View Full Version : Boat Trailer Guide On Posts
09-09-2017, 06:30 AM
Hi Guys,
Does anyone have any experience with the guide poles you see fitted on either side of some boat trailers?
Do they work?
I can see some value in being able to see where my trailer is at when reversing to retrieve the boat but are they of much value when it comes to actually putting the boat on the trailer?
I have a drive on trailer which I have no problems using...just always looking to make things as easy as possible getting on and off the ramp.
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09-09-2017, 06:39 AM
I guess every bit helps! one thing I have seen many times though, on home made ones that are just bolted to the trailer frame, they wobble around when on the road (because of the length) and crack the frame where they bolt on, remember most frames are quite thin metal! I have seen the trailer lights attached to the top part though, this keeps them out of the water when launching, don't know if it's legal?
If you can see it, I find watching the trailer winch gives a pretty fair indication of how straight the trailer is going.
09-09-2017, 09:30 AM
Ive got them on my trailer they work great
10-09-2017, 06:43 AM
I just use my side mirrors when reversing and I always keep the drivers side trailer wheel in view of the side mirror and make any slight adjustments when required.
10-09-2017, 06:46 AM
Forgot to add the number one rule when backing a trailer is ALWAYS have the trailer straight, never at an angle, before you start to go backwards.
10-09-2017, 08:34 AM
I just use my side mirrors when reversing and I always keep the drivers side trailer wheel in view of the side mirror and make any slight adjustments when required.
Good luck doing that with my car and tinnie - unless you want to do a big circle
10-09-2017, 08:53 AM
I put some home made posts on my trailer mainly because it makes driving on and winch retrieving a heavy boat in the strong currents we have...a bit easier...and when Im on my own every bit helps..but frankly if you have no troubles driving on as you are ....there would be better things to spend money on....
As far as reversing goes....short trailers are hard to see and turn having something up on the boat thats visible from the drivers seat is helpful.....a longer trailer is pretty easy and as Bugsy says...use the mirrors it takes a little while to persuade yourself to trust what you see ..but in the longer term its the way to go.
11-09-2017, 08:08 AM
They can work but you have to be careful as with a bit of wave action the boat can push against the posts and as mentioned above crack the posts or the frame. I have seen an old radio aerial used as a guide if you're finding it difficult to reverse. Just put it up when loading and down out of the way when not in use. Burrum Heads ramp was really bad for loading back in the day and posts can help steady the boat when you're on your own but as mentioned, watch the bashing of the hull against the posts.
11-09-2017, 10:57 AM
ive had them on all my boats. the more recent set were Dubiers guide poles with a wobble roller on top for my polycraft. its just coincodencet that every boat ive owned and most ramps i venture too need the trailer to be in deep. the poles pretty much just act as guides to where the back of the trailer is etc. but if trailer width allows.. yeah i like them.
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