View Full Version : People going ape over fuel prices, how are u baring the cost?
21-11-2021, 10:18 PM
Just seen on channel 9 facebooks post lots ofthe people getting angry at the hike about to hit us, i heard the other day it was going to hit $2.07 a litre im doing pretty good in my daily v8 using lpg it has only gone up 10-15cent, my boat isok being only 60 litre tank but how are u chaps going up in QLD with 400 litre tanks in trailer boats?
22-11-2021, 12:10 AM
Meh.....think ourselves lucky we are not in europe where $2.50 is the starting price...
22-11-2021, 05:31 AM
We will just pay whatever price it is, saying your boat tank is only 60l doesn't make sense, you still use the same amount of fuel if you have a 600l tank, or a 60l tank, the capacity only relates to how often you have to fill up, not how much you use! I always found it strange that people somehow think that using "half a tank" means something, half a tank with a (say) 60l tank, is a lot different to half a tank with 150l. Fuel is just a commodity, we buy it and use it, whinge about the price, but we still buy it, to fill our boats, V8 cars and everything else we own.
22-11-2021, 05:46 AM
Unfortunately it’s a commodity that we just pay whatever the price. Currently at my service station - BP
Wife’s Subaru: $1.79 (98)
My Patrol: $1.59 (Diesel)
Boat: $1.69 (95)
It’s just the way it is. If you don’t want to pay the price, don’t drive and don’t go boating - simple
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22-11-2021, 06:26 AM
Does it really need another post over every thing that comes into your head ?
The kiwis have had it worse for years $2.80 for premium last time I was there and lower wages
noels right half tank full tank means nothing you take enough for the planned days fishing and sometimes the tanks never big enough
sell your boat down grade to a smaller one live within your means
you say you take four people fishing make them pay a share or don’t take them is the easy answer
22-11-2021, 07:22 AM
Still $1.57 on the Sunny Coast.
22-11-2021, 07:24 AM
I like bacon.
22-11-2021, 07:34 AM
1692031 (tel:1692031)[/URL]]I like bacon.
Doctor said I’m not allowed bacon anymore
Speaking of avoiding fuel costs, I’m expecting delivery today of a Tesla model 3
some rough numbers are over five years of daily trips to work of 90km, I’ll not have to buy $16,000 worth of fuel at current rates of $1.60
we also have solar so home charging will be covered by that too
It’s not going to save money but thought we would give it a go to see what it’s like before we are forced to use them
22-11-2021, 11:42 AM
Doctor said I’m not allowed bacon anymore
Speaking of avoiding fuel costs, I’m expecting delivery today of a Tesla model 3
some rough numbers are over five years of daily trips to work of 90km, I’ll not have to buy $16,000 worth of fuel at current rates of $1.60
we also have solar so home charging will be covered by that too
It’s not going to save money but thought we would give it a go to see what it’s like before we are forced to use them
I think the gubment is gearing up to charge EV users on a klm basis, maybe part of rego costs.
So the further you drive per year the more fees/tax you pay.
It’s hard to win as a user,,,,,
The taxes supposedly used for road upgrades has to be clawed back some other way if petrol taxes fall.
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22-11-2021, 11:52 AM
I guess in a strange twisted kind of way, a "user pays" system makes sense, these days I would be lucky to drive 20-30Ks per week, whereas before I did more than that just going to work one day! So why should I pay the same as (say) a Tradie that might cover 100Ks a day? Not too sure it's exactly right or fair, but then.........
22-11-2021, 12:11 PM
I like bacon.
Bacon is a basic human right
22-11-2021, 12:24 PM
Yeah am sure some type of system to offset the fuel taxes
downside is how to make it fair ?
noelm does 50kms a week
my son does 90km round trip for a 4 hours maccas shift
It’s 90km for us to do groceries etc
not sure how they will arrange it
Car was dropped off a few hours ago is an impressive piece of kit
22-11-2021, 12:30 PM
Doctor said I’m not allowed bacon anymore
Speaking of avoiding fuel costs, I’m expecting delivery today of a Tesla model 3
some rough numbers are over five years of daily trips to work of 90km, I’ll not have to buy $16,000 worth of fuel at current rates of $1.60
we also have solar so home charging will be covered by that too
It’s not going to save money but thought we would give it a go to see what it’s like before we are forced to use them
I'm thinking of going electric when my current work car is due for replacement in about 12 months. I still have range anxiety. I have a few work days that involve 500km round trips bit recharge stations seem to be becoming more common.
As for fuel costs we paid 2.20 a litre in the NT back in September but it was going to be a long walk if we didn't fill up.
22-11-2021, 12:39 PM
The old folks will remember the first self serve 'after hours' stations. Drop 20c pieces in the slot and watch the green lights come on. $2.20 was the maximum you could get. Would fill a holden tank with some left over.
Of course our wage was about 20 bucks a week... lol
22-11-2021, 12:46 PM
Fuel is slowly going up for me now, a few months back the independant was 88.5cent than 7-11 was 99.9cent now 7-11 is 1.04cents and another independant down the road has just reached 1.06.5 for LPG
my car towing my boat uses at worse no air con and no sunroof up 1 tank of LPG or around 40 litres
In saying my tank in the boat is 60L we atill only use what we put in being in a pinch atm i only put in 25-30 litres once we use that we go home
22-11-2021, 12:56 PM
The old folks will remember the first self serve 'after hours' stations. Drop 20c pieces in the slot and watch the green lights come on. $2.20 was the maximum you could get. Would fill a holden tank with some left over.
