View Full Version : Post Storm Fish

03-12-2016, 05:52 PM
G'day All,

I've read that just before a storm is great fishing, but apparently during and after is pretty poor. Is that true?

Im planning on throwing a line in tomorrow so just wondered what you guys think, is the day after a storm pretty good? Or do you need to wait a couple of days before it picks up?

Whilst were here.....any suggestions where to go if I do head out? Im in Brisbane but happy to drive an hour or two to get somewhere decent. (Land based)

Comments appreciated!

04-12-2016, 05:33 AM
Pre-storm fishing has worked pretty well for me in the freshwater,

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04-12-2016, 06:08 AM
You say you read about fishing after storms, do you reckon the fish read the same thing? Even though some people experience "things" with fishing, these rules are not exactly fool proof, just like fishing in northerlies and stuff like that, if you can go fishing, and you want to go, then do it, plenty of times fish have been caught when it was thought to be the "wrong" time, tide, moon, weather, bait, rig or a thousand other things!

04-12-2016, 07:27 AM
Totally agree if you can go go i jad a cracker of a run yesterday sper of the moment didnt go early or look at the tides went up the brizzy river an caught 6 flatties all over size in the space of 2 hrs

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04-12-2016, 07:44 AM
You say you read about fishing after storms, do you reckon the fish read the same thing? Even though some people experience "things" with fishing, these rules are not exactly fool proof, just like fishing in northerlies and stuff like that, if you can go fishing, and you want to go, then do it, plenty of times fish have been caught when it was thought to be the "wrong" time, tide, moon, weather, bait, rig or a thousand other things!

Spot on. Only thing for sure is that you won't catch a fish if you don't go.

05-12-2016, 05:32 AM
I went fishing on Saturday

Post storm

Bloody Northerly blowing


05-12-2016, 02:33 PM
I have sat at the ramp waiting for a storm to blow over and once it had gone managed my pb jew. The fish will either bite or they won't. There are too many variables to be able to decide when is the best bite time, you will almost never experience the same condtions twice.

05-12-2016, 04:36 PM
It;s worth going if only to collect some valuable data for your own knowledge. If theres one thing every amateur fisherman learns within his first few weeks its these two fact.

1)Other fishermen/women Lie
2) FIsho's do not like to share, be it spots, trips, tricks or wives. Can't trust the buggers so you gotta work things out for your self.

07-12-2016, 04:27 PM
Yeah, if I have learnt 1 think being on this forum its that nobody wants to share there best spots.....which is the reason I signed up in the first place.

Im a veteran fisho, just fresh water in the UK not saltwater, and we always shared spots and tricks, never wives though :-)

07-12-2016, 05:57 PM
I don't think it's a simple matter of not wanting to share, places like this are public, a bit like people saying stuff on Facebook and thinking no one will find out! Everyone has their "secret" spots, I have plenty, and I will gladly share them with responsible fishermen who will take what they need and not publish locations on an open forum, that said, there is a lot of people who wouldn't catch fish regardless of how much you hold their hand!

07-12-2016, 08:14 PM
Well said Noelm, I have my spots that I fish at certain times of the year and in certain conditions. I've come home to the ramp a few times hearing blokes having a whinge about snapper being all fished out while I quietly sneak off with a bag on a couple of species including snapper.

Edit: I am now focusing my attention on pearlies. I haven't managed to lock down the tricks on pearlies and seem to get the odd one as bycatch when I am picking up snapper, tuskies and Moses Perch. Getting to lock down the locations/times so that I can nail them regularly is going to take a lot of work, time and money. I won't be giving up specifics on an open forum when I get it worked out.

07-12-2016, 09:27 PM
sorry i seem to have sent the thread a little of course with some very generalised remarks. It's a damn good fishing community on here and most blokes are more the happy to share things it took them a fair while to figure out, quite a rare thing in my experience but all the more admirable because of that.

as for storm fishing i think it's going to depend on where you're fishing, what for and what time of year/lunar cycle you happen to find your self in.
For example fishing the noosa river after a storm in lower part of the estuary towards the mouth can produce quite good fish such as flat head and bream around full moon as this often helps flush the prawn and small bait fish down into the area that the predators such as the big fatties just love to lie in wait.
I've found after a big bump the closer reefs often go really well just after but don't seem to like the build up period very much.

At the end of the day the best thing to do is gather as much information as possible and then go and find out for yourself using to see how it all works and what you can add.

08-12-2016, 04:52 PM
I guess I can see the sense in that Noelm, same with camping spots....once they get listed on the 'top 10's' of various websites they get flooded with people and they loose their charm/appeal.

I would love to get some spots via DM if you are keen to share a few land based spots. Im in desperate need of some good locations that I can start frequenting too. Im happy to put in the time and effort trying to master saltwater fishing I just need to know where to spend that time! :-)

09-12-2016, 05:37 AM
I would love to get some spots via DM if you are keen to share a few land based spots. Im in desperate need of some good locations that I can start frequenting too. Im happy to put in the time and effort trying to master saltwater fishing I just need to know where to spend that time! :-)

DM? Where are you based?

09-12-2016, 06:53 PM
Sorry Funchy, I mean direct message....if you can even do that on here?!

I'm based in Brisbane, don't mine a drive out to somewhere decent though if it's worthwhile!

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