View Full Version : Over the Weekend

04-07-2016, 11:28 AM
Saturday - went out to Mudjimba Island to have a look (will go snorkelling there when the weather warms), threw lures all around it and only caught Long tom, expected maybe some trevally or tailor but no luck, did manage a nice squid that followed a hardbody up. looks like this spot would produce well at times tho. Had the camera under the boat while drifting and only really saw monos and sweep nothing worth posting in a video. Did get a bird dived on my lure right next to the boat but was quite easy to get the hook out and it flew away ok.

Sunday - Went out to Scarborough to troll for flathead and tailor with no luck, left the camera baited with pillies down in a couple of spots and saw only bream, squire, monos, pike, stripeys, moses perch and nothing worth posting as a video either. Around low tide we tied a couple of squid jigs on and were rewarded with 3 large Tiger Squid, made for a nice dinner.

https://scontent.fbne1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/13600008_636300019867867_3415234273568022445_n.jpg ?oh=e29e0d27e810735f080684e4241d5197&oe=57EB1F9E

https://scontent.fbne1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13615102_636300016534534_6262159200600685656_n.jpg ?oh=fb6753fd7576fac305c36bfcbe967168&oe=57F9B809

https://scontent.fbne1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13600101_636300013201201_1375436533974087718_n.jpg ?oh=3a99a52161269dce6a473eceb700e144&oe=57F6CF55