Of course our wage was about 20 bucks a week... lol
There used to be one of those near me, we would all scrounge around for 2 bob (20 cents) pieces. My mate had an old EH Holden, he used to put 25c worth of petrol and save 25c for his lunch at work! Remember the days when a guy came out, put the petrol in your car, checked your oil and water for you?
22-11-2021, 01:45 PM
There used to be one of those near me, we would all scrounge around for 2 bob (20 cents) pieces. My mate had an old EH Holden, he used to put 25c worth of petrol and save 25c for his lunch at work! Remember the days when a guy came out, put the petrol in your car, checked your oil and water for you?
Back in the teenage days my mate git his first job as a servo attendant. The first car he served he checked the water. Filled it right up.
Turned out to be an east-west engine.
Yep. Filled the oil hole to the top with water.
Got the sack the same day. Lol.
22-11-2021, 02:07 PM
Fuel is slowly going up for me now, a few months back the independant was 88.5cent than 7-11 was 99.9cent now 7-11 is 1.04cents and another independant down the road has just reached 1.06.5 for LPG
my car towing my boat uses at worse no air con and no sunroof up 1 tank of LPG or around 40 litres
In saying my tank in the boat is 60L we atill only use what we put in being in a pinch atm i only put in 25-30 litres once we use that we go home
how many kms to that 40l. Without that info it’s a pointless statement
could be horrific fuel economy or it could be good
22-11-2021, 02:25 PM
I get around 125kms to a tank towing the boat i dont get much more without a load only 140kms that is stop start traffic a little bit of 80km zones
I just filled up cost $37 at 103.9/L and a guy said nice car and asked if i wanted to sell it
22-11-2021, 02:43 PM
So 28l per 100
lpg is 20 percent worse fuel economy so that’s about 23l per 100 for petrol use
not horrific considering the weight and age of the tow vehicle
you will prob add 200kg more when finished plus another 100kg when you fit a decent sized fuel tank
22-11-2021, 04:05 PM
She only gets 250kms to 57L of unleaded full tank
22-11-2021, 04:16 PM
She only gets 250kms to 57L of unleaded full tank
Equals 22.8km/100 so
So 28l per 100
lpg is 20 percent worse fuel economy so that’s about 23l per 100 for petrol use
not horrific considering the weight and age of the tow vehicle
Wins today's prize of bacon
22-11-2021, 04:43 PM
Bacon is a basic human right
If the government tried a ban on bacon I'd be the first to squeal like a pig and mount a protest ....;D
As far as gazza's figures go, well, one day Gazza reckoned he got 30 km's with 30 litres of fuel on the new boat..a couple of days later he reckoned he got over 2km/l ...
He seems to just make it up as he goes along with whatever pops into his head at the time.....probably best to stick to within swimming distance of the coast I reckon...;)
22-11-2021, 04:50 PM
Equals 22.8km/100 so
Wins today's prize of bacon
Because I was good with number guesses ?
22-11-2021, 05:12 PM
Because I was good with number guesses ?
No maybe because he thinks you are being hard done by your doctor...
What right does he have to tell you you cant have bacon....
Protest and show him some FB posts that discredit his advice.....!..::);D
22-11-2021, 05:50 PM
The old folks will remember the first self serve 'after hours' stations. Drop 20c pieces in the slot and watch the green lights come on. $2.20 was the maximum you could get. Would fill a holden tank with some left over.
Of course our wage was about 20 bucks a week... lol
Those of us who were juvenile delinquents would also know that you drilled a whole through the bowser glass and used a screw driver to stop the counter turning. Pump never reached $2.20 but plenty of cars queued to fill up. So I am told.
but how are u chaps going up in QLD with 400 litre tanks in trailer boats?
It's summer....they're sitting in the shed while it howls 35 knots for the next three months, so we're going all right!
23-11-2021, 05:10 AM
but how are u chaps going up in QLD with 400 litre tanks in trailer boats?
I know its a strange concept to you gazza but some ppl buy a boat within their means... If you can afford the 400 litre tank you can afford to fill it
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23-11-2021, 08:25 AM
I know its a strange concept to you gazza but some ppl buy a boat within their means... If you can afford the 400 litre tank you can afford to fill it
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My first exposure to big boat tank capacity. Had a mate ferrying a Bertram from Port Stephens to Botany Bay after a tournament. Told us he would refuel in the Hawkesbury if we wanted to contribute to fuel and marlin fish the rest of the way. Jumped aboard at Brooklyn. Went to the bowser. At the 350 litre mark I went a bit weak at the knees. Fortunately we only paid a portion lol.
23-11-2021, 12:17 PM
I work hard and don't think twice about the cost.
That said, I'm not filling my mate's 45' cruiser that slurps 120L of diesel per hour at a 20 knot cruise. That'd make me wince.
23-11-2021, 12:29 PM
I have a friend that used to own one of the few remaining fish trawlers down here, once the tanker gauge starts going past a few thousand litres, it kind of put it all in perspective, my 200l boat and 140l car seems like mower fuel by comparison....
23-11-2021, 01:09 PM
Until you are measuring your fuel in cubic metres, are you even going to sea 😂
23-11-2021, 01:23 PM
Yep, diesel capacity on the cruiser is 2000L. That's a $3300 fill at current dock prices for around 330nm / 615km range.
