23-04-2018, 04:24 PM
This is a bit of a "blast from the past", for those who knew me in a past life but I have just sent the following enquiry to Fisheries and QPWS to see if they actually know the answer. Rather than wanting to pick a fight (this time) I would really just like to know the status of some of the remote little creeks along the North Queensland Coast now that I am about to become a water bound version of a grey nomad.
I have scoured the website but can't seem to find the answer. It dates back to 2004 and the RAP program implemented by GBRMPA. At the time a lot of discussion was had about a State program of what was called "complimentary zoning", where by state government waters (a creek, inlet or river) adjoining the Federal waters of the GBR would be zoned the same. I know it was talked about (a lot) but I am unable to find out if was ever enacted . I am particularly interested as a soon to be "cruising grey nomad" as we intend to creek/estuary hop our way up the coast and our first port of call North of our home port of Airlie Beach is going to be Bowling Green Bay. In the corner of the bay around 19 25 07 147 26 33 are a series of tidal creeks which run from State marine park with the creeks themselves state waters into a federal marine park green zone. What is the legal status of these creeks in terms of recreational fishing and crabbing. I do know of clear tested examples of where complimentary zoning has NOT occurred the most obvious being page 173 ref 6.107 of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning plan 2003 in reference to a site called Clarks Cove whereby the "bay" (deemed state waters) is "blue" while it abuts a Federal park Green Zone. (reference Zoning Map 10) approx. 20 09 52 148 34 22 . So, basic question. Was complimentary zoning ever legislated/implemented?
I have scoured the website but can't seem to find the answer. It dates back to 2004 and the RAP program implemented by GBRMPA. At the time a lot of discussion was had about a State program of what was called "complimentary zoning", where by state government waters (a creek, inlet or river) adjoining the Federal waters of the GBR would be zoned the same. I know it was talked about (a lot) but I am unable to find out if was ever enacted . I am particularly interested as a soon to be "cruising grey nomad" as we intend to creek/estuary hop our way up the coast and our first port of call North of our home port of Airlie Beach is going to be Bowling Green Bay. In the corner of the bay around 19 25 07 147 26 33 are a series of tidal creeks which run from State marine park with the creeks themselves state waters into a federal marine park green zone. What is the legal status of these creeks in terms of recreational fishing and crabbing. I do know of clear tested examples of where complimentary zoning has NOT occurred the most obvious being page 173 ref 6.107 of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning plan 2003 in reference to a site called Clarks Cove whereby the "bay" (deemed state waters) is "blue" while it abuts a Federal park Green Zone. (reference Zoning Map 10) approx. 20 09 52 148 34 22 . So, basic question. Was complimentary zoning ever legislated/implemented?