View Full Version : Blown out the cob webs

09-06-2016, 07:54 PM
Have not been out like most of us on here so I came down with man flew today and hit the bay as salt water was the only cure.got to Wynnum ramp around 5.30am to no wind at all
so I headed north at 30knts pulled up at the wreck off Tangalooma and tossed a pilly
with a 1 ball sinker and let it sink.. Then with a positive run connected to a nice fish and boated 600mm snappa .

couple more drifts for small fish and headed further north looking for any birds but the tides were against me and the water was very discoloured.
I popped over to curtain for a few drifts and hooked something huge as it spooled my 5000 stradic with 20pound 😡 Not happy but oh well.next drift I pulled a 600mm flatty
which was tonight's dinner back to the first wreck first drift and a 700mm snappa
to top the day off...I called it quits around 12.30 and headed back at warp speed..

boat at cleaned and fish filleted by 4pm all in all one of my most relaxing trips ever thanks for reading ..ps water was very dirty lots of fresh patches and plenty of debris

10-06-2016, 08:04 AM
just thought id add proof

10-06-2016, 02:05 PM
Invalid attachment. Oh well, never happened ;D

12-06-2016, 11:06 AM
try now lol