View Full Version : Float watching (old man style)

01-05-2016, 04:58 AM
Myself and a mate Damned took a trip down the goldy yesterday to see if there were any blackfish around. Took a little while to find them but when we did they were there in numbers.
They took both lettuce and stringy weed and were mostly in very good nic.
Got our bag of 20 and had a ball watching those floats slip below the surface time after time.

01-05-2016, 05:47 AM
Great job blooey, had a crack at black fishing a few times without any luck. Keen to give it a nudge soon.

02-05-2016, 05:55 AM
Well done, dont see to many reports of people getting in to them, I'd venture it is a dying art.

The Black Unicorn
02-05-2016, 07:00 PM
Good work Blooey. Did you do the traditional way with centre pin reels and mono? And where do ya get ya weed down that way?

02-05-2016, 08:09 PM
Thanks guys. Not to many people fish for them although those that do know how bloody fun it is. I use my noodle 9ft whiting rod and a small plastic alvey with 6lb mono and the usual running stem float splitshot deal.