View Full Version : Kevlacat 5.2m inspection ports

08-12-2016, 10:49 AM
Gday guys,

Got a 5.2m kevlacat that Im hoping to add some stainless inspection ports/spin outs too

So far I have the very rear section with big spinouts and have added 4" inspection ports to the section forward of that.. So Im 99% sure that just leaves the fuel tank bulkhead and one more bulkhead forward of that.

I cant find any images of the original layup and am curious as too how far the tanks are under the floor, and whether there are any left-right stringers on top of the tanks that I might hit with the holesaw, also if anyone found a good spot to put a spinout in the bulkhead that is forward of the tank and inline with the seat.. My thoughts are to cut one inside the cab where it runs inline with the pockets, so out of the way.

Thanks in advance guys

08-12-2016, 07:04 PM
I can send a picture when I get the floor removed. It will be in the new year, hopefully January.

09-12-2016, 09:58 AM
That would be good mate , Floor removed sounds serious Dan! did it go soft? 5.2?

09-12-2016, 10:03 AM
Johntsang do you have any pics of the ones you have placed so far? I've been working myself up to do this on mine. I believe deano did it to his and I think lovey80 now owns the boat so might be worth shooting him a PM? Keen to see how you get on

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09-12-2016, 10:27 AM
Hey Wahoo, I'll take a pic tonight of the ones currently installed for ya. I used 4" whitworths stainless ones with a 111mm holesaw

09-12-2016, 01:50 PM
Johntsang do you have any pics of the ones you have placed so far? I've been working myself up to do this on mine. I believe deano did it to his and I think lovey80 now owns the boat so might be worth shooting him a PM? Keen to see how you get on

Sent from my SM-G930F using Ausfish mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=91595)

I only have the large ones in the rear which I've replaced with Stainless (that were quite hard to find, in WA I think) and the set in the bulk head further forward about a foot or so behind the ice box.

09-12-2016, 04:41 PM
That would be good mate , Floor removed sounds serious Dan! did it go soft? 5.2?

I am doing a few mods like removing the inbuilt esky and the tanks under the seats. I also need to check fuel tanks and will be glassing in a wet box for the transducer so that there are no more external mounts. The new floor will be a composite material.

10-12-2016, 05:46 PM
I will probably get shot down here but I would have thought that the sealed under floor sections are supposed to be buoyancy chambers. Putting a hole (hatch) compromises that. I understand that you want to be able to check if there is water under there but why not just use two part expanding foam under the floor. That way even if there is a leak the cavity is full of foam and there is no compromising your flotation.

12-12-2016, 09:04 PM
The space between each bulk head on the 5.2 kevlacats are not water tight from each other forward/aft or port starboard. I have replaced the floor in 3 of them and they were all this way. my current kevlacat is foam filled for the exact reason you mention water can't fill it up if its already full of foam.well thats my thoughts.

I will probably get shot down here but I would have thought that the sealed under floor sections are supposed to be buoyancy chambers. Putting a hole (hatch) compromises that. I understand that you want to be able to check if there is water under there but why not just use two part expanding foam under the floor. That way even if there is a leak the cavity is full of foam and there is no compromising your flotation.

12-12-2016, 10:27 PM
The space between each bulk head on the 5.2 kevlacats are not water tight from each other forward/aft or port starboard. I have replaced the floor in 3 of them and they were all this way. my current kevlacat is foam filled for the exact reason you mention water can't fill it up if its already full of foam.well thats my thoughts.

How much of the hull cavity was foamed?

13-12-2016, 11:08 AM
The space between each bulk head on the 5.2 kevlacats are not water tight from each other forward/aft or port starboard. I have replaced the floor in 3 of them and they were all this way. my current kevlacat is foam filled for the exact reason you mention water can't fill it up if its already full of foam.well thats my thoughts.

Hey Dan, can you give some advice on the best process to foam fill each compartment. Does it add much weight?

17-12-2016, 07:30 PM
I filled my cavity till they were bout 90% full so foam level is just below floor level

How much of the hull cavity was foamed?

17-12-2016, 07:42 PM
When i did mine i had the whole floor out already so i just had a grind up in every compartment then flow coated them. then calculated how much foam was needed for each compartment give or take a bit mixed each batch and poured it in. When i pulled my floor up my 2 front compartments were already full of foam and also some water sitting on top when i cut that foam out it was dry all the way through and the water had been there along time and none had soaked into the foam. you can also line the compartment with extra large thick plastic bag and then pour the foam into the bag adds a extra barrier from water should any get in and also makes it a lot easier to get back should you need to in the future. foam filling has made the ride In my opinion way better then my last 2 kevlacats which were not foam filled it has added a small amount of weight but the benefits out weigh that for me. I have seen them foam filled with the floor still down, they cut a port hole sized hole clean in each bulk head as much as possible then poured foam in and just watched it rise till it was couple inches below the deck then glassed the cut out back in. hope this helps cheers Dan

Hey Dan, can you give some advice on the best process to foam fill each compartment. Does it add much weight?

19-12-2016, 08:13 AM
Just be sure to buy the correct 2 part foam not the cheap spray can stuff.

24-12-2016, 07:34 AM
The bulkheads certainly aren't watertight. I had the rear bulkheads fill up with water whilst out the banks, due to the plastic spin outs broken on one side eventually water filled the whole rear section up.
I drained the water out of their and then got a drill with a small drillbit about 3/8 and drilled forward into the next bulkhead. It near half filled the rear bulkhead meaning the next one was full as well (both sides)
Then I put the spin outs in the next bulkhead up and their was a few inches of water in there. By memory the next bulkhead is the fuel tank. If you look down the side of these boats in the right light you can clearly see where the bulkheads are. It kind of bellys in slightly between each bulkhead. I think there's 7 bulkheads on each side by memory I could be wrong? I also remember just missing the stringer by about 20mm when I holesawed through to install spin out so I was lucky. I'd get measurement off Lovey80 where that stringer is, you can stick ur hand up underneath where I cut the hole and feel it.
Hope this helps!

25-12-2016, 09:13 AM
Anyone who's had floor up on their KC have any bulkheads sheering away from tunnel? Specially up towards the front.
I've seen pics of quite a few with this happening. And seen it first hand.
Local boat repairer said this is a common problem, doesn't affect performance and most times you'd never know.
But if your putting inspection ports in. Can't hurt to take a look