View Full Version : Looking for a small, cheap baitrunner - low $$ or donation ...

13-07-2020, 10:47 PM
Hi all,

I'm looking for a small bait-runner style reel so I can start my Granddaughter on Winter Whiting fishing. I have always wanted to try a small overhead on a 5" or 6" rod for Winteries.

I figure it's easy to just set the 'spool drag' so when they push the button, the line just drops, and when they feel the bump of the sinker, just turn the reel to engage. I could be wrong, but I think it's going to be easier than trying to teach her, first few times out, about bail arms etc.

So if anyone has a small one they don't use anymore (control yourselves fellas) I would appreciate a donation reel, but I'm prepared to pay $20 to give it a go.

I'm in Narangba, and get over to Redcliffe a little, so I'd be hoping for something around or between those.

Thanks for reading and considering, Steve.

PS: A spool around the size of the thread spools in the photo (or smaller) would be perfect.

14-07-2020, 01:37 AM
Hey Bazza since i bought my Shimano 15 overhead i no longer need the old Penn 209 level wind uts not a bait caster but a small overhead reel u can have for free if i can find it

Sent from my SM-G900I using Ausfish mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91595)

14-07-2020, 08:50 AM
Pity you didn't put this thread up earlier,as I threw out a small Daiwa baitcaster about 8 weeks ago which I wasn't using it anymore, it was old but still quite functional but I had replaced it with a new modern version.

If you want a real cheap one that is new, try looking on "ali express" they have a heap of them and shipping is often included but the delivery is fairly slow due to coming out of China.

14-07-2020, 09:12 AM
I learnt to catch them with an Alvey when I was a kid, you just need to watch the overrun.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-07-2020, 10:42 AM
Pity you didn't put this thread up earlier,as I threw out a small Daiwa baitcaster about 8 weeks ago which I wasn't using it anymore, it was old but still quite functional but I had replaced it with a new modern version.

If you want a real cheap one that is new, try looking on "ali express" they have a heap of them and shipping is often included but the delivery is fairly slow due to coming out of China.

What a bugger - you wouldn't believe how often (not too often thankfully) this happens. Thanks for the reply though.

14-07-2020, 10:46 AM
Hey Bazza since i bought my Shimano 15 overhead i no longer need the old Penn 209 level wind uts not a bait caster but a small overhead reel u can have for free if i can find it

Sent from my SM-G900I using Ausfish mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91595)

I appreciate the offer Gazza, but I think a 209 is going to be way too big (assuming it's similar to the size shown in the photo).

I'm after something that has a spool about the size of a thread spool you'd buy at a tackle store. I've added a photo to the original post to clarify.

If it is about the size spool now shown in the first post, please send me a PM (if you can lay your hands on the reel)

Thanks very much mate, Steve.

14-07-2020, 11:16 AM
Try Dinga fishing, join the club as they have small bait runners for under $50 but for new members you get a $20 or $25 discount on your first order and free postage to members.

14-07-2020, 11:42 AM
I don't have a baitcaster in my arsenal, but I have a brand new 1000 spinning reel, which I won in a comp a few years back.
It's not an expensive model, but it's new in the box....
It's yours if you want me to post it to you n/c
Happy to contribute to a wee grand child, to get started into fishing,, plenty helped me when I was young...


14-07-2020, 12:02 PM
I just had a quick look and couldn't find those bait feeder reels. I check later and get back to you.

14-07-2020, 12:25 PM
Thanks for all the replies to my request. I have taken "blacklab" up on his generous offer - kudos to you mate.

If anyone did happen to find a small bait-caster I would still be interested, to test out my theory, but we are now equipped to get out among them.

Wonderful to see such camaraderie - who says we've lost the Aussie spirit !!!

Till next time, stay well and try to keep those lines wet and tight.


14-07-2020, 01:34 PM
Here's a couple of Pic's Bazza.
You can see how big it is with the photo of it in my Mit.
Probably not a colour a wee young girl might pick,,, and I can see, it may well be fiddlier than a Bait caster for a beginner.
But I'm sure you could set it up for her and get by until an easier reel rears it's head...
While not an expensive model, she's brand spanking and even has a spare spool...
Let me know here if this suits, I should be able to get to a post shop by weeks end, not sure how the post is with this virus at the minute, may take longer.....


14-07-2020, 01:44 PM
Here's a couple of Pic's Bazza.
You can see how big it is with the photo of it in my Mit.
Probably not a colour a wee young girl might pick,,, and I can see, it may well be fiddlier than a Bait caster for a beginner.
But I'm sure you could set it up for her and get by until an easier reel rears it's head...
While not an expensive model, she's brand spanking and even has a spare spool...
Let me know here if this suits, I should be able to get to a post shop by weeks end, not sure how the post is with this virus at the minute, may take longer.....


Thanks so much Col, I've sent you a PM with my details. AWESOME !!!!!

14-07-2020, 01:50 PM
All Good,
I'll get it packed and try and get down to the post shop before weeks end....
Hope she enjoys it..


14-07-2020, 02:16 PM
Bazza, this is what I was talking about. great for the bay and easy to use although I notice the smallest one is n/a at the moment. This is a bait feeder style, where you can set up the rear drag to virtually zero and either flick the lever or wind the handle to engage it, also it would be an easy reel to progress to casting later.


14-07-2020, 04:33 PM
Do what i do for the Grandkids , everytime we near Anaconda north of here we drop by and ususally they have New Price Reduced baitcaster Reels of models they wont be stocking any longer with a pricetag too good to say no to.
And no sweatif the Rod n reel accidently goes overboard as they are learning :).
I have an arsanel of halfe a dozen or so with overhead Rods to suit when deep dropping for Whiting and like you said "Click to drop and Wind to bring fish up "..
Pick up something new for fifty/sixty bucks is better than buying old and you get a warrenty with it..
As Dignity sez , Dinga is another good source ..