View Full Version : few months camping and boating trip

up the creek
13-06-2016, 05:53 PM
most dream of a week in bali or a trip to the maldives... my big dream is to take my tinnie through one of our bigger rivers,, camping fishing living out of the tinnie fires and beers at night fishing and exploring by day.. cant wait gonna be fun and think ill be away at least a few months.. thats my dream holiday as the money i save on airfares and hotels i can go camping for longer and put money to fuel and beer and stuff.. any1 done it..?? any1 wana do it??? any thoughts on it??? thanks.. happy trails...

20-06-2016, 07:10 PM
I spent 3 months traveling oversea spending the whole time thinking about what I could have done back in oz for the money I spent - sounds like a great plan.
Do it [emoji106]

20-06-2016, 07:59 PM
Spent 6 1/2 years in the Cape & Gulf with a further 2 years in the Kimberly. Felt like one long camping, fishing, hunting trip. Greatest times of my life. No better time to do something than right now mate, just go for it, you'll thank yourself in years to come.

up the creek
20-06-2016, 11:12 PM
thanks richo and mouse ... yup thats me richo im not sayin any holiday isnt a good one but im personally not needing to see any golden temples lol and wow mouse that would be a dream come true for me the trip u done confirms what i think it wuld b like and yes i will definately be doing it i have been very sick for a very long time and no work no money and no health to get out there and live a little so i am far behind in super/savings and need to work more hours for the next 20 years if im going to retire with a little aussie dirt under me and a humble little house so im nearly there health getting better hope to be back to work soon and hopefully in the next 6 to 12 months max i pray ill do my camping boating trip was thinking of doing the murray.. endless kilometres of water to explore good fishing and no crocs lol as i will only have my little 3.8m and 18hp cant wait... thanks heaps for your replies... happy trails..