View Full Version : Cyclone Debbie Blog
Have done this a couple of times over the years and it has been joined by other NQ ausfishers in the firing line.
Makes for great reading compared to the fake news crap the MSM bang on with as they hope around like vultures looking for a photo op of any doom and gloom. Debbie is bearing down in an areas between Ayr and Airlie, with it looking like Bowen is in the crosshairs, 30 miles as the crow flies north of Airlie. The blog I did on Uilu and latter the Yasi blog where a bloke from Mission beach gave us amazing insight was really interesting, and I think this one will be too. Town has all rallied, having been caught with its pants down in 2010 with Uilu. Everyone seems pretty right, lots of gennies ready and fuelled up, everyone has cash, sandbags are all in place. The only one scared are the tourists and staff who all think they are going to die (they must have been watching the channel 9 news).
So 7pm Sunday night in Airlie Beach. Fair bit of rain, wind gusting to 55 knots, marina in lock down and most businesses will not open tomorrow after about 2pm, including ours. Have already told staff to take the night off.
Sorry. Fake news. 45 knots. 78 k's . =)
26-03-2017, 07:07 PM
Here's hoping you all fair ok and it's not too bad.!
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26-03-2017, 07:30 PM
Keep the rum bottles high and dry KC ,take care and thanks for the report from my favourite place in NQ.... Matt
Nothing will destroy the rum!!
8pm advice still has it coming straight towards Bowen but the tracking map forecast has it kicking due west in the morning and landing nearer to Ayr. Experience says these buggers tend to drift south, particularly if there is not a big high down south pushing it up. My guess, having watched these for 30 plus years, is Bowen or just north. Wind still topping out at 80 k's and don't think it will change much tonight. Monday arvo should get "interesting".
Been through a few when i lived in Home Hill when i was younger , Hope every one is prepared and all lend a hand for the clean up afterwards , thoughts and prayers for everyone affected. Be good to see that Dam flowing over the spillway again awesome sight.
26-03-2017, 09:05 PM
Good luck with it mate. I've noticed over the years that BOM are really good now at predicting paths. Twenty years or so ago they couldn't get within a day and 500k's of where a cyclone was going to come ashore. Now they seem to be pretty good. Remember the droughts of the nineties we were hoping for a low to cross the coast and bring some rain to the southern inland but all they did was suck all the moisture out. Maybe this will cross without too much damage for NQ and bring some rain to those that need it. And there's plenty of them still. Good luck again KC.
Big E if the spillways run they wash all the barra away =(. Clearly however the Burdeken and Proserpine dam will both get a pretty fair "top up". As an aside, did you know Red Claw ONLY breed with a rising water level? Means this time in a bout 18 months will be a red claw "bloom" in Prossy dam, (make a diary note).Still blowing and raining, hopefully a few more Ausfishers a bit further north join this thread. I know when I covered Uilu and the Mission Beach guy live blogged Yasi it was better than any TV coverage. Fisherman actually know about the weather.
26-03-2017, 09:24 PM
Hope it isn't as bad as the news makes it out to be.
All the best to all those in the firing line.
Be safe.
The news loves a good beat up and get really disappointed when they don't turn out as bad as the hype. This one is the real deal but not looking any worse than Uilu in 2010 and nowhere near as bad as Yasi in 2011. Have lived through 30 years of them and even looking at real time radar this is not a monster, but, still sufficient enough to get ready and not be complacent. If it hits a town with old buildings it will do some damage. Wind has increased significantly in last 1/2 hour. Maybe peaking above 90 k's. Will check seabreeze station on Hamilton island but Airlie is getting a fair sort of blow job.....Can I say that?
5am and conditions are about the same. Wind steady at 66 ks, gusting to 80 plus, rain but not in flooding levels yet. Still a fair way out to sea but going to be an ugly couple of days at this rate. Next BOM advice due any minute
Ramping up already in the last 1/2 hour. Wind to 75ks gusting to 90 at Hamilton Island weather station.
27-03-2017, 06:32 AM
appreciate the "real news" opportunity KC.
Really interesting to look at the real time satellite and 512k rain radar images. Both of these, to the eye, are showing the centre well to the south of what the official BOM 5am advice is saying. The 8am advice may well confirm what particularly the radar is saying and if so, Mackay might want to start paying more attention to Debbie. Weather is deteriorating by the minute. Heavy rain now. Very ordinary outside and a Northerly swell is just staring to roll into the bay (again a 50 knot SE wind). High tide today will be interesting to say the least.
Just heard some dick on TV talking about King Tides and massive storm surge. Tides are in fact only medium size New Moon tides. We have tides 1/2 meter higher on normal tide ranges in January so a 1/2 meter storm surge will only be the same as a January high. Tide is at 10 this morning and will see how high it comes up. Storm surge usually travels in advance of the system itself. Landfall is being predicted for around high tide time Tuesday. Good solid rain at present but wind is no worse.
The 8am BOM advice, has, as expected, adjusted the landfall forecast about 50 ks South. Now expected 1/2 way between Ayr and Bowen. I think it has a bit more South in it yet and is "in the slot" for Airlie beach or just north around Monties. Moving slow, will take some time yet and who knows, it might U turn and bugger off =)
27-03-2017, 09:28 AM
Interesting, but all the news feeds I've been watching this morning have made no mention of Home Hill. Ayr is being mentioned all the time, and the last time I looked at a map, Home Hill was just south on the other side of the river, but didn't seem important enough to get a mention.
Looks like all the TV channels' "personalities" have headed north for the big event too. Some of them might even be called "stars".
So stand by for an honest unbiased view from them all, each one trying to outdo the others.
Still about the same in Airlie. Bit of last minute prep going on around town. Power out at Jubilee pocket which I don't expect will come back on till after this passes Tuesday arvo. Hope they are all ready. Our catering kitchen is there but have fired up the genny and have enough fuel for 36 hours. Don't known when Airlie will lose power but it will probably be some time today given conditions. Had about 50 ml of rain in the last 4 hours and winds still SE at 70 to 80 k's.Northerly swell rolling in and high tide in a few minutes. Tide looks to be about 4meters off a predicted 3.75. Tomorrow will be more "interesting".
This is really the best guide at present. Live radar images
Worse place for cyclone news are the TV channels. Always worse case scenarios and usually out of date as most are pre recorded.
BOM is the best place.
Hope you get all your preps done early and stay safe.
Ayr is now "safe" the 11am track map has confirmed what the radar was clearly showing. This system has moved south by a significant margin and the latest track map has it landing right on Airlie. Still looks like it has further south to go yet and mackay should be getting ready. Now a cat 3 with a 4 by late tonight. 3 hourly Bom updates are not really up with the times when the radar can show real time movement of the system. Over the next few hours, if this continues to drift south we might end up dodging a bullet in Airlie and Bowen but someones going to cop it.
Winds gust peaked at 111k's on Hamilton Island. =(
All the TV channels will be pissed off they are already too far North. Some even in Townsville. Head for Monties Reef Resort of Airlie Beach if you want a ring side seat boys and girls. Ayr/Home Hill are now relatively safe
27-03-2017, 11:40 AM
Winds gust peaked at 111k's on Hamilton Island. =(
I think my nephew still has his boat at Hamilton, but he may have it further south now.