The simple answer is buy the boat you can afford to run. There's no shame in not having the play money that others might.
23-11-2021, 01:56 PM
When your boat has no bilge pump a unrestrained battery and no wiring system or ability to isolate power and your offshore
is the cost of fuel really a priority ?
It's all relative to your income / means
My boating journey has seen me creep up in what was affordable at the time - there is no point in owning a boat that you cannot afford to run & maintain . I've got a motor service next week & that's going to sting but it's budgeted for .
I know if I lived up north & wanted to go out to the reef every opportunity ..... I'd struggle too.
I've known too many people that have bought boats that were beyond their means .... It was all cool & fine when they had their deckies to chip in - right till they had to service their twin motors or slip their moored boat etc
It's like owning a big V8 & whining about the fuel bill driving to work every day ...... it's simple , don't buy the V8.
unfortunately if you can only afford to run a car topper - then get a car topper. There would be nothing worst than having a boat in the driveway that you couldn't afford to run or handle without others ....... that would be the pits
23-11-2021, 03:09 PM
Just took my tow vehicle for rego and was told the LPG is up for 10 yearly inspection in 12 months bugger tank needs testing and the converter is leaking coolant think i may be looking for a new car
23-11-2021, 03:24 PM
My first boats were small. I would carry my mower tin to the boat and Fill Er Up Times were much simpler then. Prior to that I would check out all the rocks to get my hooks,sinkers and swivels. Just like the big tackle shops only cheaper. A coke bottle with about 20yards of line was enough. I couldnt cast any further. anyway.. I would help some old guys collect yabbies and they would give me some for my effort (only if I pumped them) I had fun doing that. Fishing was always very affordable. Fishing only gets more expensive when you can no longer fill your tank from your mower tin or Dads mower tin :)
23-11-2021, 03:46 PM
I guess it's just how we are these days, everyone wants to go further, faster, in more comfort and little effort, just imagine a decent trip now, the Smokey old two stroke, will probably start, no GPS, you need to line up some tree, if you could still see the trees, no mobile phone, VHF or navigation aids, just your old compass and some dumb luck, now it's a reel with 50 bearings and some kind of thermo nuclear line, a triple black, turned down eye chemically sharpened hook, thousands of dollars worth of "gizmos" a couple on motors..........not so simple!
23-11-2021, 04:05 PM
When I was 18 and bought my first V8 everyone told me I was mad because petrol had passed the 30 cent mark. Except an old guy I worked with (LOL...he was my age now...) who said that petrol is the cheapest thing you put in a car. More true with boats I reckon.
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23-11-2021, 04:57 PM
Just took my tow vehicle for rego and was told the LPG is up for 10 yearly inspection in 12 months bugger tank needs testing and the converter is leaking coolant think i may be looking for a new car
Sell it to the guy at the bowser who was interested in it the other day.
23-11-2021, 05:25 PM
just goes ta show !! Peoples out there marching and protesting over lockdowns and Vaccines and pay no heed to being ripped off at the bowser by Fuel Honchos trying to make up for losses, during last years Lockdowns Pandemic or should i say First wave..
Anyhoos makes my 45 ltr tank back o the Fishraider look Cool at the time being , able to do three trips up the narrows or more closer by :)..
23-11-2021, 06:25 PM
My tank is pretty good 60L x $1.70P/L is only $102 to fill up we usually go 2-4ways in fuel, if i were to go out solo a trip would cost $140 for gas/unleaded a few bux for ice, catch some bait
Feel for the guys that are putting in 4x this amount for a days trip
23-11-2021, 06:29 PM
Thinking about it i can cruise out to the closes fad and back on around 20 litres at 40kph 20kms to the fads that leaves me with 30 litres to play around out there and 10 litres reserve which is pretty good
23-11-2021, 06:30 PM
You really have to keep it in perspective.
In Western Europe and the UK the cost is about $2.80 to more then $3 a litre for regular unleaded so we arent doing so bad in the big scheme of things..
Perspective again in the fact that many of us can actually afford to own and run a decent boat whilst, like many, just being a regular working man...and some that can still even afford it whilst living on welfare...
I think we have a lot to be grateful for really..
and if you have to scrimp and save a bit on other facets of your life to have the spare money to spend on your favourite pastime and boat then so be it...either do it or dont...
Its certainly not worth worrying too much about the things that you cannot control...I've sometimes lost more money in lost tackle and lures then the petrol has actually cost me...
Life's too short too spend it constantly complaining about every little thing in life....
28-11-2021, 09:55 PM
Went past a 7-11 seen the sign $1.94 per litre for 91 unleaded same price at Caltex/Ampol holly shit, its only the little independant guys that are within reason at $1.47
I can still fill up at $1.94 but thats about $20 extra from a already high priced day
29-11-2021, 03:56 AM
Here you go lads. World fuel prices. We sit around the middle of the pack
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29-11-2021, 12:21 PM
It seems the concept of working a few more hours to pay for fuel is a foreign concept to a few- we certainly cannot do anything to affect fuel prices..... Like anything in life, you want something- earn your way. I think ive had more intelligent thoughtful conversations with my god kids (10 years old)...
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29-11-2021, 12:32 PM
It seems the concept of working a few more hours to pay for fuel is a foreign concept to a few- we certainly cannot do anything to affect fuel prices..... Like anything in life, you want something- earn your way. I think ive had more intelligent thoughtful conversations with my god kids (10 years old)...
Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums[/QUOTE]Work for it...get out of here with your common sense....can't we just increase the dole payment amount to cover it [emoji2957]
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Went past a 7-11 seen the sign $1.94 per litre for 91 unleaded same price at Caltex/Ampol holly shit, its only the little independant guys that are within reason at $1.47
I can still fill up at $1.94 but thats about $20 extra from a already high priced day
buy when prices are down .
i have a few 20lt jerrys that I fill if prices are sharp
29-11-2021, 05:13 PM
There’s no doubt in my mind we are being ripped off. If you go back to the late 90’s, the average retail margin was about 4 cents a litre. Smaller suburban servos we’re closing down because they just didn’t have the volume to be sustainable. I hear the average retail margin is now close to 20 cents litre. Notice how many new servos are been constructed in the past few years and older ones have received face lifts. Tells me that there is money being made. Will be interesting to see what fallout there is as electric vehicles become more common. I won’t be feeling too sorry for those that don’t survive.
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29-11-2021, 05:25 PM
And the motoring groups like RACQ up here have been hoodwinked by the fuel companies, a recent article they posted said that at $84 a barrel it is the highest we have had to pay for oil, yet in 2012 I think it was up to $120 for a while yet we paid significantly less at the pump. The other thing that annoys me is that they quote "The cycle is on the up, fill up now" etc. This is plain BS, no other commodity has such a cycle, it is something the fuel companies started and the motoring bodies just repeat it. Also they quote what is a "fair price" , as far as I can see it is just the low average median for an area rather than a calculated "fair price".
And the govt is never going to do a thing about it. the GST alone is worth abstaining from any action.
Ok, had my rant, back to a beer and watch some fishing show as it's pissing down rain here.
29-11-2021, 05:45 PM
It seems the concept of working a few more hours to pay for fuel is a foreign concept to a few- we certainly cannot do anything to affect fuel prices..... Like anything in life, you want something- earn your way. I think ive had more intelligent thoughtful conversations with my god kids (10 years old)...
Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums[/QUOTE]
Same as the fellas putting 400-100 liters of fuel in their boats, they aint sitting at home typing on fishnet complaining about fuel prices
they are out working what ever it is that allows them those toys.
and fuel is the only part of the cost of boat ownership and a days fishing
29-11-2021, 06:32 PM
Same as the fellas putting 400-100 liters of fuel in their boats, they aint sitting at home typing on fishnet complaining about fuel prices
they are out working what ever it is that allows them those toys.
and fuel is the only part of the cost of boat ownership and a days fishing[/QUOTE]
And there's a lot of them that write it off on tax or have company fuel cards, seen it done many times. Plus many are FIFO workers who earn considerably more than the average joe bloe and the price means little to them (know a few), I don't have that luxury and no longer work so it hurts my hip pocket. But I will still fill the boat up while I can as it keeps me reasonably sane.
29-11-2021, 07:28 PM
Same as the fellas putting 400-100 liters of fuel in their boats, they aint sitting at home typing on fishnet complaining about fuel prices
they are out working what ever it is that allows them those toys.
and fuel is the only part of the cost of boat ownership and a days fishing
And there's a lot of them that write it off on tax or have company fuel cards, seen it done many times. Plus many are FIFO workers who earn considerably more than the average joe bloe and the price means little to them (know a few), I don't have that luxury and no longer work so it hurts my hip pocket. But I will still fill the boat up while I can as it keeps me reasonably sane.[/QUOTE]
likewise only have a 50l tank now but when i had larger boats saved up for trips out and fished shore based still when money wasnt there.
Live within your means
30-11-2021, 05:33 AM
Work for it...get out of here with your common sense....can't we just increase the dole payment amount to cover it [emoji2957]
Sent from my CPH2197 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
Next I suppose Welfare recipients will be demand a tax exemption on fuel or an increase by way of a fortnightly fuel allowance
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
30-11-2021, 05:52 AM
Interesting stats if they are correct
Fuel price comparison from way back when
Crude Oil prices since 1976
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& yet the oil companies pay little if any any taxes - despite record bowser prices (margins & low oil prices) Bugger all oil refining either. But these bastards get away with it
30-11-2021, 08:09 AM
And the motoring groups like RACQ up here have been hoodwinked by the fuel companies, a recent article they posted said that at $84 a barrel it is the highest we have had to pay for oil, yet in 2012 I think it was up to $120 for a while yet we paid significantly less at the pump. The other thing that annoys me is that they quote "The cycle is on the up, fill up now" etc. This is plain BS, no other commodity has such a cycle, it is something the fuel companies started and the motoring bodies just repeat it. Also they quote what is a "fair price" , as far as I can see it is just the low average median for an area rather than a calculated "fair price".
And the govt is never going to do a thing about it. the GST alone is worth abstaining from any action.
Ok, had my rant, back to a beer and watch some fishing show as it's pissing down rain here.
What I find I interesting is our local Sippy Downs servos have all stayed at $1.57 while everywhere in Brisbane is over $1.90. I would have thought if they can sell it here at that price, then Brissy should be the same.
30-11-2021, 03:32 PM
I get the same 2.27kms/L just i don't get your speed,how did u take the picture going that fast?
