View Full Version : Going against the trend

06-11-2021, 04:08 PM
Well I managed to get out with my brother for a flattie flick. The water was dirty and normally I would use either the Watermelon or Black Swimming Mullet SPs but on Wednesday ran into Funchy and he said he was getting better success on Nuclear Chicken so not having any I used my Atomic Prongs in Electric Chicken and had some success. Today I used it pretty well exclusively and nailed about 15 or so flat ones, 6 of which were from 47 to 55 cm. My brother barely got a touch on any of his lures, he persisted even though I offered him mine, and I thought I was stubborn.

So much for dark lures in dirty water.

07-11-2021, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the report Sam, good to hear you got out.

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