Poor old channel 9. They have a crew stationed in Townsville and just now they are trying to pump up the tyres of the cyclone "hitting" Townsville. All headed by the great climate change precursor of "could, may and might". Townsville pump up saying. "insert precursor" stronger winds than Yasi, more flooding, and the best one no power for 4 days. FMD. Townsville, your going to be OK snowflakes. Take that to the bank. Ayr, you are going to be damp and windswept but you will be OK too. Bowen, Monties and Airlie....hang on to your (coco) nuts. Best place for the bugger to go will be between Conway beach and Mackay....around the old laguna Quays and Midge point. Pity for them but not a lot of people living in that area and this is my best guess for where this is heading.
If he is on Hamo the boat will be safe in the marina and he will be safe in the yacht club bar. Be worse places to be stuck.
27-03-2017, 11:55 AM
I think he is back here, had the boat at Cairns and was bringing it back, last report a couple of weeks ago was that the boat was at Hamilton!
All good. I hope for as long as I have internet I can keep posting "real" news, not the TV fake News which is so much a part of the modern media. I remember after Yasi some TV dick, standing at the damaged clump point jetty (MIssions beach) telling the world "and this is where tourist leave from to visit the Whitsunday Islands"...only a few weeks ago a courier mail story "killer dingos lost on Whitsunday Island"...Pelorious island as it turns out. 400 k's north near Hinchinbrook. Never let the truth get in the way of a good beat up....PLUS you can all say, you knew the cyclone was going to drift further south, because you saw it first on Ausfish =)
27-03-2017, 12:07 PM
If i keeps travelling south I'm guessing my Stanage Bay trip will be off the cards, was due to go next Friday but depending on how much rain they get will be whether or not i can actually get in.
Not sure about the road in and out but I bet the crabbing will be good if you get there!! After Uilu and Yasi went through here we had a barra/crabbing season beyond belief. Within 600 meters of the main marina I had one lift of 4 pots with 47 legal bucks. Now THAT was the upside of a good cyclone/dump of rain, plus we were having 50 barra sessions within eye sight of Airlie.
27-03-2017, 01:21 PM
Now that sounds awesome, straight after the cyclone or?
I'm hoping to still get in but you just never know will know more in the next few days my fingers are crossed! As I don't want to have to cancel!
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27-03-2017, 02:33 PM
Hi Skusto,
Had a mate come back from Stanage last week. He had to wait 4 days before he could get out due to water ove the road. Not sure exactly where it was along the road. Can't imagine this will help the situation there at the moment though.
Hope you can get up there and get some hot action like kc mentioned.
Also, thanks for the constant updates kc, good to follow along with some accurate reporting!
Still solid on an off rain at about 25 ml and hour. Wind steadily increasing to be at 85ks with gusts to 110 so certainly freshening up. Still have power and the weather radar shows a more westward movement in the last couple of hours straight in towards Bowen/Monties/Airlie. For some reason, maybe geographic, the Whitsunday islands are a bit of a magnet and have sucked quite a few in over the years. This bugger is right "in the slot". Still hoping it will drift a bit further south. When Uilu smashed us in 2010 I said it was a bit like skydiving. Kind of exciting, a bit scary, really glad I did it, but never wanted to do it again. Well I have only been skydiving once but this may be the second direct hit in just the last 7 years.
Bom has now moved to hourly updates, which means it's getting close, and serious. Next official at 4pm.
27-03-2017, 03:34 PM
Just saw on Sydney news that the tidal surge will coincide with one of the biggest tides of the year.
Yep, Typical fake News. It is a 3.75. Not even close to the 4.2's which are the biggest tides of the year.
Just been down to check on my business premises and Je..sus. . It has certainly ramped up. If this bugger is still 12 hours out it is going to be a long night. Rain is in the 50 plus ml an hour range, wind 60 knots with guts and a few trees and branches starting to come down. Lights have fickered a few times but expect to lose power soon. Genny all ready to go. Will run the fridge, the Tv and computer.
27-03-2017, 04:25 PM
Stay safe KC....... Yep, I've been through a couple when I lived in Townsville. Also lived in Brisvegas during the 1974 issues... ( water only reached the gutters on our house :( )
cheers LP
If it reaches the gutter on my house we are in for a world of consideration of the fact I live on top of a hill =)
Radar still giving the best real time data. Moving almost due west, with maybe a slight drift to the south. Not a real big bugger but it has certainly intensified over the day. In for a "fun" night. Would not like to be at Monties.
27-03-2017, 04:47 PM
This is all we gettin 8-)
27-03-2017, 05:00 PM
Our house at Seaforth has been 'wrapped' up. Figuring it might be close to the line of fire, luckily we've got a good mate in it looking after it.
Hope it all goes well up there, we're down in enemy territory now (Cooma, NSW).
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27-03-2017, 05:16 PM
Even though it is miles away from us, in a week or two, we will get big seas and a lot of rain, the low depression just kind of drifts down south a lot further than they used to...
A bit of "news". The cyclone is now appearing live on Google earth. Just amazing how quickly technology has developed. It is , as at the 5pm advice, 215 ks from airlie Beach and tracking pretty much straight at us.
Channel 9 is fun. Old mate in Ayr trying to talk it up, but deep down cracking the sads he has missed "the spot", the women in Mackay, almost coming in her pants because a tree has fallen over and the guy in Airlie has got the golden ticket. "Here's a scoop", direct from channel 9. Cyclone Debbie is the largest cyclone to hit the Qld coast since cyclone Yasi.. Dickheads, it is only the 3 rd hit the coast since Yasi and both the other were little ones. Like saying it is the wettest day since the day before yesterday. I know they have a job to do, but, really, just scaring the sh!t out of people for no good reason?? They are still talking up Townsville being without power for 4 days. Townsville will not lose power for 4 minutes =(.
Anyhow. Its wet, windy and will, in all likelihood get worse and at some stage tonight or early tomorrow we will lose power. Ayr is safe, Townsville is even safer and Mackey/seaforth should be nervous. Bowen/Monties and Airlie are still in the firing line.
27-03-2017, 07:07 PM
looks pretty mean on google.:-[
looks worse looking out my window =(
27-03-2017, 07:28 PM
Great reporting KC.
Maybe you should apply for a job with the news crew ;D
All good. I hope for as long as I have internet I can keep posting "real" news, not the TV fake News which is so much a part of the modern media. I remember after Yasi some TV dick, standing at the damaged clump point jetty (MIssions beach) telling the world "and this is where tourist leave from to visit the Whitsunday Islands"...only a few weeks ago a courier mail story "killer dingos lost on Whitsunday Island"...Pelorious island as it turns out. 400 k's north near Hinchinbrook. Never let the truth get in the way of a good beat up....PLUS you can all say, you knew the cyclone was going to drift further south, because you saw it first on Ausfish =)
Nah! I will try for a job selling used cars or real estate. Better still become a politician. Much more credibility.
Not sure where google earth is pulling their data but if they are right it is already south of the whitsundays. The current mark has it almost 30 ks south of the last BOM advice and tracking towards Mackay, Will check the radar to confirm.
