View Full Version : Remote oil reservoir with leaking cap

01-01-2018, 01:49 PM
Does any one have a fix for a leaking oil bottle , at the cap where the sensor fits. Its a 90 HP Yamaha.
I have had the sensor and cap replaced a few years ago, but its decided to leak again.
The oil softens the rubber cap.
Its a stupid design, L shaped bottle, with the sensor on the lower part of the L shape. So there is a large amount of oil over the top of the sensor, in the long leg. The sensor doesn't start working until the oil gets down to the bottom leg..
Originally the bottle was smaller,and was the shape of the bottom part of the L.

This lower section holds 1.130 litres, which would give me 820mls to use before going into limp mode. So around 40 litres of fuel use.
If i cant get a fix, I will only use the bottom part of the bottle, and carry spare oil with me.

Any ideas, tape, sealers etc?

01-01-2018, 02:16 PM
Hi David

Can you not just replace the bottle?
Yamaha spare part or generic?

01-01-2018, 02:36 PM
Nice thought Chimo,
but most outboard motors suffer from the same disease.
The web is full of the same type of issues.
I could replace the sensor again, at around 130dollars, even though it will be working perfectly, and the leak will stop until the cap softens again.
If I use just the lower part of the bottle, it would not have a " head" above to make matters worse.
Imagine say a clutch reservoir, with the sensor cap being lower than the top of the reservoir. Same deal. I will see if I can put up an image.

01-01-2018, 02:56 PM
This shows the shape of the bottle, its a later shape than the original. Note the " Head : above the sensor cap. It gets soft, and leaks all the oil above that point.116612116612

01-01-2018, 04:47 PM

I see what you mean Can you add a header tube instead of the leaking cap?

It may be possible to use frp to bond a tube / pipe so the oil storage is increased and you can use any old plug at the top, even a fuel cap or big cork!

Obviously you need to see if frp reacts badly or not before doing this.

'I have been amazed over the years that I have been using frp how many uses it works with.


02-01-2018, 04:37 PM
Chimo, the image is a bit small, but should give you the idea.

The float is fixed to this item,and is used to send the levels to the dash board.
Everything works fine, but the oil comes out from under the cap at the top of the sender.
This happens as the rubber softens over time.
I would like to seal the unit to the bottle, at the cap, with some sort of sealer.. Would not matter if it were permanent, so long as the cap( Lid) and the sender unit could be removed to replace the unit some time in the future , when it stopped working.
Any ideas of a sealer that might do the job?

02-01-2018, 05:16 PM
David, I think Selleys All Clear used to be fuel and oil resistant, certainly seemed to work on a mates boat where he had oil and crap floating around in the bilge, but then it wasn't there permanently.

02-01-2018, 09:46 PM
Hi Dave Clean it all up With Metho to get rid of the oil & maybe a bit of sanding on the plastic to rough it up to get a key with the glue, & seal it up with 2 pack JB weld the slow cure one as I have found the fast cure not as good

03-01-2018, 05:44 PM
Thanks to everyone for the replies. I also spoke to Garry,( Silver Service) and Yamaha still have not addressed the problem. Thanks again

03-01-2018, 10:07 PM
Try "Permatex Aviation Form a Gasket #3" It is oil and petroleum resistant and forms a gasket that will not crack or dissolve with petrol or oil. I used it to seal the sender units on my fuel tanks, you can get it from Autobarn and other places, otherwise I could give you some to try If you are local to me (Ningi), send me a PM for details if you want some.

04-01-2018, 06:21 AM
So if a pipe will fit over the cap location and there is room under the motor cover and any of the sealants mentioned works; the one mentioned by EdBerg sounds the way to go; then the leak is fixed and you gain extra oil so you need to top up the the TCW3 less often too. Win Win.


04-01-2018, 01:06 PM
116628 That is how the tank looks. If you look at the opening on the lower leg,that is where the gauge fits, you will note a lip that the cap fits over. So I feel that the sealer would work.
Stupid design, and only any good when the rubber is new.

04-01-2018, 01:35 PM
So as I asked earlier, can you fit a pipe inside your outboard engine cover if you used the Permatex gasket stuff above to affect a leakproof connection of the pipe to the existing tank with the sender still in place?

That way you fix the leak, do away with the leaky rubber cap and replace it with pvc or copper or whatever and increase you TCW3 volume by the capacity of the pipe.

If you use class 12 roe eg pvc just slide an unsolvent cemented cap over the top.

If you cannot fit a pipe straight then make bends so it fits, plenty of fitting on the shelf.

Or use exhaust pipe or copper etc bent to fit.

Got to be a number of ways to do this that do away with the short life Yamaha rubber cap.


12-01-2018, 11:53 AM
"Permatex Aviation Form a Gasket #3".( Edberg)
Got the number two instead , as it is suitable for flexible surfaces, and doesn't go hard..
Gee that number 3 looks the goods for hard surfaces.
Drained the oil, and now getting ready to remove the plastic tank.Have to do a good clean up
See how we go. What a pain in the ring piece.
Gees there is a lot of similar instances on the web.. David

13-01-2018, 06:06 AM
Had the same problem, removed the unit from the tank clean the inside of the cap (must be dry ) used rtv gasket maker around the inside of cap and on the bottle.
Not thick , refitted and left for 24 hours to cure. So far has worked no leaks after 20hours of use.
Apparently very common problem

13-01-2018, 08:35 AM
Thanks John, and not Just on Yamaha motors either. I did the same as you yesterday, using Permatex number 2 gasket maker,just waiting to let it cure now.
What does rtv stand for?

14-01-2018, 07:34 AM
Had to look it up --Room-Temperature-Vulcanizing never thought about it before . I used Permatex Ultra Black Hi Temp oil Resistance Gasket Maker RTV. left over from sealing a leaking rocker cover . John.