View Full Version : Hello From Yamba, NSW.

01-04-2018, 12:58 AM
Hi all,

Was a member many years ago, was suprised, but not suprised, to find it recently still going. I assumed with social media it might have dwindled, But its hard to find a good genuine page without the keyboard strokers, hence, why, its probably still going. Well done.

So,anyways, I rejoined, paid my tiny memebrship, and am happy to be a part of the page again.

I'm a mad fisherman from the Northern Rivers of NSW 10 minutes outside of Yamba. I have the local rivers sorted pretty well, But am very new to outside fishing. Im building a large boat, so i can learn. Hope to take some learning away from this page. Keep up the good work.


01-04-2018, 09:24 AM
micalo island?how big is the boat?

14-04-2018, 01:53 AM
hey Mate.

Oh, Maybe i exaggertaed a little. Depends what you call big, But Its a 6m Aluminium ex charter boat. Was used to take customers out to the reefs of Gold Coast 20 years ago. Was in survey spec 20 years ago, but is very tired, and currently undergoing a full makeover and centre console conversion. Love building and mucking around with boats as a hobby, to keep me home with the family, and have the luxury of a 15m x 12m shed at home. so most days it radio's/Tunes and doing something to the rig. Last 2 weeks straight has been the trailer.