30-11-2021, 04:10 PM
You guys are pretty jealous of people on centre link arnt ya's if it pisses ya's off that much theres nothing stopping you going on centre link... 5 days a week looking for jobs.... $300 per week to live on.... what ya's waiting for go live the dream
I get the same 2.27kms/L just i don't get your speed,how did u take the picture going that fast?
Hardly apples with apples then. I get 18 litres per 100 km when it's on the trailer behind the car......
30-11-2021, 06:55 PM
Hardly apples with apples then. I get 18 litres per 100 km when it's on the trailer behind the car......Bloody thirsty prius you have there Ct [emoji848]
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Bloody thirsty prius you have there Ct [emoji848]
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Added weight of the 2500 kg tow pack takes the edge off the fuel economy unfortunately. Hybrid system can't offset it that much.
30-11-2021, 06:59 PM
You guys are pretty jealous of people on centre link arnt ya's if it pisses ya's off that much theres nothing stopping you going on centre link... 5 days a week looking for jobs.... $300 per week to live on.... what ya's waiting for go live the dream
I could never be jealous of people on Centrelink. I feel sorry for the genuine ones and angered by the obvious bludgers who have skills to work but choose to screw the system. You know which you are.
30-11-2021, 06:59 PM
Added weight of the 2500 kg tow pack takes the edge off the fuel economy unfortunately. Hybrid system can't offset it that much.Shoulda got the thermolite tow pack you tightasss
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Shoulda got the thermolite tow pack you tightasss
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Mines a JDM NW10, not the NW11 typically released in Aus. Worth more coin cause JDM but parts availability/interchangability is a problem.
30-11-2021, 07:25 PM
Mines a JDM NW10, not the NW11 typically released in Aus. Worth more coin cause JDM but parts availability/interchangability is a problem.
Matt ......
30-11-2021, 07:31 PM
Mines a JDM NW10, not the NW11 typically released in Aus. Worth more coin cause JDM but parts availability/interchangability is a problem.Clearly a classic... What's it insured for?
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30-11-2021, 07:48 PM
saw 98 ron @ $2.02 today , not sure if a can remember seeing it that much before
saw 98 ron @ $2.02 today , not sure if a can remember seeing it that much before
I know 98RON pushed up near $2 during the mid 2000s ...... I remember the pain as I was driving a Subaru Liberty GT & doing about 150km / day . ..... but yeh I think that's the highest I've heard of .
30-11-2021, 08:21 PM
i belive fuel was cheaper some months back as the saudis were dumping extra barrels on the market to piss off the russians , for some reason that now escapes me , or was it that no one could drive around because of lockdown
i belive fuel was cheaper some months back as the saudis were dumping extra barrels on the market to piss off the russians , for some reason that now escapes me , or was it that no one could drive around because of lockdown
On the weekend I ticked over 40K on my Navara ..... (30 months) - that's way less than half of what I would normally do working as an account manager . I turn cars over about every 4 years (sometimes less)
Just a quick check - I've done 3500kms since late May :o
Talk about not driving very much
30-11-2021, 08:54 PM
Baffles me,first lock down i paid in the 90's cent per/L but now its almost $2 how can it swing that much, once we go all electric the arabs will fade away in a sand storm with there over priced oil
it's 40 kph not knots ( i wish )
pic with a phone by the crew
I wonder what the prices will be like up at Hamilton Island :-? - I might have to sell a kidney ;D
I just emptied my boats fuel tank in preparation for the Whitsundays trip to lighten the load (approx 100lts staying home)
I could never be jealous of people on Centrelink. I feel sorry for the genuine ones and angered by the obvious bludgers who have skills to work but choose to screw the system. You know which you are.
Where there is a will - there is a way ....... specially if you have any drive or ambition.
Clearly for some , unfortunately sitting on ya bum collecting $300 is just too easy & there are generations out there that have followed that same path.
14-12-2021, 07:06 AM
Where there is a will - there is a way ....... specially if you have any drive or ambition.
Clearly for some , unfortunately sitting on ya bum collecting $300 is just too easy & there are generations out there that have followed that same path.
And they breed, my daughter was a teacher at a large rural high school where some of the kids could barely read or write, how they got through is a wonder but the system allowed them. These were third generation Social Security kids. When she said how are you going to fill out the forms to get the dole if you can't write and they said "they'll do it for us Miss". Unfortunately it IS a way of life for many now.
And they breed, my daughter was a teacher at a large rural high school where some of the kids could barely read or write, how they got through is a wonder but the system allowed them. These were third generation Social Security kids. When she said how are you going to fill out the forms to get the dole if you can't write and they said "they'll do it for us Miss". Unfortunately it IS a way of life for many now.
It's pretty sad & I've seen it occur in in my own family (ex missus) - Parent , (half the kids) , grand kid & it looks like the great grand kid (claim some kind of disability).
As long as they had a pkt ciggies & a beer ..... they were generally happy.
The thing is that it was actually a nurtured culture by the grand parents ....... go on the houso's list asap ...... it was a shocker to see specially that one son in his mid 50s has never worked a day in his life & a grand child in his mid 30s has never worked either .
Nothing to do with the cost of fuel though ::)
14-12-2021, 01:11 PM
I wonder what the prices will be like up at Hamilton Island :-? - I might have to sell a kidney ;D
I just emptied my boats fuel tank in preparation for the Whitsundays trip to lighten the load (approx 100lts staying home)
Bit like when I have crossed the Simpson. Last fill point on the western side is Mt Dare Station. They certainly didn’t miss with the prices.
