised because the swivels were tiny, and the packets said Owner Pro Parts, micro hyper barrel swivel (didnt notice the word micro on the website). Although very small swivels, the size 10’s are rated at 29kg which I think is about right. Packets all properly sealed and no different from other Owner gear I’ve purchased before.

I’ve tried an online search to find the original range in size 10 and 8 but can only see the micro range and of course numerous cheap copies. Any ideas where I can get the normal size Owner swivels? I’m in Townsville. I’m not interested in substituting cheap Chinese junk and being told in a tackle shop by an 18 yo that the other brands are exactly the same but cheaper.
Thanks all, Mike