View Full Version : Stessl 4.8m Bluewater Laying over problem

07-11-2021, 07:10 PM
I am looking at purchasing a Stessl 4.8m Bluewater series - hull is circa 2000. The boat presents sound etc but i read some old old historical thread indicating the Stessl boats had an issue with laying over under power. The threads were old from around 2003 to 2005 but most info gone probably due to the age. is anyone running these Bluewater hulls ? Aware of any issues or boat performing fine? The threads mentioned 4.8m and Mako 5.2m.

08-11-2021, 05:56 AM
Take it for a test drive and see how it goes, can't say I have ever heard of a particular model having issue like that, lots of boats do, but most can be fixed with proper setup.

08-11-2021, 10:20 AM
cheers Noelm - boat is interstate so trying to get a feel before maybe going and having a closer look..appreciate the feedback. May well be the set up but in the threads was comment a common problem with this series...Would love some feedback from any Bluewater series owners.