View Full Version : Tilapia at Zillman Waterholes North Brisbane

18-03-2017, 10:57 PM
Went chasing Tilapia for the first time today at Zillman Waterholes North Brisbane. They are a pest fish and do not belong in our waterways. By law they cannot be returned to the water, must be disposed of immediately and possession brings huge fines.
We managed about 21 or so in a couple of hours all on floats, small hooks with worms and chicken breast.
Amazing to see 2 different lots of people fishing for them to eat in this spot. One lot was taking large ones and the other was only taking small ones as they taste better apparently, just cleaned, scaled and fried with a bit of vinegar and salt n pepper. Dont think I would eat them out of there but would take the hotplate down the dam one day and try them if that was within the law.
Nice afternoon and thanks for the company Max n Phil


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20-03-2017, 11:28 AM
just realised should be in the freshwater section but oh well bit late now

the day after
An afternoon chasing the dreaded and now so it seems "sought after" Tilapia
Went to the South Pine River at Brendale but was flowing too fast after the rain, then tried the pond in Strathpine Park which was chocolate brown with no luck for an hour (Swans pic is from Strathpine Park)
Ended up at Zillman Waterholes again . 10 Tilapia and about 8 mullet. Mate got a decent Tilapia for his species first. All caught on worms under a float


22-03-2017, 09:08 PM
just realised should be in the freshwater section but oh well bit late now

the day after
An afternoon chasing the dreaded and now so it seems "sought after" Tilapia
Went to the South Pine River at Brendale but was flowing too fast after the rain, then tried the pond in Strathpine Park which was chocolate brown with no luck for an hour (Swans pic is from Strathpine Park)
Ended up at Zillman Waterholes again . 10 Tilapia and about 8 mullet. Mate got a decent Tilapia for his species first. All caught on worms under a float


The chinese shop at Sunnybank sells them "Yuen Ci Hong"