View Full Version : Rod for XOS spanish on baits

22-05-2021, 07:23 PM
Last trip we got dusted more times than I care to remember by XOS spanish macks. Got spooled twice and I'm not in a hurry to have it happen again. Likely stepping up to a Penn Slammer III 6500 or a 2020 Saragossa SWA 10000 but not idea what rod to put it on. There are Live Fibres at 7ft but only 10-15 kg so doesn't seem quite enough. Local tackle store does a live fibre custom 30-60 lb but only at 6ft or 6'6". Not willing to pay for a Venom for this purpose. Fingered the Penn Ocean Assassin but didn't like it.

So, any suggestions on what to get?


22-05-2021, 08:28 PM
Overhead reel, mate....

Better for trolling as well.

We use eggbeaters for jigging or tossing lures but overheads for light sportsfishing type stuff..

22-05-2021, 09:54 PM
Sabre 655XXH will definitely be enough rod for them......might be able to find one in the second hand stores guaranteed not to break.
It's a short stroker that will knock any fish over quickly.

23-05-2021, 07:40 AM
Overhead reel, mate....

Better for trolling as well.

We use eggbeaters for jigging or tossing lures but overheads for light sportsfishing type stuff..

I love my overheads but was thinking spin for easy casting. Local tackle guy suggested Shimano speedmaster is the best value at the moment.in overheads.

23-05-2021, 07:41 AM
Sabre 655XXH will definitely be enough rod for them......might be able to find one in the second hand stores guaranteed not to break.
It's a short stroker that will knock any fish over quickly.

Not convinced on strokers. Trying to get around the bait board and outboard with a short jigging rod when your a midget like me is bloody hard, I reckon a stroker would be the same.

23-05-2021, 01:31 PM
Sure they were Spanish? They usually have a couple of good runs and they are done, wahoo are a different story

23-05-2021, 03:39 PM
A budget conscious option may be the Shimano Maikuro 722SW. 10-24kg. For a cheap rod they seem ok.

23-05-2021, 03:43 PM
Also some options from the Ugly Stick range I've got a USG-BWS702H 2 piece. It's only 10-20 kg rated but it has some grunt down low.

23-05-2021, 06:10 PM
I love my overheads but was thinking spin for easy casting. Local tackle guy suggested Shimano speedmaster is the best value at the moment.in overheads.

Not a Talica but at half the price they look alright..

I'll probably try a speedmaster next and leave my bulky pair of Tyrnos for just trolling..

The only time I ever got spooled on an overhead was on my Calcutta when a White headed sea eagle grabbed a livie ....

Man, you should have heard that reel scream....by the time I got up and got the rod out of the holder, the reel was empty..

Maybe its just a personal thing but I prefer overheads for live baiting or floating pillies for pelagic fish ....but yeah a spin reel is easier to cast in a boat and easier for the kids to manage....

24-05-2021, 03:19 PM
Last trip we got dusted more times than I care to remember by XOS spanish macks. Got spooled twice and I'm not in a hurry to have it happen again. Likely stepping up to a Penn Slammer III 6500 or a 2020 Saragossa SWA 10000 but not idea what rod to put it on. There are Live Fibres at 7ft but only 10-15 kg so doesn't seem quite enough. Local tackle store does a live fibre custom 30-60 lb but only at 6ft or 6'6". Not willing to pay for a Venom for this purpose. Fingered the Penn Ocean Assassin but didn't like it.

So, any suggestions on what to get?


If you want to use a spinning reel, have a look at the Shimano Anthem SW rods ranging in length from 1.54m to 2.43m and 20-30lb up to PE8-10 depending on the rod. Price is from $240-350 depending on where you buy it and if it is on special or not. I think that Dinga have them on sale at the moment. I bought the PE8-10 7'9" 2 piece for GT popping and put a Penn Spinfisher SSV8500LL on it. I had a look at about 6-7 different rods at Tackle World Lawnton and it was the only one that I liked, as in, it has a large enough first guide which was far enough away from the blank and also from the reel itself, to stop the guide line slap coming off a largish reel, so should be able to cast further than the others or you could use it to float line or balloon fish off it.


24-05-2021, 03:26 PM
Also some options from the Ugly Stick range I've got a USG-BWS702H 2 piece. It's only 10-20 kg rated but it has some grunt down low.

I also have one of those and you would be hard pressed to break that Ugly Stik. I actually removed the guides on mine and rebound it into an overhead rod.

24-05-2021, 04:15 PM
Have an old Silstar 7,something Rod i built in mt previouse life coupled with an Abu 10000 loaded with 30lb mono and when i had my reef Boat the XOS Mackeral i pulled up with that Rod flicking Pillies was another thing!! , never thought Mackeral fought that hard really and caught some huge fish too..

