View Full Version : Silevr Stag
06-06-2021, 03:11 PM
Worthy of Purchase ya reckon ??..
08-06-2021, 08:40 AM
I am not a fan of blades longer that 6". I find I don't use a lot of the blade.
I Have bought a number of knives from DLT, I can't say how many as my wife may read this.;D
I have three of the below of this knife.
And one of these
I had a trip to 1770 recently, I filleted 20 hussar a handful of parrot, one red and a snapper with a handful of other randoms. All filleted with one of Bark Rivers Kalahari Sportsman knife, the knife required no steeling or sharpening through the process, still had a usable edge once finished.
08-06-2021, 02:01 PM
Bremic , thank you for your reply and good to see someone beside me enjoying a Good Blade or two or three. I dont mind the longer Blades though i would have prefered the Stag in an eight or seven inch but i am Happy to use whatever i feel does the job well without forever Steeling to the fact i no longer steel a knife and just strop after a filletting session'
It was the D2 Higher end Carbon with the Rockwell hardness that swayed me. Just need to see if these Knives are as good as they rave them to be and if they offcourse really do come razor sharp to start with as ive never seen a sharp knife to my likeness staright out of the box ey.
have no shartage of knives and if i keep going the way i am , me thinks i will have to have a facebook sale lol..
You find Shipment from DLT swift ??.
Cheers and again thanks .
08-06-2021, 03:55 PM
The Bark River knives I have bought were sharp, but there was plenty of room for improvement. I don't mind though, a couple of hours with stones, wet and dry, and a strop to be quite therapeutic
I have always found them DLT swift, one thing about the yanks, I find their customer service to be very good. How long it takes for delivery will be up to the various couriers etc that we have to deal with now.
08-06-2021, 04:45 PM
yep, the yanks are quick, I ordered some fittings from the states, all packaged and posted and via 4 different checking sites and landed within 4 days of ordering, cleared customs Saturday 5th early morning and handed over to our super swift couriers who have said it will arrive on 15th, another 10 days. It only has to travel from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast.
I also don't like long knives, they are ok for skinning but my preference has always been a 7" blade. If you get one Volvo, let me know how it goes as I am in the market for a good knife, my collection is still quite small.
08-06-2021, 05:31 PM
yep, the yanks are quick, I ordered some fittings from the states, all packaged and posted and via 4 different checking sites and landed within 4 days of ordering, cleared customs Saturday 5th early morning and handed over to our super swift couriers who have said it will arrive on 15th, another 10 days. It only has to travel from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast.
I also don't like long knives, they are ok for skinning but my preference has always been a 7" blade. If you get one Volvo, let me know how it goes as I am in the market for a good knife, my collection is still quite small.
Will do for sure mate , Bought the longer blade as that was the only option with the Silver Stag Knife otherwise have to go through Silver Stag themselves and will have to do that if this one comes up trumps i will get the simmilar Blade in the seven inch.
Reason for the stag is ive been viewing them for quite some time due to the blade material.
Also have never had a blade to what i deem sharp straight out of the Box so a run through the waterstones will tell me what they are like and then edge retention will be the next interest,
You cant get away from paying for good steel and its something one should use at home for filletting otherwise it may get a tad expensive if they go over the side lol.
That Uncle Henry Filleter i purchased that i posted in another post came up the goods for me especially for my Whiting just for Filletting and skinning with the one knife "Luv It".
Get another Stag and i will have to have a facebook sale get rid of all the other Knives in my possesion lol as ill never use them in this or the next lifetime no matter how hard i Fish lol.
The longer blade suits me for some of the species here and again using the same blade for the whole process .
Doubt mine will arrive soon as i paid the extra for some engraving , but happy to wait and will certainly let you know what i think of it :)..
08-06-2021, 05:41 PM
The Bark River knives I have bought were sharp, but there was plenty of room for improvement. I don't mind though, a couple of hours with stones, wet and dry, and a strop to be quite therapeutic
I have always found them DLT swift, one thing about the yanks, I find their customer service to be very good. How long it takes for delivery will be up to the various couriers etc that we have to deal with now.
DLT certainly has a range and will suss them out more ,as for Stropping If you have some old jeans laying around the house take a drive to Bunnings and buy some Balsa app size or some softwood offcuts from thei disposall Bin and make a couple of denim ###### .
I have ###### all over the place here and i now go to my Denim ###### more than the leather after a filletting session.
One strop clean and the other with 0.25 paste , my blades never see steeling no more .
New Blade goes through a four to five stage wetstone progression as i find it rather therapeutic also beside that razor sharpness at the end .