Radar does not agree. It is real time observation rather than computer models and the little fuc#er is just sitting out there and slowly moving due west, in a line between Bowen and Airlie Beach
Getting serious now. The 8pm advice is now a cat 4 wind winds to 250k's and intesifying. Advice had confirmed what the radar is showing. Tracking due west or even slightly to the north west. Google earth is wrong!! Fake news? Winds in Airlie steady at about 80 to 90 k's, gusting to 120 but this is going to get a lot worse. If this hits bowen, which is low lying and full of old homes it will be catastrophic. Much "safer" if it come a bit further south. Uilu was a dangerous storm which caught us with our pants down. Our pants are well secured but starting to get a bit of brown stuff forming in the saggy base.
Winds just hit 132 ks max gusts. Smelly shorts weather. Pissing down. Can't believe we have not lost power yet
27-03-2017, 08:26 PM
Hayman shows a drop in the wind 5:00am in the morning.
You might have a chance for a quick fish KC.
Maybe from my balcony at the top of the storm surge =)
Going to get a couple of hours sleep. It is going to get exciting in the early hours of the morning.
Seppo BNE
28-03-2017, 01:16 AM
Must be getting windy up there now.. Hope all are well battened down and safe.
1.30am. Game on. Using tablet so excuse typos. Lost power 10.30. Wind now touching 80 knots. Eye near hardy reef which is 20 knots. Hamilton island 90 knots. Still a few hours till touchdown
Wind now passed the old fashion 100 miles an hour and ee are still 5 or 6 hours from centre. This is going to be a shocker
Just heard a roof go somwhere behind us
Wind ramping back up at hardy reef means eye has just passed. Puts it 70ks from airlie. Expect worst of it just on daylight and second half about 8am. This will be doing some seriuos damage if bowen is coping what we are
175 ks. Might lose mobiles soon. ####er is still hours away. This is not fun
Hardy reef back up to 60 lnots so eye has passed the reef. Our turn next
Radar has it speeding up. Eye only 20ks off hayman.50 off airlie and wind no longer increasing. Touch wodd this ,ight not get too much worse
Wind at 178. Uilu touched 190. Splitting hairs. Anyway you want to look at it, it is blowin
182. Stopped howling and started roaring
Going by hardy reef wind the back end not as bad. Really getting a bit ordinary outside now
Hamilton island weather station has stopped updating. Hardy reef back down to 30 knots. Game on for next 3 hours but not getting any worse in last 30 minutes
Edge of eye about to pass over hayman and hamilton now. 3.25am. Wind shouls start to back of at hamo station in next15 minutes
Wind easing on hamo. Back down to 150. 3.32am
4am. F#cker just sitting still a few miles off hayman. Wind back up over 180ks. Still not passed uilu conditions but splitting hairs. It's blowin
28-03-2017, 04:10 AM
Keep your head down mate it doesn't sound good . Matt
Still just sitting there kixking the crap out of us and not moving. Winds at 170 plus. Just had a big potplant go over on balcony. If that's the worst we are ok but this need to get moving ans get it over wit
5.14 am. Wind gust 188.9 on hamo
This sustained and ugly. Uilu was in and gone in a few hours. This one still has hours to go
28-03-2017, 05:31 AM
The weather man says it has stalled and some places will have the winds for up to 30 hours. That's not good. Stay safe mate.
28-03-2017, 05:56 AM
stay safe KC, really appreciate the info your posting
6.30. Howling and no let up. Thhis has to be doing damage. Any news from bowen. We sre built for this. They are not. High tide still 4 hours away could be aa disaster
F#cker is still just sitting there and smashing us. As bad as it has benn but at least we have daylight
Just passed uilu. 196ks on hamo. F#ck
Radar showing moving again. Heading in towards the coast. Hang on to your hats
8.30. Getting worse in last 10 minutes. Just heard another roof go behind us.
222ks on hamo right now. Here she comes. Conditions appaulling
Seppo BNE
28-03-2017, 08:39 AM
What kind of house are you in there KC ? I imagine they would be built fairly strong, but, geez, 220km+ winds are brutal. I wonder how long mobile phone networks can run on standby power..
Surprised to still have mobile, which is working tablet. Getting low on power. Maybe last another half hour. House is fine but have to really worry for poor old bowen. It cant cop this. Not sure it can get much worse. 220ks if really "interesting"
28-03-2017, 09:08 AM
Hard to imagine really when we got near perfect weather down here, hope everyone is OK. How pathetic is the media, it's all about the promotion of the presenters and the network, disgraceful, do they not think we cannot see through it?
Wind is screaming. White out s o cant see what tide is doing but nervous. Genny fired up to run phone and keep beer cold.
28-03-2017, 09:32 AM
According to willyweather at Hamilton Island Airport it is currently 121knots so 224 km/h.
This is massive, hope all is going well up there.
28-03-2017, 09:36 AM
we had no power for 12 days when Yepoon got hit.
First rule =keep the beer cold=
2nd rule =lock the bloody gennie up=:-X
9.37 same same. Got a glimpse of water and not particulrly high yet wit about 2 hours till peak. Wind screaming and air full of flying plants debris.
9.41. 231ks. Freckle starting to twitch
Gon Fishun
28-03-2017, 09:51 AM
Wind is screaming. White out s o cant see what tide is doing but nervous. Genny fired up to run phone and keep beer cold.
Hang in there buddy.
Can clearly see eye on radar, right over hayman. Maybe an hour or so out
Pray for poor old monties. Going to cop it right between the eyes
Gon Fishun
28-03-2017, 10:05 AM
9.41. 231ks. Freckle starting to twitch
A happening on 2 fronts. Sort of.
Just poked head out back. Big tree down, just missed the car. Maybe easing a little , or maybe not. A matter of degrees of dreadful
10.23 getting close to high tide but cant see sh!t. Both business operation are exposed to storm surge. Time for this bitch to f off
10.25. Airlie very close to eye on real time radar. Be off line soon to go chech venues and get gennys running. Ready for the north westerly which won't be as strong but comes straight at us.
28-03-2017, 10:37 AM
Stay safe kc
10.41. 263 ks. This is the real deal. The edge of th3e eye
Hamilton Island showing 142knots, 260+kmh, that's Cat5 territory
Hopefully this will finish soon with minimal damage.
Our best wishes and prayers from Brisbane.
Thanks mate. Just waiting it out but f#ck it is giving us s ome
Listening to radio and they are so far behind the game. Eye just starting to impact airlie now. Radio is saying 3 hours away
Round 1 over, wind now around 50 knots and dropping. Will go and sort businesse,s. Looking off balcony at about 50% tree damage. Ada in 1970 before cat days left 90% tree damage. It must have been horrendous. That was a very seriuos storm. Round 2 will not be as bad
28-03-2017, 11:18 AM
Drive carefully
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28-03-2017, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the updates, good to know the facts and hopefully damage is limited to trees and the odd structure but not humans.