24-05-2021, 06:30 PM
Reels ~ I use old school TLD 30 2SP’s and Tyrnos 30 2 SP’s reels loaded with 24 kg nylon.
Rods - 24 kg custom XT 50’s made by Wellington point marine many years ago are excellent , if you can find one . Other wise the good old live fibre 15 to 24kg ZWS 70 XJ aren’t too bad , but lack a bit of guts down low if your racing sharks.
I love catching Spanish on big spinning reels like my big Saltiga SExtreme Maverick from Daiwa, but you have to use very thin 50 to 60 Lb braid like Ocea to get near enough line on them for big fish . Sounds like you’ve discovered 30kg plus Spanish empty spools very quickly . Suggest you go with an overhead reel with decent line capacity ie 400 to 500m of 24 kg or be prepared to chase them down on you motor to gain back some line.

24-05-2021, 06:33 PM
I saw you mentioned venom rods
did you discount them just because of price ?
I have a venom swim bait rod on the way, awesome rod
kiwi blanks rolled in Aus

24-05-2021, 07:21 PM
Are the blanks available?

24-05-2021, 07:33 PM
Sure they were Spanish? They usually have a couple of good runs and they are done, wahoo are a different story

Pretty confident they all were. Got one in the boat. Only ran at Spanish speed. Never got a wahoo but I've heard you know when you do.

24-05-2021, 07:35 PM
You may not need to buy new gear CT..

By the looks of this scary document Fisheries may close or severely limit the bag limits for Spanish....

The working group are saying numbers are below the limit needed to close the fishery and asking whether changes can be made before the 1st of July...

https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/sustainable/fishery-working-groups/spanish-mackerel-fishery-working-group/communiques/17-18-may-2021?fbclid=IwAR0c2kIuWkSea4SlQ5lVj_DUV19kzyPpmGZz AUTCDVxVGNJkD1TiOPMyrjo

Bizzare document out of the blue like that..personally 20 years of fishing for Spanish up here in FNQ I wouldnt say that I have noticed numbers have dropped off..

24-05-2021, 07:37 PM
Also some options from the Ugly Stick range I've got a USG-BWS702H 2 piece. It's only 10-20 kg rated but it has some grunt down low.

I also have one of those and you would be hard pressed to break that Ugly Stik. I actually removed the guides on mine and rebound it into an overhead rod.

I've got a lighter ugly stick that I've run floaters off for years but it's got no grunt in it. Spooled with mono you never get busted off or have a hook get shaken but you can't put any hurt on anything either!

24-05-2021, 07:49 PM
Have an old Silstar 7,something Rod i built in mt previouse life coupled with an Abu 10000 loaded with 30lb mono and when i had my reef Boat the XOS Mackeral i pulled up with that Rod flicking Pillies was another thing!! , never thought Mackeral fought that hard really and caught some huge fish too..

Yep, had the old Silstar Crystal Power Tip in action last trip!

24-05-2021, 07:51 PM
I saw you mentioned venom rods
did you discount them just because of price ?
I have a venom swim bait rod on the way, awesome rod
kiwi blanks rolled in Aus

Yep, just a tightass! I bought a Venom Stickbait rod last year and it's really nice but not cheap!!

24-05-2021, 07:52 PM
You may not need to buy new gear CT..

By the looks of this scary document Fisheries may close or severely limit the bag limits for Spanish....

The working group are saying numbers are below the limit needed to close the fishery and asking whether changes can be made before the 1st of July...

https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/sustainable/fishery-working-groups/spanish-mackerel-fishery-working-group/communiques/17-18-may-2021?fbclid=IwAR0c2kIuWkSea4SlQ5lVj_DUV19kzyPpmGZz AUTCDVxVGNJkD1TiOPMyrjo

Bizzare document out of the blue like that..personally 20 years of fishing for Spanish up here in FNQ I wouldnt say that I have noticed numbers have dropped off..

Saw that tonight and thought exactly the same thing!!

24-05-2021, 07:53 PM
I've found a Gary Howard G Force 7ft 24 kg spin that seems about the right price. Decisions, decisions!

24-05-2021, 08:23 PM
Yep, just a tightass! I bought a Venom Stickbait rod last year and it's really nice but not cheap!!

Spending wisely isn’t being a tight arse
did I say I bought 8 Miller rods this year and a couple of venoms plus all new reels
these will do me till I die and gave the son all my older loomis and daiwai rods and reels

05-09-2021, 02:14 PM
I've found a Gary Howard G Force 7ft 24 kg spin that seems about the right price. Decisions, decisions!

what did you decide on ?

06-09-2021, 07:06 PM
what did you decide on ?

I ended up buying my wife an off the shelf "custom" Live Fibre. Standard Live Fibre blank, but better Venom style components. Local tackle shop gets them made. 6'6", 20-50 lb overhead. Reel is a Fin Nor Marquesa 16. Will still have to get something else to run floaters when we fish as a family but will do the job nicely when I head out with mates.

08-09-2021, 09:28 PM
Ok nice
my new venom heavy swimbait rod arrived. Big stick for freshwater