Another arena i always drool through is waterstones lol.
Forgot to ask , DLT indicate what the Knives you purchased , what the steel makeup was ??.
08-06-2021, 05:43 PM
Dont know why they edit the Word "Strop" ###### in my posts ??.
08-06-2021, 05:44 PM
Theryago only when ya have more that one lol..
Try Stroppppppppppppssss see how that goes :).
08-06-2021, 08:14 PM
I will keep the denim in mind. I also have a small collection of ###### ::)
The larger of the two knives I linked was CPM S35VN. I have never liked this steel, it is difficult to sharpen and blunts quickly. Maybe they buggered up the heat or something.
The smaller knives were N661 Bohler. This steel has been easy to sharpen and seem difficult to blunt.
I also have one with Elmax, that is the best steel I have had, Seems to hold an edge better that anything, can take a bit of work if you let it get to blunt though.
As an aside, another shop that helped enable my collection is "Knives Ship Free", as with DLT Trading, they are easy to deal with, customer service is great.
09-06-2021, 03:57 PM
Its said that sometimes the higher the Rockwel hardness of the blade the harder or longer it takes to sharpen as well as not all Waterstones will do the task if the bladesteel is of high end hardness.
One of the blades y oo u mentioned in your collection i noticed had an RCH of 62.5 i think being a tad harder than the D2 Steel.
Only knew that by the site you posted as they had some very formative info regarding variouse steels.
09-06-2021, 07:37 PM
That's a work of art that thing - too nice to get fishy 😅. Not for the "purist" as such but a while back I purchased a cheap fixed angle sharpening system and a set of diamond stones to suit. The edge achievable is ridiculous and the diamond stones seem happy to put an edge on pretty much anything. I do finish with a 2000 grit stone and a quick strop on a leather belt. Check the edge by shaving with it.
10-06-2021, 07:52 AM
Scot nothing wrong with angle systems mate , have tried just about everything with sharpening over the years lol.
Yes Knife looks good lets just hope it fits the hype , be good to put it over my stone collection see good a blade it really is ey.
It will propably take a possy alonside the other well thought if blades waiting to be handed down to welcome hands in the Familly lol.
Not after it passes a couple of tests on a good fish first :).
19-06-2021, 08:15 PM
Any advice on learning to sharpen a filleting knife for someone who has no idea?
I had my knives sharpened by a butcher and managed to keep them 'ok' with a steel for a few filleting sessions however couldnt get them back to what he had them at no matter how hard I tried
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19-06-2021, 08:57 PM
It is not difficult, just need a bit of practice.
You will need a sharpening stone, preferably one with a coarse and fine on one side or the other.
Typically, you will start with the coarse side, once sharpened with the coarse, move onto the fine side.
I generally sharpen with the knife blade at approximately 20 degrees to the horizontal. Slide the knife along the stone for ten or strokes, then turn the knife over and do the same on the other side.
Youtube would be worth having a look at. You will likely understand my ramblings a little better, after watching a couple of videos.
20-06-2021, 10:39 AM
Any advice on learning to sharpen a filleting knife for someone who has no idea?
I had my knives sharpened by a butcher and managed to keep them 'ok' with a steel for a few filleting sessions however couldnt get them back to what he had them at no matter how hard I tried
Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk
Some good advice from Bremic there mate :), Get on Youtube and look up Peter Knowlan vids , "Knife Planet" and you will find some very usefull advice there.
Peter is an Expat living in Canada and knows what he is talking about as well as makes things easy in the World Of Sharpening .
Then there is Burfection which is also quite helpfull.
But at days end before spending heaps of $$$$$s if your interested in waterstones or whicher kind of stone it may pay youi to just purchase a two sided stone , coarse on one side and fine on the other to get you going.
Elcheapo Tray for soaking your stone in if thats the way you want to go and a sinkbridge from scrap timber at you local Bunnings store which should cost more that a couple of $$.
Otherwise an old towel on a Brick for holding your stone steady and away you go on the learning curve.
Angles ??, i find each blade has or likes its own angle and easy to find buy laying you blade flat on the stone and push or pull your blade , "Blade Trailing " that is the edge or apex of your blade moving away rather than into the edge of the blade very slowly and as your blade finds its own angle you will feel it bight.
Do this a couple of time till you get the best feel of where the blade want to bight in and that will be your Blades angle.
If there is one thing i can pass on regarding stone sharpening that would be to develope muscle memory within your hand/Fingers and feel the stone and blade working .
Wont go on too much for fear of confusing you mate , Look at those Vids and any help or advice just ask on here and it will be done :)..
