View Full Version : Electric motor set up for kayak
24-10-2015, 04:58 PM
Hi guys. I've recently bought my first kayak and am keen to put an electric motor on it so i can troll lures into the current targeting mangrove jacks.
Anyone have any advice on mounts and motors I'm on a bit of a budget too. Cheers.
Photo of kayak.
sent from the beerhunter
Check out the kayak fishing forums like kfdu. They invent all sorts of stuff out of pvc tube for their kayaks.
25-10-2015, 12:40 PM
Check out the kayak fishing forums like kfdu. They invent all sorts of stuff out of pvc tube for their kayaks.
Thanks mate I'll check them out and keep an eye on here as well and report back. Cheers
sent from the beerhunter
25-10-2015, 03:27 PM
I found this for $249 mount and motor so i might go for this.
Might even mount it up front for better control and access.
sent from the beerhunter
Go bigger IMO, 20lb thrust isn't very much considering you want to move against the current, I have an 18lb thrust water snake which isn't much smaller and top speed is about the same as a fast paddle pace. My brother upgraded to a 24lb thrust watersnake and that wasn't much quicker.
I've recently upgraded to a 30lb tiller steer osapian motor for my 2.8m kayak and bought it off eBay from haswing marines eBay store, they sell them outright at a fixed price $179+ postage but also put one up as a 99c starting bid, I got mine for $140 delivered- very happy with it, as mentioned go have a look on KFDU, quite a few people have electrics. Just remember bigger motor means bigger battery which means more weight on board. Mines currently a project in the works, motor is rear mounted in a transom board, and I'm having forward steering controls and forward operated motor lift and deploy.... just about got it sussed out and will have a build thread up on KFDU once it's complete and been on water tested, but yeah definately go a bigger motor if your playing in the current, you can alway run it at a lower speed if needed.
old trout
26-10-2015, 08:55 AM
Hi beerhunter, I had some experience with the motor mount in the picture you posted for $249. In my opinion they are cheap and nasty. The one I installed for a customer was full of flex right from day 1 and it broke within a very short period of time. Which ever mount you choose needs to be very strong because plenty of leverage is applied when the motor is in the up position. My advice is keep looking for a better one.
Or DIY one...
I couldn't find anything strong enough or to my liking either, lightweight yet still nice and strong, have since painted the aluminium black. Some ideas for you anyway.
26-10-2015, 09:40 AM
Ok thanks heaps I'm going to do my own now. I'll look for some ally pipe today and cut it up to suit and get it welded.
What do you reckon about mounting it on the front rod holders. Seams like a good spot and forward of center so it will pull rather than push and be more controlled like a tinnie bow mount.
sent from the beerhunter
Plenty people have them like that but set up in the rod holders just behind the seat, personally I don't like that way but each to there own. Will be better steering control if its mounted fully forward on the nose like a bow mount or on the tail like I have, unless you install a rudder system on the back...
26-10-2015, 05:19 PM
Yeah no worries. I'm still thinking about mounts.but like ashh said might need to go bigger than 20 pound. I checked out the water snake motors today the 18 and 24 were tiny compared to the 30 pound motor. See pic.
sent from the beerhunter
26-10-2015, 05:21 PM
And a minn kota was There for cheap Meant to be fresh water model but my old min Kota 27 pound was a fresh Model and i got 15 years Trouble free years with it in salt so who knows what the Difference is.
sent from the beerhunter
26-10-2015, 08:12 PM
A little zinc anode, the colour and about $280 by the sound of it.
27-10-2015, 05:25 AM
A little zinc anode, the colour and about $280 by the sound of it.
Haha yeah i think thats about it. I might go for this motor.
sent from the beerhunter
27-10-2015, 05:48 AM
Just be aware that if you are offset mounting the motor, the bigger the motor the more the kayak is going to want to tilt that way, which can be a pain in the but getting in and out of the kayak as it trys to turn turtle.
Dinga have the watersnakes on special at the moment, 109 bucks for the 24 delivered free if your a member.
27-10-2015, 05:54 AM
Thanks ya feral ☺ how about twin 24s [emoji1] still cheaper.
sent from the beerhunter
27-10-2015, 06:06 AM
Never heard of dinga as a tackle shop[emoji1] i checked it out bloody good deals on There thanks.
sent from the beerhunter
27-10-2015, 06:33 AM
+1 for dinga been using them for a couple of years and never had a problem.
