View Full Version : Reel Servicing

08-02-2022, 11:54 AM
So over Christmas with the winds up and while the Barra season was closed in FNQ, I decided to do some maintenance.
I've been going through and servicing our reels, and a few questions come up between the better half and me about how often should reels be serviced.

I've got a bit of an addiction to the Abu Revo reels for our Barra fishing, noticed that one of them (I think the oldest, 5 years) was in a really bad state internally, especially compared to the others that were fairly clean and just needing a basic clean and grease/oil.
I know a lot of people generally leave servicing till it is 'needed', but I'm now thinking that I might have to make this a yearly event.

Another question come up about drag washers, should they be oiled. After some interweb searching, I didn't find a definitive answer, but I did end up wiping a small amount of oil on my fingers then rubbing onto the metal washers between the drag washers. I use Penn oil and grease.

I'm about to start the servicing on our spinning reels, they are all Sustains, and the missus' Diawa Baitcaster, I'm hoping they are all in good condition as they have all been well looked after.

From here, I'm going to change a few things when I return from fishing each trip.
I've been really bad at backing off the drag after each trip, so I'll start doing this, and I'm going to look at how we wash the reels after each trip, maybe a spray down with 'Salt Off' then a rinse.

What's your thoughts on how you clean your gear on return, and the backing off of drags? Anything else I should be looking at for rod/reel regular maintenance cleaning?

08-02-2022, 12:47 PM
Yeh Corry

If you look after your gear - it will look after you .

I'm not that big on stripping down reels & that really only happens when I feel it needs it - but hey if you have the time .... it's probably a good move.

There is definitely an advantage to cleaning any reel thoroughly if they come out of the Pure fishing stable (Incl ABU & Pflueger ) they seem to be corrosion magnets ... much more so than Shimano , Daiwa .

I try to make sure I mist down & wipe off all my reels / rods if they are used in the salt ..... (unfortunately some tackle will show corrosion if only left for a few days ) Any misting or spraying of reels (I dont advocate hosing ) should be done with the drag done up . Rods can get a good blast.
I then wipe the reels / rods down to dry ...... then give them all a spray of Tackle guard or if I can find it ... Mako oil - both of these do not effect the line. I lightly wipe down .
I usually have a cotton cloth that I continually use (specially with Mako oil) - so its impregnated with oil , so it leaves a good coating on the reel. Once I've done this , I back the drag off & store.
Drag washers need to have some drag grease applied ( not much) - I use the "Cals Grease"

With the cost of quality tackle going through the roof - it's well worth taking the time & effort.


08-02-2022, 07:04 PM
Like Chris stated that the more you look after your gear the more it will look after you or wont let you down in hour of need..
I dont put a time frame on how often i strip and clean mine down mate, just whenever i feel bored or have free time looking fer something to do.
That is if the Missus hasnt got me bogged down cleaning other stuff lol.
As for which oil or grease thats deabatable ??, i use either sewing maching or reel oil for my reels and with baitcasters some say little some say none ???
I use little within the washers that is .
Egg beaters i greese and oil without being stingy..
Way i service my reels has worked well for me for yonks so dont change my habits .
My intent to eventually get upgraded drag washers for my baitcasters some time in the future.
Also i was the reel internals and pats really well when i strip em down , dry and oil n grease wherever needed ..

08-02-2022, 10:50 PM
If you do a day of a thousand casts in salt water or fresh and use braid then after a days fishing it should be washed down and inspected to see if anything has gotten in if so service it.

Braid seems to hold more water and when you cast it mists off every were.

10-02-2022, 08:42 PM
My routine is similar to Chris. Mist reels, rarely dry them. I hose rods off, they get the same routine as the boat.
Good quality reels should be ok with an annual service, unless you get some noise. Bail roller bearings and the bearing on the spool shaft are usually the things that go first. Get them from Plaig bearings and they’re cheap and good. I used to have a tendency to use too much grease and especially oil. Keep oil away from the gearbox, that’s strictly for grease. One drop of oil is heaps for bearings. Better off putting a tiny amount on a bearing frequently. Too much oil just slows them up and then spins out anyway.
in baitcasters, Quality spool bearings and quality lube can make a big difference, worth spending a bit more on those 2 bearings. Tuning baitcasters means a lot more maintenance though, those good bearings like to be clean.
Have found Cals grease to be excellent for drag washers, a little tub lasts a long time.I try and remember to back drags off after the reel has a misting with freshwater