View Full Version : Wathumba Creek and Fraser inside.

07-11-2015, 03:58 PM
Hey all,
After some tips about accessing Wathumba Creek and in general about fishing and travelling inside Fraser up to the top.
IE: Tide times, ideal weather, least ideal weather /wind condtions. Any traps for someone not been there before?


07-11-2015, 05:16 PM
I have been up there a couple of times, the creek was impassable at low tide when we went there, if you camping at the camp grounds you will either need to anchor your boat in the deep hole just near the camp ground and tender it or beach it, great esturary fishing there and great crabbing, lots of dingos, you will need to have very secure boxes for food etc, and tie them down or hoist them up a tree, pm me if you want more.

09-11-2015, 05:57 PM
You also need to nominate where you will be camping before you go these days. If you only have a boat you'd be best off camping over on the spit. If you are meeting people in cars then the sandfly ridden main camp area is the go. All the creeks up that way are only boat accessible for the top 1/3 of the tide so coming and going as you please is a bit of a headache if you want to keep the boat in the creek. That part of the world is windy more often than not all through spring and summer. The afternoon summer northerly invariably dies at sundown so if it is really ripping just sit tight and run home at night. If there is no west in the breeze you can camp at the spit and leave the boat anchored out off the beach. A pair of dive fins makes the swim in a bit easier.

Mike Delisser
09-11-2015, 08:31 PM
As stated plenty of sandflys at the camping ground. And bring plenty of fuel, maybe work out what you'll need then add at least 50%

09-11-2015, 08:52 PM
yeah man sandies full on, we had a mozzie coil on each corner of the tarp and citronella kero lantern, as soon as a coil ran out, they would enter from that corner