28-03-2017, 12:18 PM
Hamilton Island showing 142knots, 260+kmh, that's Cat5 territory
1. No still only Cat 4 at 263km/h, Cat 5 is 280 km/h on
2. BOM should be happy they have actually had a station survive this one to actually confirm wind speed predictions
Je..sus. got town to venue wi th a fair bit of scub bashing to get there. Lost some big windows and restaurant pretty trashed. Trees down everywhere. This has been a very serious storm. Lots of signs and awning down but cant see much building damage
28-03-2017, 12:35 PM
Good luck mate
Here she comes again. 1 meter northerly swell rolling into the bay. Wind can't be far behind
Coming in from north just now. Hope not as bad. Lot of damage already and airlie is very exposed to north. At least tide going out. 1 meter surf rolling into bay.
Finger arms at both marinas have busted loose. Carnage in a way fishos understand. Have not seen persoanally but ive got a boat in abel point marina. MighT be thank god for insurance
Got computer working. How good are Honda inverters. a 3 kva running my fridge, lights, my mates fridge downstairs and now the desktop PC.
Looks like BOM Bowen radar is out.
Mackay & Townsville still operating.
Hope your boat is OK.
Doesn't matter. Insured and is what it is. Bigger issue is commercial fleet and marine infrastructure which can really damage the business community and tourism. The industry which employs everyone. This will be 100S of millions of dollars damage. Prick of a thing
Mates 6.5 cruisecraft on trailer, on it side
28-03-2017, 02:48 PM
I know it's a thank god for insurance but still not nice for you guys a lot of money and time will be outplayed to get a lot of people back on there feet, hopefully it starts to breakdown now it's landed.
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Hopefully since it's crossing the coast it degenerates quickly.
Not yet have to say. Now have 160 plus from north. F#ing screaming...again and no cover
FMD...over this. Sreaming in from NW. Horendous
From 03:30 pm BOM report, Debbie now cat 3.
28-03-2017, 03:58 PM
Such a great thread, thanks kc.
A very different picture to the style used by media outlets
Fmd. Lat 3 hours horrendous. Worst of the whole day. Screaming in from north with no cover. Had enough fun. This is a monster
I once went skydiving. Kind of exciting, kind of scarey,glad i did it and never want to do it again.
Winds at hamo down to 60 ks. Not long left..i hope
28-03-2017, 07:04 PM
I see our two biggest row boats with helicopter capability are out of action and they have sent the remaining ship with helicopter capability and she is steaming north.
28-03-2017, 07:22 PM
Great reporting KC
Hope all is OK
BOM says she now a cat 2.
Hopefully the wind out your way is easing.
Looks like rain will now be the next thing!!
Broken its back. Singularly longest day of my life. Never again. I have always been the boyscout. Always the one ready and well prepared. Nothing could prepare you for this. When the dust settled and the global warming vutures swoop in, this will be the most damaging and expensive cyclone in australias history. F#ckin horrendous day, made a bit worse by dh media telling us it was all over bar the shouting hours ago.
KC how your going?
Hopefully you had some rest last night!!
29-03-2017, 05:18 PM
Debbie will be lucky to make Australia's top 10 worst cyclones, damage wise, power wise or financial wise, one can only imagine the destruction if Debbie was running pressure in the low 900's or high 800's, central pressure was in the mid to high 900's and thankfully she never reached the power and destruction capabilities of many that preceded her.
29-03-2017, 07:11 PM
Upload some pics when you can KC.....
have you heard exactly where the eye crossed the coast yet?
A lot of conflicting media reports covering about 100 miles of where it crossed.
29-03-2017, 07:45 PM
Ok I'll respond for you KC....what drugs you on satnav? I can't recall too many storms at +250klm/hr
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29-03-2017, 07:52 PM
Just start with Mahina and work down the list, it's not all that difficult to comprehend really. Oh yeah just refresh my memory where it was 250+ among the coastal communities?.
Satnav, and without trying to be rude,,,,,,,This will be, without any shadow of a doubt, the most expensive cyclone ever to hit australia. It has f#cked over a massive industry. The business interuption insurance alone will run to the 100,s of millions. Structral damage will be 100,s of millions. Marinas, boats, jettys is a shocker. I have worked all day today. Got open at 11. Fed 100,s of people who had no food. Fed emergecy workers for free and managed a bit of a look around. Airlie is trashed, just trashed. I have lived here 33 years, through countless cyclones. This one was different. Tommorw the tv cameras and politicians will go and it will be just us and the insurance companies. Poor bugger my town, my 53 staff and my industry. This was horrendous and now tonight we have a preety soloid thunder, satnav. Mate, put a zip in it.
Oh. And it peaked at 263 on hamiton island. Near enough for you
Cape Crusader
29-03-2017, 08:56 PM
G'day kc
I've been following this blog closely from the start, and wow, quite a ride. Thanks.
Sorry you and your community suffered through this catastrophic event. All the best for the huge task of recovery ahead.
Looks like my wife and I will have to have our winter Qld holiday in Airlie Beach this year, not that we are big spenders, but every little bit helps I guess
29-03-2017, 08:57 PM
Yes I do understand your frustration but lets not go down the line of the Journo's that you rightly run down, yes I am well aware of what it peaked at on Hamo, actually more than aware of what it peaked at everywhere else as well which is why I asked the question of someone trying to carry on just like a Journo, this is day 1 of many, day 2 tomorrow is another day, it is not the end of the world and no lives were lost (as far as I am aware) as a direct result of the cyclone, this was a good start. One has to always look on the bright side, this could have been much much worse and probably right now you would be thinking well it couldn't get any worse than this but it definitely can, we do know this.
Mate!will restate. Off the back of 33 years of cyclones. This was "the big one". As the dust settles and the payouts start you might get the picture. This did not just f#ck over a town , it has F#cked over and industry. The end game will be eye watering in dollar terms. Happy lives not lost, in large part because we are a new, well built, modern town. I know i am emotionally but look back at both of my uilu and ysdi blogs. I treid to be honest and dispassionate. This one was different.
Big follow up storm tonight with a lot of rain. Large scale flash flooding in cannonvale with evecuations underway now. This bitch just won't go away. Town in a bit of bother. No power, no food, fuel or refrigeration and as yet no sign of large scale emergency services as roads all cut. Today will be interesting. Lots of little personal gennys running but most are about out of fuel.
Back In Black
30-03-2017, 05:48 AM
Yes I do understand your frustration but lets not go down the line of the Journo's that you rightly run down, yes I am well aware of what it peaked at on Hamo, actually more than aware of what it peaked at everywhere else as well which is why I asked the question of someone trying to carry on just like a Journo, this is day 1 of many, day 2 tomorrow is another day, it is not the end of the world and no lives were lost (as far as I am aware) as a direct result of the cyclone, this was a good start. One has to always look on the bright side, this could have been much much worse and probably right now you would be thinking well it couldn't get any worse than this but it definitely can, we do know this.
You just don't know when to quit do you mate.
Every single thread you have ever been involved in you have acted the same, like a total & utter knob.
If you were there & lost everything you have ever worked for, well yes, it may feel like the end of the world, but no, you are ok, as you just sit back & fire off with verbal diarrhoea playing the keyboard warrior you are well known for
30-03-2017, 06:20 AM
Kc you just got a good plug for the rum bar on sunrise.
