View Full Version : Quintrex 475 Coastrunna cv ~2007, plate 3mm bottom!

15-11-2021, 03:41 PM
As above, curious if quintrex was still using pressed ally or if they had moved to plate ally 3mm bottoms and transom etc?

Clearly not the new blade Hull, but do they go OK? If used in the chop a lot are they subject to the keels cracking and needing welds like the smaller open boat darts etc?

15-11-2021, 06:11 PM
Not too sure that there's any Quintrex that's "plate" just because the newer ones have smooth sides doesn't equate to be plate construction. I wouldn't be too concerned about cracking if used sensibly.

15-11-2021, 09:45 PM
Noel Quintrex is seeing a bad reputation on the tinny forum there are a few popping up with cracking just one came up a few days ago transom cracked on a 2 month old hull with a engine within the max hp range too

Quintrex pretty much pioneered the tinny for the australian they are sure going down hill the past 12 months

People have been complaning for 5 or more years about messy poor welds but the cracking hulls is another level

15-11-2021, 10:14 PM
3mm is not plate 6mm and above is true aluminium plate

Flat sided hulls are just that flat sheet ally

also interms of complaints tel water would outsell every other manufacturer combined in sales totals so of course they would be over represented in complaints
what matters is how well they respond to problems

go talk to any dealer and they can’t get enough to sell

Any tinny will crack if driven outside it’s parameters even with minimum hp on the rear so the fb stories are just that most of the time

15-11-2021, 10:33 PM
Agree. Longevity of any pressed hull is directly related to how it is driven or how it's trailer is set up in most cases. Unfortunately no one told the "just send it" generation that boats aren't indestructible and with the proliferation of this attitude displayed across various social media platforms by various and often "sponsored" entities, it's no surprise at all that there may be an increased percentage of cracked boats. Add to this the dealer habit of spec'ing a trailer that is barely suitable in a lot of cases to keep costs down and our increasing penchant for fishing further from home and it just makes the situation worse.

15-11-2021, 11:47 PM
My mate is a crazy bastard drives a boat like a wild man a stacer 4.59m forward steer tinny 40hp merc we use to hit tug boat and pilot boat wake at almost full throttle "hang on" was all that was said, never cracked the hull and that was a regular day

16-11-2021, 08:45 AM
And Scottat those same fellas ask the same questions
“Do I have to follow the compliance plate go rating “
”look at all the floors and decking I’ve done myself”
”how do I fit a full size fridge and 15 batteries”
“ who knows a engineer that will fit a50 to my 3.8m tinny”
”who else takes there 12 footer 6km offshore”

and so on and so on

16-11-2021, 09:34 AM
Given that you specifically mention "chop", I'd be scrapping interest in that model...

Stacer bought out their "Evo hull " a couple of years later that that took some of the teeth rattling out of the equation...but its still a lightweight 15 ft pressed tinny that's going to bang running into chop..

Scott's advice about how its used and the trailer and setup pretty much nails it..

The other good thing about a tinny is most cases a sloppy weld or popped rib is an easy fix..although fatigued alloy in older boats can be a more serious problem...

Steve you gotta love those FB guys that want to turn their tinny into a speedboat dont you but you forgot the question that gives me a laugh on the Tinny page...

"Can I remove the thwart seats to make some more room.." and then some of the answer's..."Yeah I ripped mine out a few months ago and no drama's at all"...

Gotta love FB dont you...