Types of stones /Sharpening Systems /Blades etc is a Personal thing and dont get too hung up on it for starters, Like most of us we have spend our dues chasing the perfect Holy Grail re Blades and stones lol.
21-06-2021, 06:17 AM
Thanks guys awesome info, I'll let you know how I get on!
Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk
04-07-2021, 05:11 PM
feck still waiting for my Stag to arrive !!??, posted on the 8th of June and still not here . hardley a fingernail left for anticitpation !!~ lol..
Reckon too soon a wait or shoulda been here by now ??..
04-07-2021, 06:40 PM
Shipping is diabolical nowadays. Could be on the slow boat to Au. Auspost doesn't help either.
I had an item sent from the Gold Coast to Brisbane and then to Sydney and eventually made its way back to Sunshine Coast.
DLT used to provide tracking information, so you could see where it was.
04-07-2021, 07:08 PM
Probably sitting in customs waiting it's turn.
04-07-2021, 08:25 PM
I've been looking for a tiny filleting knife. I have a short one from Victornox but its quite stiff. I'd like something similar but has a bit of flexibility. Like capable of filleting medium sized whitting by going over the ribs bones.
05-07-2021, 08:31 AM
Comming from the States , propably sitting in quarantine !!??.
06-07-2021, 10:33 AM
I've been looking for a tiny filleting knife. I have a short one from Victornox but its quite stiff. I'd like something similar but has a bit of flexibility. Like capable of filleting medium sized whitting by going over the ribs bones.
Lovely, i use a small rappala or Martini sharpened really well when i butterfly my Whiting and no probs whatsoever :), otherwise i fillet ,remove ribcage and skin when doing Whiting and findit quicker that way for me personally.
Suss that rappalla and martini might come out of the same mould so would go the less expensive knifi..
Amazon have a range of filletting knives also of diff sizes..
06-07-2021, 12:12 PM
Thanks Volvo, I actually went to the Martini home shop in Helsinki to pic the exact knife I needed back in May but due to COVID restrictions the shop was shut. I could see the one I wanted through the window but couldn’t get to it.
06-07-2021, 12:16 PM
Put the Uncle Henry over a 3,000 & 5000 stone first time since purchase today.
Not that really needed it but like feel of a freshly polished blade lol.
06-07-2021, 05:08 PM
Thanks Volvo, I actually went to the Martini home shop in Helsinki to pic the exact knife I needed back in May but due to COVID restrictions the shop was shut. I could see the one I wanted through the window but couldn’t get to it.
See Fredys has a store Special at present and they stock martinis and rappalas..Might be something there ??...
06-07-2021, 05:30 PM
Or ?? just came across this lot three and in case although not too sure about the steel quallity although does have a RC of 56 in hardness??..
A 5", 7" and 9" knives ..
Just thought ide let you suss the dancos out ??.
06-07-2021, 06:06 PM
better Still here are some of your smaller martini Blades at not a too bad a price ??.
07-07-2021, 05:34 PM
2 succesfull day of Whiting Fishing and put all Martini, rapalla , rapalla Lookalike ex Aldis and near sure all come out of the same shed :)?? as well as The newly aquired Uncle Henry and at both days end have to say for me the Uncle henry comes up Trumps for Filletting Whiting whether its fillet ,remove ribcage and skin or straight out fillet whilst over the ribcage and then skin..
Mind you all Knives are winners filletting Whiting but just favoured the Uncle Henry is all :)..
07-07-2021, 11:32 PM
2 succesfull day of Whiting Fishing and put all Martini, rapalla , rapalla Lookalike ex Aldis and near sure all come out of the same shed :)?? as well as The newly aquired Uncle Henry and at both days end have to say for me the Uncle henry comes up Trumps for Filletting Whiting whether its fillet ,remove ribcage and skin or straight out fillet whilst over the ribcage and then skin..
Mind you all Knives are winners filletting Whiting but just favoured the Uncle Henry is all :)..
got a link to the knife you are talking about?
08-07-2021, 09:02 AM
Scroll down the Tackle n Accessories page n you will see a thread "Schrage Staglon " i started awhile back.
Top knife mate but might be tad linger blade than what your looking for ??.
My favourite Whiting blade for the time being.
See em onlline between 45 n 50 bucks or thereabouts ??.
09-07-2021, 08:01 AM
Thanks Volvo, I bought an Uncle Buck, $40 delivered.
Now I just need to find a fish to use it on.
10-07-2021, 10:08 AM
You need to go Fishing to do that lol.