Last post on this thread. It will be a fair old tale. The storm/flood last night was the final nail. 1 meter of rain in 6 hours. Major flash flood property damage. People whose houses survived debbie, didn't survive last night. Our restaurant, which managed to feed 500 odd people yesterday, i left last night with 3 gennys running. At some stage 1 meter if water washed through the basement and gennys stuffed.. we are closed indefinately. Fired up catering venue and fed 2000 people today for free. Dont care.have enough food for another 1000 tomorrow. Malcolm turnbull apparently flew over today in a helicopter. Did not land. Maybe didn't want to get his shoes muddy.crashed my fing car pre dawn. Tree almost landed on top of me. Hit the fer instead. Just a really awful time. Oo ish. No annual weipa trip this year, and right now, as i thpe this, fireworks being let off. Makes me smile. F debbie. I am going to release a new series of mt gay rum hats ...debbie does airlie 2017.. i have plenty. Pre order. 30 bucks each. Mate of mine just left e,emerald with a 200 kva genny. Sorry if this is a bit incorherant. I am stressed. What else? Only 2 reef pontoons are somewhere between here and fiji.. reef has 10 meter seas. Daydream has been evacuated. Dropped 200 pax in airlie. No power, no food, no water, no sewage. We will be dark for 2 more days, army cant get through, everyone with a genny running out of is just f'd. I am "tired and emotional" maybe even for real. No more posts from me. Done. A shocker
Over and out. Next time i am on ausfish i will talk boats and fishing..
Gon Fishun
30-03-2017, 10:09 PM
Last post on this thread. It will be a fair old tale. The storm/flood last night was the final nail. 1 meter of rain in 6 hours. Major flash flood property damage. People whose houses survived debbie, didn't survive last night. Our restaurant, which managed to feed 500 odd people yesterday, i left last night with 3 gennys running. At some stage 1 meter if water washed through the basement and gennys stuffed.. we are closed indefinately. Fired up catering venue and fed 2000 people today for free. Dont care.have enough food for another 1000 tomorrow. Malcolm turnbull apparently flew over today in a helicopter. Did not land. Maybe didn't want to get his shoes muddy.crashed my fing car pre dawn. Tree almost landed on top of me. Hit the fer instead. Just a really awful time. Oo ish. No annual weipa trip this year, and right now, as i thpe this, fireworks being let off. Makes me smile. F debbie. I am going to release a new series of mt gay rum hats ...debbie does airlie 2017.. i have plenty. Pre order. 30 bucks each. Mate of mine just left e,emerald with a 200 kva genny. Sorry if this is a bit incorherant. I am stressed. What else? Only 2 reef pontoons are somewhere between here and fiji.. reef has 10 meter seas. Daydream has been evacuated. Dropped 200 pax in airlie. No power, no food, no water, no sewage. We will be dark for 2 more days, army cant get through, everyone with a genny running out of is just f'd. I am "tired and emotional" maybe even for real. No more posts from me. Done. A shocker
Over and out. Next time i am on ausfish i will talk boats and fishing..
I feel for you KC. Words are not enough to be able to fix and understand what you guy's have been through. And I'm not to good with words.
I would feel privileged If I could buy one of your hats. Please PM bank details etc.
Cheers. Bob.
31-03-2017, 07:42 AM
And to those that thought this wasnt a bad one...........
Lot of livelihoods gone. Yep can be rebuilt but spare a thought for those farmers that now deal with the loss of livestock.....
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31-03-2017, 09:36 AM
Yes I do understand your frustration but lets not go down the line of the Journo's that you rightly run down, yes I am well aware of what it peaked at on Hamo, actually more than aware of what it peaked at everywhere else as well which is why I asked the question of someone trying to carry on just like a Journo, this is day 1 of many, day 2 tomorrow is another day, it is not the end of the world and no lives were lost (as far as I am aware) as a direct result of the cyclone, this was a good start. One has to always look on the bright side, this could have been much much worse and probably right now you would be thinking well it couldn't get any worse than this but it definitely can, we do know this.
1. Shut the F up you dont understand shit.
2. Its no wonder you have to number your ideas because it is incoherent rubbish when you don't (just plain rubbish when you do)
KC its very sad to hear what has happened to Airlie and surrounds. I've had many good times in that town and in your bar.
I hope for a speedy recovery for the town and that you get out fishing sooner rather than later.
31-03-2017, 10:16 AM
And the carnage is set to continue in the aftermath, Rocky, Gladstone, Emerald and many others all getting smashed by flood waters directly associated with TC Debbie, not to mention the damage done throughout SEQ and NNSW.
Satnav, your statements are tripe mate, give it up now. I agree with KC's prediction, this will be the single worst cyclone event in QLD history, the fact lives were not lost is a miracle and a testament to modern building standards.
31-03-2017, 10:37 AM
1. Honestly some of you need to get over yourself as no matter what you say it will not change history, when reality settles, history will be what it is but really not sure that many of the soapbox opinions will change the outcome. It is what it is and there's not a dam thing anybody can say or do to change it. Lets see how the experts rate it in due course.
31-03-2017, 11:00 AM
And the carnage is set to continue in the aftermath, Rocky, Gladstone, Emerald and many others all getting smashed by flood waters directly associated with TC Debbie
1. Honestly you are now sounding like a B grade over hyped reporter. The Fitzroy will do exactly what the Fitzroy has done for most years long before your time is flood, it is just what any river needs to do. Emerald and Gladstone have no idea why you think that are getting smashed, like not enough rain in emerald to even settle the dust.
2. Leave the hype to the reporters so we can concentrate on a single point of over zealous reporting
31-03-2017, 12:03 PM
1. Honestly you are now sounding like a B grade over hyped reporter. The Fitzroy will do exactly what the Fitzroy has done for most years long before your time is flood, it is just what any river needs to do. Emerald and Gladstone have no idea why you think that are getting smashed, like not enough rain in emerald to even settle the dust.
2. Leave the hype to the reporters so we can concentrate on a single point of over zealous reporting
SatNav you really need to get your facts right before you post things. I have been speaking with a mate at Emerald at the golf course. Wednesday it was under 6ft of water (a little bit more than settling dust). KC is right about the economic cost that system is going to cost. It may have not been the strongest system that Qld has seen but besides the initial cost of building damage to the likes of Hamilton Isl, Hayman Isl, Bowen, Airlie Beach etc it is also the loss of infra structure, crops, businesses etc and the continual damage that is being experienced down the queensland coast and inland.
KC was giving us a first hand account of what he was and is experiencing and for you to hijack a thread with unfounded information is disgusting. I don't know KC personally but he is doing alot more to help his community even though he has experienced I am sure a huge loss due to this disaster than you are sitting behind a keyboard with your unfounded information.
Thanks KC for your insight into what REALLY and is HAPPENING and I wish you all the best and thankyou for your assistance in helping your community to try and get back on their feet,
31-03-2017, 12:52 PM
I'm guessing you own Kc bar and grill? I'm heading up in June for a week and I'll make sure I visit your bar. Soon it'll be time for the visitors to return. That's the best way for everyone outside to help with the rebuild.
I know you will be busy right now but I hope the businesses, House and boat come through relatively unscathed. I have friends in town with varying levels of depth right now. Wish you well.