14-12-2021, 01:49 PM
And they breed, my daughter was a teacher at a large rural high school where some of the kids could barely read or write, how they got through is a wonder but the system allowed them. These were third generation Social Security kids. When she said how are you going to fill out the forms to get the dole if you can't write and they said "they'll do it for us Miss". Unfortunately it IS a way of life for many now.
Im offended by that Digs. My mum worked from 16 up untill 3 years ago she worked her entire life and she is illitrate, i was illitrate untill i was 20 years old couldn't read couldn't wright left school in year 8 at that time i was writting part words at a time i had 15 jobs but couldn't hold any
Don't put everyone in the same basket because you and your kids could read and wright from a young age and had educations.
14-12-2021, 05:04 PM
not everything is targeted at you garry
back to the fuel thing
just got a Tesla model 3 and a 10.5 kw solar system so no fuel for the next ten years for every day use
14-12-2021, 05:11 PM
Im offended by that Digs. My mum worked from 16 up untill 3 years ago she worked her entire life and she is illitrate, i was illitrate untill i was 20 years old couldn't read couldn't wright left school in year 8 at that time i was writting part words at a time i had 15 jobs but couldn't hold any
Don't put everyone in the same basket because you and your kids could read and wright from a young age and had educations.
Wasn't thinking of you Gaz nor putting every other Social Security claimants in the same basket, just stating fact that she was teaching third generation Social Society kids, it's the way they are brought up, their parents never worked nor their grandparents and they are quiet happy to just take money.
You at least try and do things, these kids don't and don't want to, although sometimes I wonder if you bother to read past the first few words due to some of your responses.
14-12-2021, 05:30 PM
14-12-2021, 07:28 PM
Yeah i kind of took it personal as i wasone of those kids that needed help filling out the forms to apply for center link, i had to get help to open my first bank account that i still have today i didnt know how to do anything
My first job at 17 the boss gave me a form to fill out i had no idea how to fill it out i overheard the boss say to another worker "he doesnt know how to fill it out"
I went to a new age apprentiship place when i was 24 to apply for a carpenters apprenciship i called up to make the booking the receptionist said i had to pass a short reading test so i went in on time sat in a small room with 3 other kids than i was handed a long mathes test i wanted to walk out i knew fa about mathes so i pretended i knew and started doing the mathes test i failed miserably i felt so ashamed i never felt i was able or capable of even getting a apprenticeship it was a terrible time i beat my self up about it
Most of my jobs that i have worked i've been sacked from not from lazyness i was at work 10mins before all the jobs started
Its not a choice to be sitting on center link i cant do shit cant even get a home loan which buying a house is the biggest thing i want just an old shack in the country but its so hard and near impossibly being on center link
Some guys on here think its a luxury being on center link couldnt be further from the truth the boordem just eats away at you
14-12-2021, 08:05 PM
not everything is targeted at you garry
back to the fuel thing
just got a Tesla model 3 and a 10.5 kw solar system so no fuel for the next ten years for every day use
What is your average daily commute? Will you be charging when the sun is up? Do you have a home battery?
Sorry for all the questions but I I'm 12 months out from replacing my work daily and Tesla is in the equation. Already have a similar sized solar set up.
Cheers Matt
14-12-2021, 08:18 PM
What is your average daily commute? Will you be charging when the sun is up? Do you have a home battery?
Sorry for all the questions but I I'm 12 months out from replacing my work daily and Tesla is in the equation. Already have a similar sized solar set up.
Cheers Matt
Yeah I have the same sized system too and we get screwed in QLD as we get so little credit for input..
Unless you can charge and use high power usage things (cars, air con etc) while the sun is shining then you wont get much benefit as you will have to produce about 3.5 times the amount of electricity as you actually use....when the sun is down you are just buying at retail price from the grid..
If you were to work day shift and need to drive too work and can only recharge at night then you are stuffed..
Battery storage is the answer but the cost is still prohibitive..
I hope Steve does all the sums so we can get a real take on the true cost...if the commute is short then it might work out OK..but it also comes down to how much excess power is left once the household is accounted for..
14-12-2021, 08:24 PM
It’s the wife’s car tbh and she does a 100 km round trip five days a week
atm with covid she’s working from home with occasional office trips
we have the included charger which is 10 amps and puts 15 km per hour into the car at 2kw per hour when charging
so around 6 hours to charge for that daily trip
we just had a Tesla 32 amp charger installed which puts 55km per hour in for 7kw per hour to charge
while shes working from home we just charge it during sunlight hours at a lower amperage to keep under the solar output
when going to work it will get two hours before and two hours after work of solar
its a bit to manage and will have to buy power but hopefully that’s offset by what we generate as well
14-12-2021, 08:47 PM
It just takes a bit of fiddling around to learn how to best use what you are generating...
Here is a bill of ours....I just noticed our purchase price has actually dropped a couple of cents per kw though the price they pay for our own generated power is still 7.86c..
We did just get a $198 cheque for the excess we are generating which is good...we dont have air con though ...
Steve, does the car use 12 kw to travel that 100km's..?
14-12-2021, 10:31 PM
Do you get a choice of provider in the deep north? We only installed our system in May and were getting 6 cents feed in but I changed in July so now get 13. We are now in credit at the end of every month.
14-12-2021, 10:43 PM
We have no options..Just Ergon...