13-07-2021, 06:55 PM
Tracking No sez its on its way to Happyrock:o:-? if i have any fingernails left be the time it arrives sigh:-[...
14-07-2021, 12:14 PM
Has arrived 😀 , beuty as advertised though nowhere near as sharp as they say it would be straight out of the box.
An hour on a stonset had it sharper than any razor ive owned , mindyou the first stone ( a400) struggled with the steel so had to drop down to Cerax 320 which played with it without argument :).
Took awhile to form the bevel and a burr i was after
But persisted and moved up to a Naniwa Chosera 800 , 2000 , 3000 , 5000, and finished of with a 12000.
Will upload pics when i drop them into my PC.
So far all in all i love this knife but time will tell how well the blade retains its edge :)??.
14-07-2021, 12:41 PM
As it arrived :)
14-07-2021, 12:50 PM
Followed by the all the following Stones :).
The Cerax 320
14-07-2021, 12:52 PM
The 800 , 2000, 3000, and 5000 among the Stones shown.124224
14-07-2021, 12:53 PM
Finished off with a 12000 and offcourse a Strop though Strop not shown.124225
14-07-2021, 12:55 PM
And must show one of my favourite Stones being the Naniwa 2000 which the blade also played with :}..
14-07-2021, 12:57 PM
Finished off with a 12000 and offcourse a Strop though Strop not shown.124225
hard to see due to photos being from my Phonecamera but the bevel of the blade is mirror finish , hence the 12000 stone finish /Polish.
15-07-2021, 04:54 AM
Volvo, where do you get your fine stones?
15-07-2021, 08:44 AM
Lovely , my stone purchases range from a host of outlets ranging from Fleabay to Beard and Blade ,Chefknivesto go and Especially Japanese Tools Australia whom i cant speak highly of enough.
They have helped me get Stones i was specifically after in the Brick size especially like the Cerax 320 and 1000 , these particular stones cut really well but will also dish if you dont flatten them as you go which meansloss of material but do the job well.
One gets a feel of which stone they individually prefer ,eg which stones give feedback and cut to your liking.
Not that i havent enough stones but one more wouldnt go astray akin to Rods and Knives lol , maybe two more being the Suehiro 5000 and a 20 odd K stone ive been keeping an eye on .
These finer Stones will last a Lifetime if your not sharpening on a professional level and must have a hand down for your stones :)..
Myself sharpening is a passion and a relaxation i find works ..
15-07-2021, 02:13 PM
Lovely , my stone purchases range from a host of outlets ranging from Fleabay to Beard and Blade ,Chefknivesto go and Especially Japanese Tools Australia whom i cant speak highly of enough.
They have helped me get Stones i was specifically after in the Brick size especially like the Cerax 320 and 1000 , these particular stones cut really well but will also dish if you dont flatten them as you go which meansloss of material but do the job well.
One gets a feel of which stone they individually prefer ,eg which stones give feedback and cut to your liking.
Not that i havent enough stones but one more wouldnt go astray akin to Rods and Knives lol , maybe two more being the Suehiro 5000 and a 20 odd K stone ive been keeping an eye on .
These finer Stones will last a Lifetime if your not sharpening on a professional level and must have a hand down for your stones :)..
Myself sharpening is a passion and a relaxation i find works ..
Thanks for that. I did a review of the Edge Pro sharpening system a while back. The lower grit mini stones have the same dishing issues as all low grit stones would. Their mini stones top out at 2000grit. By starting firm on the 2000 grit then slowly backing the pressure off the result is a perfect mirror finish on 2000. I can't imagine a blade getting any sharper than that. Do you really notice any real performance difference when you go all the way up to the 12,000 grit?
15-07-2021, 02:56 PM
Most certainly do :) , mindyou my sharpening is freehand sharpening and have no issues with edge pro or any other sharpening systems that bring about an appropriate edge on a blade.
I also notice difference after i finish sharpening on a Strop , little noticable diferences that make the blade cut smoother and easier at days end ..
15-07-2021, 03:11 PM
Clarify it a tad more , you can get a mirror finish on you edge with a 5000 stone , what one wants stepping up in grits is refinement in the finish :). That is if your always trying to best yourself and the work you try achieve at days end .
Mindyou steel quallity plays a big role here also.
Have some elcheapo bait knives that i can sharpen one day and come back a week later without having touched the knife and the Apex of the blade feels dull as if it hadnt been sharpened ??..
maybe the Missus gets out while i am unaware and trying to mess with my Brain lol..
16-07-2021, 06:41 AM
Volvo, where do you get your fine stones?
This is one place, but I’m sure there are other places
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
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