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31-03-2017, 01:10 PM
1. KC is certainly not the issue, he has his opinions like everybody else but lets not turn this into total beat up
2. Towns, resorts, loss of infrastructure, businesses hit by cyclones, you name it's happened before and in most ways no different what occurred at Airlie so lets not over hype this
3. Emerald had 11.8mm on Tuesday & 48.2mm on Wednesday, nothing more than maybe a bit of very minor flash flooding in Emerald terms, would have been gone before leaving the 19th, maybe too much time spent in the 19th :)
4. So can we leave the hype to the reporters, we don't need any more rubbish like Marcia being a category 5, facts without the fiction please.
5 But at least some may be starting to realize Debbie in cyclone terms was not all that she was made out to be, sure the place got beat up, nothing different to previous beat ups, the people will respond, rebuild, those that can't handle it may leave, go to somewhere like Tasmania
6 Look at Mackay which has been impacted by over 70 recorded cyclones during its brief history including some of the worst on record and look at Mackay today, in comparative terms when Mackay was annihilated in 1918, Airlie should really be counting itself lucky, building codes and all the other excuses don't separate the end results
31-03-2017, 01:14 PM
1. KC is certainly not the issue, he has his opinions like everybody else but lets not turn this into total beat up
2. Towns, resorts, loss of infrastructure, businesses hit by cyclones, you name it's happened before and in most ways no different what occurred at Airlie so lets not over hype this
3. Emerald had 11.8mm on Tuesday & 48.2mm on Wednesday, nothing more than maybe a bit of very minor flash flooding in Emerald terms, would have been gone before leaving the 19th, maybe too much time spent in the 19th :)
4. So can we leave the hype to the reporters, we don't need any more rubbish like Marcia being a category 5, facts without the fiction please.
5 But at least some may be starting to realize Debbie in cyclone terms was not all that she was made out to be, sure the place got beat up, nothing different to previous beat ups, the people will respond, rebuild, those that can't handle it may leave, go to somewhere like Tasmania
6 Look at Mackay which has been impacted by over 70 recorded cyclones during its brief history including some of the worst on record and look at Mackay today, in comparative terms when Mackay was annihilated in 1918, Airlie should really be counting itself lucky, building codes and all the other excuses don't separate the end results
1 what is up your a$$
2 you really have NO idea
3 fishnet or ausfish you always cause disagreement
31-03-2017, 01:36 PM
1. Adding some balanced discussion to all the perceived doom and gloom
2. Cheer up it could have been a whole lot worse, much worse,
3. Please talk about ideas if you wish it may help some better understand, you ask, I will try to answer, if I don't know I will at least say so.
31-03-2017, 01:57 PM
Where abouts do you live Satnav?
I'm guessing by your "balanced" discussions that you were near there during the cyclone and near emerald as well?
Where is all your "well educated knowledge" coming from or is it just your "opinion"
Cause as we all know you might try to understand or think you understand how bad it is but unless you actually go through one you will never really actually know.
Posting like it's nothing that big or who cares they will rebuild is pretty poor form, just because you don't get directly affected doesn't mean you can virtually tell others to toughen up it's ok.
Its not you that has to rebuild, find money for insurance, have no car cause it's flooded, wait 12 months just to move back home because insurance companies are so busy. Get denied insurance because as we all know they try for one reason or another.
How about you just go by the old saying if you got nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all!
But then again I suppose you can't do that.
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Cape Crusader
31-03-2017, 02:14 PM
Satnav, Thanks for ruining this kc's blog and shutting down kc, NOT
31-03-2017, 03:07 PM
1. Yes Shusto been thru all that stuff, how about you, is there anything else
2. KC can speak for himself CC if and when he really wants to, assuming the digital comms are still up which from all indications they are which is a good start. This is one big problem with today's society and expectations is the over reliance on smart systems and the supporting infrastructure that is the first to typically fail in these types of situations, NBN is absolutely useless without power as there is no backup. As long as Telstra haven't got a truck down the street handing out boxes of Touch 2000's then all good
3. Abusive attitudes coming from some of you don't help anybody what so ever so yes if you don't have anything constructive to say don't say anything, Everybody doesn't have to agree but then that doesn't make it a disagreement as some would like it to be .
31-03-2017, 03:23 PM
1. I thing I definitely agree with and that is the media, absolute waste of space and there's only so much inept "reporting" I can handle at any one time. It is truly amazing how the media can take the worst damaged house in a town and shoot it from 36 different angles and turn every cross into a new disaster
31-03-2017, 03:42 PM
Dear SatNav,
Due to your attitude aimed at KC, and I don't even know the bloke, I have put you on my ignore list.
The comments aimed at a person who tried to keep people up to date with the cyclone was appaling at the least, you should hang your head
in shame. End of story. Remember,,, WHAT GOES ROUND, COMES ROUND.
31-03-2017, 03:45 PM
The reporting by the media was indeed self serviing but it is blatantly obvious many people in that part of Qld have been badly hurt, one way or another, by this event and by diminishing it you are just making a complete cock of yourself, but nothing new there I guess.
Appreciate the commentary KC, it gave us a bit of an insight as to what it must have been like, we could feel through your posts the increasing emotional trauma...hope eveything gets back to "normal" as soon as possible.
5 But at least some may be starting to realize Debbie in cyclone terms was not all that she was made out to be, sure the place got beat up, nothing different to previous beat ups, the people will respond, rebuild, those that can't handle it may leave, go to somewhere like Tasmania
6 Look at Mackay which has been impacted by over 70 recorded cyclones during its brief history including some of the worst on record and look at Mackay today, in comparative terms when Mackay was annihilated in 1918, Airlie should really be counting itself lucky, building codes and all the other excuses don't separate the end results
1. Please edit above points to have the dots "." after line numbers
Very irritating without them
2. This bullet point created so the one above wouldn't feel lonely.
Sorry this developed into sh!t fight. Was just supposed to be a real time "lived experience" description of what i thought would be a pretty fair blow. It was not. I am not going to get into a slanging match, but, sufice to time...point to the scoreboard. I am sure bigger cyclones have hit australia...i am also absolutely sure a more expensive cyclone will never have hit australia. Shute harbour is boat puree. Whitsunday rent a yacht has 45 boats, they now have 2. The damage on hamilton, daydream and hayman..just wow. The business interuption insurance will be 100,s of millions...and now, i am told, becuase we don't have tv , it is flooding ares to the south. Yasi hit cardwell with maybe the same or more force than debbie. It did however not last close to 24 hours, nor was it followed by a flash flood the next night. Difference was also it hit a town with a GPP in the low millions a year. This one hit a town with a GPP in the billions. It is the boats, infrastructure and BI insurance claims which will be monsters, not damage to buildings, and now, as i understand it, it will be continuing damage this cycolne/system is causing down south.
31-03-2017, 06:13 PM
Thanks for your effort KC I applaud your effort.
Hope you come out shining.
31-03-2017, 06:18 PM
Yeh mate it's not a shit fight at all, it just takes one numb nut heh.
I have a peace offerring. First. No. Not kc's...and that, in itself, is a story. Fish d'vine and the rum bar, and d'vine catering and events. Look it up =)
SO...a 10 year old commadore and 12 year old subaru wagon have a head on crash at 100 the Same me time a new rolls and a bmw 7 series have a head on at 80 ks. Which is the worse accident? The re is no right answer and old mate, saying bigger cyclones have hit us is right, but only to degrees.