So you get twice the price as us for your feed in....I'm really jealous..
14-12-2021, 10:51 PM
And my previous provider asked why I was leaving as the buy tariff was very similar.
Do you have 3 phase power to your property
15-12-2021, 05:06 AM
And they breed, my daughter was a teacher at a large rural high school where some of the kids could barely read or write, how they got through is a wonder but the system allowed them. These were third generation Social Security kids. When she said how are you going to fill out the forms to get the dole if you can't write and they said "they'll do it for us Miss". Unfortunately it IS a way of life for many now.
I was a COP in NSW for over 30 years. I remember not long after a joined I was transferred to an area which had an entire suburbs (several) of Housing Commission. I obviously had a sheltered childhood as I’d never even heard of housing commission. Anyway, I initially felt sorry for these people being in a position where they needed government assistance, but spending large parts of shifts in these suburbs I quickly found that the vast majority could not give a hoot as long as they had their hands greased every fortnight and got everything they needed for nothing.
Then one day I had cause to go to a house where a young girl 19 or 20 lived with her three (yes three) children. I got talking to her thinking she was doing it tough, but when I asked her where she lived before here, she quickly told me she grew up in Mount Druitt and when she and her sister were old enough they got their own housing home.
Unfortunately they believe its away of life and each generation will get their own free house and a fortnightly payment.
Very sad, but I feel it’s the government’s that allow this by just giving, giving, giving.
There is no incentive whatsoever to fend for yourself.
True Facts
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
15-12-2021, 05:10 AM
Bit like when I have crossed the Simpson. Last fill point on the western side is Mt Dare Station. They certainly didn’t miss with the prices.
I paid $2:45 per litre at Innamincka nearly ten years ago. At the time fuel was scarce so they upped the price and we had to pay for it or not get to where I wanted to go.
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
15-12-2021, 05:23 AM
Since we’re giving stories regarding Housing commission etc. and certainly not directed at anyone…..;)
I grew up in a Housing commission community along with my mum, brother and sister after my deadbeat dad left when I was 6 and never paid a dollar to raise us.
I started my Carpentry apprenticeship at 16 and left home a year later and after 35 years as a chippy, I’ve never had a Centrelink payment or any government handout including that Kevin Rudd stimulus package he was throwing out to anyone.
The cycle of “Houso” can be broken if someone is motivated to do something with their life. My two adult kids are both working. One in upper management, and my son is also a qualified chippy heading into supervising large projects.
Just a different view that not all of us follow in the footsteps of circumstances put upon us by no fault of our own.
15-12-2021, 05:47 AM
Since we’re giving stories regarding Housing commission etc. and certainly not directed at anyone…..;)
I grew up in a Housing commission community along with my mum, brother and sister after my deadbeat dad left when I was 6 and never paid a dollar to raise us.
I started my Carpentry apprenticeship at 16 and left home a year after and after 35 years as a chippy I’ve never had a Centrelink payment or any government handout including that Kevin Rudd stimulus package he was throwing out to anyone.
The cycle of “Houso” can be broken if someone is motivated to do something with their life. My two adult kids are both working one in upper management and my son is also a qualified chippy heading into supervising large projects.
Just a different view that not all of us follow in the footsteps of our circumstances put upon us by no fault of our own.
Totally agree my friend. I was just talking about an experience of mine. Yes some need the assistance through no fault of their own, but unfortunately not enough prepared to better themselves like you. Well done.
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
I was a COP in NSW for over 30 years. I remember not long after a joined I was transferred to an area which had an entire suburbs (several) of Housing Commission. I obviously had a sheltered childhood as I’d never even heard of housing commission. Anyway, I initially felt sorry for these people being in a position where they needed government assistance, but spending large parts of shifts in these suburbs I quickly found that the vast majority could not give a hoot as long as they had their hands greased every fortnight and got everything they needed for nothing.
Then one day I had cause to go to a house where a young girl 19 or 20 lived with her three (yes three) children. I got talking to her thinking she was doing it tough, but when I asked her where she lived before here, she quickly told me she grew up in Mount Druitt and when she and her sister were old enough they got their own housing home.
Unfortunately they believe its away of life and each generation will get their own free house and a fortnightly payment.
Very sad, but I feel it’s the government’s that allow this by just giving, giving, giving.
There is no incentive whatsoever to fend for yourself.
True Facts
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
It's a sad reality - I grew up in St Marys (adjoining suburb to Mt Druitt) - One side of my street were housing commission & the other side were private . My first place I lived when I moved out was Mt Druitt ....... so I got to see life at the bottom end . There are a hell of a lot of people who are just lower income earners , lots of single mums ...... & then you have the dead shits - those that either do not give a hoot - wait for their hand out , let their kids run feral (out all night / skip school etc) ...... I saw it first hand as I hung out & grew up with some of these . Unfortunately , I used to hear that many were hanging out to get the dole when they left school ..... no drive , no ambition . That said ... one of my clients came off the streets of Mt Druitt & is now a very successful businessman .
What may surprise you - this doesn't just happen at impoverished suburbs like Mt Druitt (btw the suburb just recently had a $2m house sale :o)
Go to a place like Cronulla & check out the surfie dudes who share houses / pool resources just to surf. I also lived in Cronulla & experienced more theft / breakins than when I lived in St Marys & Mt Druitt.