Both are bad accidents one might kill people. 1 , with better cars problely won't, but which , subjective, is worse. I sa w Yasi, larry ans uilu first hand. Yasi was a stonger cyclone. Was it worse. compassion it doesn't even rate"'
No worries my end. Just a matter of perceptions...and actually living the experience
Just saw my first paper. Je..sus. hamilton island and then the spread of floods south. Deaths, floods, damage. Still without power but have water back. Very sad old town at present with a few things starting to get sorted. We stripped down our gennys and booted up so intend to get back open monday, just so people can get a hot feed and i can pay staff. Tough few months in front of us but bet the crabbing will be awesome =).
04-04-2017, 06:27 AM
How did the marina fair. Did you find your boat?
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04-04-2017, 07:14 AM
Thank you for the real time blog. I understand that you are a bit stressed but from what I hear you continue to help as many people as you can.
The devastation caused by this mother of a cyclone can only be really appreciated by someone like yourself who is living through it.
I've been to Airlie several times and to hear that it's basically been wiped out is saddening to say the least.
My prayers go out to you and many like you that have been effected. Stay safe, stay strong as the road to recovery is likely to be long and bumpy.
As for this turning into a shitfight, well it hasn't.
As for SATNAV I could really vent here, but I won't. You are obviously the guy who believes he knows better than others, always finds a negative comment and must stir the pot.
Wherever you may live SATNAV, I'm sure if I walked into you local pub, you would be the bloke sitting in the corner alone as nobody has the time of day for you. Now drink your beer go home, read the paper and send nasty criticising letters to the editor.
Just leave the good people to do what they do best and take note of a previous comment made - IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY, THEN SAY NOTHING AT ALL
To all the caring people on here that have comments, I'm bloody sure KC has appreciated each and every supportive comments. Thanks everyone.
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04-04-2017, 07:26 AM
1. Some should try and stay with the discussion, those that want to rant about me then start your own thread if I am that important to you, lets just see who the negatives really are here.
04-04-2017, 07:29 AM
Kerry loves fishing, the internet version, always looking for a bite. All should realize it for the smelly bait that it is and leave it alone
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04-04-2017, 12:04 PM
I've read this whole thread and have had an awakening to understand and respect class when I see it. Thanks for giving us the live version of events KC, I think you carry a big slice of the pie up there, more than you are prepared to admit , your businesses have sustained enormous loss, but you sacrifice so much to feed the crowds and keep them going. I salute you Sir! A question I have is when did the meter stop ticking in terms of damage? When Debbie was declared a tropical low/ rain depression? Its still on the March, to NZ. Persistent be-arch isn't she? That is if the low still has the name. I live in Logan, very close to the Logan river, wholly crap, rack up the damage bill and personal loss to so many.
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No dramas guys. As the dust (and mud) are settling and the stress levels dying down it is just now eating the elephant, one bite at a time. Speaking to other local business owners, boat operators, day tour operators, one of whom last night gave me the low down on what has happened out on the islands and fringing reef, this is going to take some time. I have absolutely no doubt now that more powerful cyclones have hit the coast, and, at the same time think history will record this as the most damaging, by a factor of several times in terms of both actual cost and longer term economic impacts. I took a few pics at Abell Point marina this morning of sunken yachts and twisted marina arms and fingers. I will post them when I get some time. Hamilton and Hayman are trashed, daydream is uninhabitable . It a mess. Going to a tourism industry forum this arvo to see what is planned. All a bit overwhelming as the initial damage has sunk in and work started on the clean-up, the magnitude of the damage to our economy is manifesting itself along with the environmental damage it has caused in the short to medium term to our natural assets. In the mean time I have come up with a new marketing slogan. What d'ya recon. catchy?
05-04-2017, 07:47 AM
1. Who am I?
- I was a category 4
- I was very small
- I totally and absolutely destroyed Daydream Island
- I eliminated basically all structures on South Molle
- I totally destroyed everything at Shute harbour
- I killed 14 people
- I destroyed 85% of all houses at Airlie Beach
- I wiped out 75% of Hayman Island infrastructure
- I pretty much also cleaned up Hayman, Palm Bay resort and Hook islands
- I unroofed and damaged 40% of all housing in Proserpine
- I put sea water through shops in Airlie beach
- I created the highest flood ever recorded in the Proserpine river
- I am the one responsible for that wailing siren sound along with the goose bumps
Who am I?
Back In Black
05-04-2017, 08:06 AM
1. Who am I?
- I was a category 4
- I was very small
- I totally and absolutely destroyed Daydream Island
- I eliminated basically all structures on South Molle
- I totally destroyed everything at Shute harbour
- I killed 14 people
- I destroyed 85% of all houses at Airlie Beach
- I wiped out 75% of Hayman Island infrastructure
- I pretty much also cleaned up Hayman, Palm Bay resort and Hook islands
- I unroofed and damaged 40% of all housing in Proserpine
- I put sea water through shops in Airlie beach
- I created the highest flood ever recorded in the Proserpine river
- I am the one responsible for that wailing siren sound along with the goose bumps
Who am I?
The greatest dick to ever put finger to keyboard.
That was a simple one.................................
05-04-2017, 08:41 AM
You owe me a keyboard BiB.8-)
05-04-2017, 08:51 AM
1. Who am I?
- I was a category 4
- I was very small
- I totally and absolutely destroyed Daydream Island
- I eliminated basically all structures on South Molle
- I totally destroyed everything at Shute harbour
- I killed 14 people
- I destroyed 85% of all houses at Airlie Beach
- I wiped out 75% of Hayman Island infrastructure
- I pretty much also cleaned up Hayman, Palm Bay resort and Hook islands
- I unroofed and damaged 40% of all housing in Proserpine
- I put sea water through shops in Airlie beach
- I created the highest flood ever recorded in the Proserpine river
- I am the one responsible for that wailing siren sound along with the goose bumps
Who am I?
Really Kerry don't you get it , your constant point scoring to a bunch of people who I don't remotely care what you have to post is sad at best .
You reAlly need to stop this rubbish buddy as it makes you look sort of weird , thanks for not sharing . Matt
05-04-2017, 09:07 AM
1, Obviously no takers on that one then :) Reality must not fit well with some.
2. Question for anybody who knows what they are talking about, Is Abel Point Marina in as good as nick as being portrayed (only 10 out of 500 boats damaged) or is this more marketing hype?
Barry Ehsman
05-04-2017, 09:21 AM
Give it up ########
1, Obviously no takers on that one then :) Reality must not fit well with some.
2. Question for anybody who knows what they are talking about, Is Abel Point Marina in as good as nick as being portrayed (only 10 out of 500 boats damaged) or is this more marketing hype?
Give it up Arsehole
Man Satnav. Still at it?. Cyclone Ada hit a little village of fibro shacks and flattened it. The seas/storm surge actually broke across the top of Palm Bay because it touched down at high tide and broke right across the low end of Daydream. The storm surge from this one appears to have hit Conway Beach, just to the South with all the beachfront homes hit hard, some destroyed completely. Judging by the damage to palm trees (as a reasonably consistent marker) it was a bit stronger than Debbie in terms of wind strength. The boat that was lost off Hayman left it too late to leave and got caught out, much poorer warnings in 1970. I once employed the wife of one of those lost at sea.Right back to when I started up here they used to jam them up the little creeks and lash them to the trees in cyclones. Old wooden boats back then, not modern high speed cats. My boat is in Abel point. An awful lot more than 10 are "damages" but only about 10 or so are totalled but most suffered damage, as did the marina itself with twisted and broken finger arms and gangways.Been down to Shute this morning for first time. Maybe 50 boats trashed at Shute, some up 50 meters into the trees and some sunk in the bay, including 1 big one off the end of where the Llyod Roberts jetty used to be. Don't know which boat it is, maybe Anaconda or Pride of Airlie but it is a big one. Have just seen the first pics off Hamo and it has copped a fair flogging. When Ada touched down, hamo was a grazing lease, and there were no marinas at all in the Whitsundays. I know you are trying to justify being a dick but the damage bill for this will dwarf anything which has ever hit Qld, in the main because of the wealth which existed here before it hit. Best sit and just watch the scoreboard in terms of what this costs. I know cost is only one measurement of damage, others are lives lost, and thankfully, a new town was built after ADA flattened the last one and the new building are all modern and strong. There were no pontoons at the reef back then either, cost of those alone will run to many millions. I am not sure what is to be gained from trolling. I've got a fairly thick skin, but, sitting here, still with no power on day 8, after the enormous resources being brought to bear, should be some indication of the damage this has done. I know the numbers will be eye watering and the business interruption insurance, carried by many of the bigger operations, will also impact on the final costs. What's the old proverb about being better to remain silent, and be thought of a fool, than open one's mouth and confirm it. Mate you have either been a DH on purpose to upset people or you are just plain ignorant of what has just happened. Nothing you are going to see or read can prepare you for the visuals. I went through Innisfail a week after Larry and Cardwell 2 days after Yasi. They just don't rate in terms of the costs of the damage done, mainly because there was, by comparison not much there to damage in the first place. The whitsunday's will bounce back and it will take us a while but it is thankfully a very wealthy well resourced town, and, in the main, well insured.
Pics from Abel point yesterday
05-04-2017, 12:48 PM
1. Will be waiting for the final marbles to drop re the accounting. So what is the guesstimate at this time?
2. Abel point faired "reasonably" well then considering the circumstances and considering it's not all that sheltered from the north?
Good question. Would have to factor in sugar, small cropping, roads, flooding to the south, power, infrastructure, economic damage, buildings, boats, marine infrastructure. Unofficial estimates from people heavily involved at local government and insurance company levels I am dealing with daily are talking upwards of $8B?, maybe even double that. Will be for the bean counters to work out, all I can look at is comparisons to previous cyclones I have been around for the last 33 years
Abel point is a great marina and heavily upgraded over the last few years by new owner. The pic from the distance with the sunken yacht shows a lot of finger arms missing. Look at the height of the rock walls. This is a serious commercial marina.Every one of those finger arms had a boat attached to each side before the blow. O arm, where my boat is got away pretty undamaged but one finger let go and 2 big boats are up against the rocks at Penninsular. Other arms copped it worst. The main super yacht arm where the fuel wharf is, is badly damaged. I would assume it was the second half that did most of the damage when it came from the SW/NW
Back In Black
05-04-2017, 04:43 PM
You owe me a keyboard BiB.8-)
That'll be money well spent;D
First power coming on in Airlie Beach today. Still none at home but starting to fire up. 12 days is a long time for cold showers =(/ I hate cold showers
This you tube clip says it better than I ever can
Back In Black
10-04-2017, 01:10 PM
This you tube clip says it better than I ever can
Barely a scratch eh SatNav
10-04-2017, 02:32 PM
follow the link on fb to wyfm,more pics there.
If this bloke put the clip together after 4 beers and some lamb chops wonder what he could do if I slipped a bottle of bourbon and a tbone to him!
10-04-2017, 02:42 PM
I'm currently doing a job in Mackay. Organising flights up Monday mornings and flights home to Brissy on Friday arvos. A few weeks back looking to book for Friday just gone, due to this weeks school holidays I couldn't get a reasonably priced flight any earlier than 9pm on the Friday night (fark that...) so instead I arranged for the missus to travel up here for the weekend and we'd stay in a nice joint in Airlie Beach.
These plans were made about a week before Debbie was even on the radar. We watched the drama unfold and right up until last Thursday considered cancelling our weekend away, but after chatting with our hotel we went through with our plans.
Drove up from Mackay Friday arvo and saw the landscape slowly degrade until we hit Proserpine and the devastation remained all the way through to the Coast. This was the fist time I'd seen in person what a Cyclone could do, and I've gotta say I'm very glad I didn't have to experience it first hand. The biggest thing that stands out to me is the trees, not so much those that have come down, but those that are left standing just don't have any leaves on them, completely stripped of foliage. This renders the entire area brown and barren because all you can see is trunks and branches, not what you'd normally associate with what should be a tropical/ sub tropical area.
Any places in town that had an open door were running off generators and mains power did not come on until late Saturday arvo. The vast majority of punters in the pubs and restaurants that were open are workers helping put the place back together. Not really the usual clientele that you'd expect in Airlie at this time of year, it should be alive with families for the school holidays along with the standard backpacker plague.
Shute harbour was smashed, boats washed up all over the joint, numerous masts sticking up out of the water in the middle of the harbour, the main wharf closed off. People climbing all over and through their grounded boats trying to salvage whatever they could. It really was heartbreaking.
Structurally the place seems to have faired very well which is really a testament to modern building codes and this is probably what has prevented loss of life at the end of the day.
I can't see how the place will be back to business as usual for a number of months yet. It really is going to be a long road.
News this afternoon that daydream Island is bring forward a refurb program and will now be closed until mid 2018. Big economic hit to suppliers and staff. The first of many I fear.
12-04-2017, 12:33 PM
1. Include South Molle in that fear. So much for the building codes that some have been quoting but then Daydream and South Molle had full exposure. Airlie would probably look much like South Molle if it was in the sweet spot as obviously no building code can take a bettering for any great length of time. It may be hard to imagine by some but just image for a minute a full on Cat5 crawling through Airlie, not a good thought but highlights it could have been worse, much worse.
12-04-2017, 02:04 PM
It seems the images being in shown in the media of South Molle are predominantly tin sheds, thatched roofed gazebos etc, old ones at that too because it hasn't been updated in 30 odd years, something the new Chinese owners were trying to remedy. Not really comparable to the majority of structures in Airlie Beach where Hutchies have made a fortune up there over the past 15 years or so building concrete bunkers. It was probably a good time for South Molle to be undergoing a redevelopment and be devoid to guests.
I lived on South Molle for 13 years. Last money spend on it was 1984 and the last 10/15 years it has been virtually abandoned and derelict. Maybe right Chips. It was purchased only a few months ago (how lucky is the former owner) and it will, in time, become another island to be rebirthed.
12-04-2017, 04:57 PM
Debbie might have done some good then, Chinese and all?
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