15-12-2021, 09:09 AM
15-12-2021, 09:31 AM
Hey Col,
It’s a similar situation in Victoria (Moe and Morwell Victoria) where I grew up in Housing Commission. Some great AFL players came from the Gippsland region.
I played Aussie rules until I was 34 and for me the footy club was my “stable” family if that makes sense? It gave me values, discipline and father figures that helped guide me in the right direction.
Sport is a fantastic, understated recreation that should not be overlooked in developing under privileged kids from all backgrounds.
All in my humble opinion of course.
15-12-2021, 09:36 AM
Vote Labour at the next election..
They are actively campaigning to "fix" the welfare problems...::)
Typical Labour policy...throw more money at it and ,like magic, the problem is fixed...;D
They are also campaigning to spend billions on upgrading social housing...
A fancier pad and larger dole check will certainly help fix generational unemployment...not...:(
15-12-2021, 10:13 AM
Struggling is not having 10k and thousands year on year to spend on boats cars and so on
struggling is a aged pensioner getting pneumonia because they can’t afford heating and poor nutrition
struggling is a single mum leaving an abusive relationship and not eating every day to put two kids through school
I know and help a couple of friends who are in the above situations by no choice of their own
what would help them ? A public housing house
are any available even for a short term to get back into their feet ? Nope
unfortunately the lazy bludgers take funding that could be used to help true need
life’s tough and unfair and will always be that way, i can buy a new rod or some groceries for a mate charity isn’t always a government thing to fix
15-12-2021, 10:57 AM
15-12-2021, 02:24 PM
For me I think unemployment benefits, especially for those under 30 should only be used for short term unemployment. If you are under 30 (an argument for all ages can be made easily I think) and have been unemployed for more than 6 months. Then to keep receiving benefits you should have to be enrolled in some sort of training programme. Whether that’s computer skills, trade skills what ever it may be.
sooner or later some of these dead shits that don’t want to work will get to a point where they understand that they are competent enough to be earning a good living in what will become something that is not hard for them to do. I can imagine it’s a daunting feeling being unskilled and trying to be in the workforce. But if you’re being forced to spend 6 hours a day, 5 days a week learning to type or work with Microsoft Office products. Whether it’s Welding or fibre glassing etc at some point you’ll realise you could be earning over $1000 a week doing the exact same thing.
15-12-2021, 04:06 PM
1972 - 1982 I lived in Blacktown. Only Aussie in a street of foreigners. Most of them couldn’t speak or write English. But they did whatever was necessary to earn a living. Whether it was cleaning or labouring or similar menial jobs. Being on the dole was beneath them. They took great pride in carrying their weight and not relying on the public teat. Great bunch of people.
1972 - 1982 I lived in Blacktown. Only Aussie in a street of foreigners. Most of them couldn’t speak or write English. But they did whatever was necessary to earn a living. Whether it was cleaning or labouring or similar menial jobs. Being on the dole was beneath them. They took great pride in carrying their weight and not relying on the public teat. Great bunch of people.
My parents were from that stock - Imagine ( this is true)
Walking 1km to the station at 5am ... carrying your tools (chippie) - getting on a train .... travel to Sydney - then on a bus out to Diamond Bay (Vaucluse) to build these in the 60s 125104
That was 5 hrs a day (travel).... for 3 years
I'm still in awe of what he did & sacrificed ..... 22 years before he bought a car - spent the money sending the 5 kids to a private school instead.
There was definitely something about those post war (displaced people) who came to this country ..... the ones that were called wogs
My parents were from that stock - Imagine ( this is true)
Walking 1km to the station at 5am ... carrying your tools (chippie) - getting on a train .... travel to Sydney - then on a bus out to Diamond Bay (Vaucluse) to build these in the 60s 125104
That was 5 hrs a day (travel).... for 3 years
I'm still in awe of what he did & sacrificed ..... 22 years before he bought a car - spent the money sending the 5 kids to a private school instead.
There was definitely something about those post war (displaced people) who came to this country ..... the ones that were called wogs
By the way - those units sell for around $1.9m today
15-12-2021, 06:31 PM
I'm more disturbed to the fact that you were private school educated Nagg
Na, those early post war migrants, bleed blood with there attitude towards work, it's what kick started Aussie in all honesty.
Yep - Catholic schools ...... mum & Dad didn't want their kids going to public schools .
There is no way that I could have kept up with my father ..... but as he saw it - he never wanted the kids to have to try .
03-01-2022, 08:28 PM
2200 km done in the Tesla
$0.00 spent on fuel and electricity, so far solars managed to cover 200 percent of charging
will see how that goes through winter
from my now limited knowledge of how not works and some dodgy road to marine conversions
for boats to have 300 hp worth of electricity to cover 150km of marine range will require a 440kg battery pack plus 100kg of cooling and charging equipment
that’s if they could make its safe
03-01-2022, 09:21 PM
2200 km done in the Tesla
$0.00 spent on fuel and electricity, so far solars managed to cover 200 percent of charging
will see how that goes through winter
from my now limited knowledge of how not works and some dodgy road to marine conversions
for boats to have 300 hp worth of electricity to cover 150km of marine range will require a 440kg battery pack plus 100kg of cooling and charging equipment
that’s if they could make its safe
Your summers usage may balance out the rainy, stormy, short winter days so if your getting free travel now i reckon on a yearly scale it would pan out next to nothing, my sister is getting a tesla and i calculated the power cost to only be $25 there abouts a charge
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