27-10-2015, 12:23 PM
Well i dropped a sketch off to my boiler maker friend i should have a mount back in a day or 2 for less than $50 [emoji4]
sent from the beerhunter
25-11-2015, 05:16 AM
RoadTechMarine have a 32lb for $199-00. Weighs 14.5kgs with 5 forward & 3 reverse speeds. I just bought one for myself & cut down the shaft to suit my C-Kayak. Worth comparing to Sea Snake & Minn Kota for features & price plus they carry all spare as well.
28-11-2015, 09:08 PM
RoadTechMarine have a 32lb for $199-00. Weighs 14.5kgs with 5 forward & 3 reverse speeds. I just bought one for myself & cut down the shaft to suit my C-Kayak. Worth comparing to Sea Snake & Minn Kota for features & price plus they carry all spare as well.
Thanks mate I'll check them out. My mount is made need to decide on a motor now. When I get home from work i want it set up to fish for Christmas.
I'm keen to make a home made outrigger set up and even a little flat deck to stand on I'm not keen to cast lures sitting down anyone have any ideas? I was thinking a small marine ply deck and foam outriggers
sent from the beerhunter
29-11-2015, 07:33 AM
Whack a bow mount wireless job on.......nothing else will steer as well or be as easy to handle in currents / cross winds.
29-11-2015, 07:34 AM
Whack a bow mount wireless remote control job on.......nothing else will steer as well or be as easy to handle in currents / cross winds.
30-11-2015, 07:51 AM
Whack a bow mount wireless remote control job on.......nothing else will steer as well or be as easy to handle in currents / cross winds.
Yeah mate I'm hearing ya. I'm mounting it just forward if center so hopefully it will have a similar effect. I really want a manual tiller job. I have a remote on my tinnie now and i sort of like the tiller job i had on my car topper better.
Time will tell.
sent from the beerhunter
06-12-2015, 10:17 PM
Well I'm home from work in a few days so the yak will be getting a few mods. My plan is to catch 3 jacks over 40cm on cast lures from it before the end if summer. A big ask but I'm committed.
I have since come across old town canoes very stable and can easily stand up in but that can wait i gotta finish this build first [emoji1]
sent from the beerhunter
16-12-2015, 05:39 PM
Motor and mount finally ready for fitting [emoji4]
sent from the beerhunter
16-12-2015, 05:56 PM
sent from the beerhunter
19-12-2015, 03:15 PM
Test fitting
sent from the beerhunter
19-12-2015, 03:43 PM
sent from the beerhunter
19-12-2015, 05:46 PM
I know I'm talking to myself [emoji1] but whats the smallest battery i should use ?
90 or 100 amp hour will be too heavy i imagine?
20-12-2015, 12:08 PM
Just got a sea master marine battery 80 amp hour weighs 20kg. Its about as big as i would of wanted with the weight. Goes really well holds into the current with plenty of power [emoji4]
20-12-2015, 12:09 PM
Nice. She's going to be pretty tender turning to the right?
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21-12-2015, 05:34 PM
Haha yeah its not too bad on the short turns but tight turns requires a double jointed elbow [emoji23]
24-12-2015, 10:32 PM
Will be getting a good test soon just got to work out how to sneak the jayak and battery and motor past the private property to get to fish the untouched part of the creek [emoji1]
11-03-2016, 07:58 PM
Hi mate. I am doing a build on the same size yak. I have used the motor on a side mount and it worka well. Looking for to the test drive for rear mount. I have fabbed up foot pedals that turn the motor. All alloy and stainless with 2.0mm stainless rope. Forward controls for electrics. Waterproof plug for electics and quick release for steering cables and motor. Cables run inboard from pedals. Cheers
11-03-2016, 08:07 PM
Ohh...i am using a Full River 30 amp hour AGM that doubles as my ride on mower battery. On my little 18pound watersnake Asp it runs for quite a few hours on low speed. Draws about 6 amps per hour on low.
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
11-03-2016, 08:09 PM
On fast speed the 18 pound runs a tiny bit harder than i can paddle going flat chat. Draws about 15 amps per hour on that speed.
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
Ok, I've had mine set up and used every weekend for the last six months and performs perfectly.
A lot of thinking and effort to get it complete, but so simple and easy to use.
30lb pushes along very nicely with 45ah AGM that has never run flat, always come in with at least 45-50% remaining for 5-6hrs fishing (long enough sitting your arse)
forward steering control at my side with right hand
forward controlled tilt bracket release lever and motor tilt all with quick release clips,
speed selection with left hand at my side is via a dial (potentiometer) at my finger tips (bit like a light dimmer switch) controlled with a PWM wired with relevant relays for unlimited speed selection between nothing and WOT
motor safety kill switch fits to ankle via a lanyard and velcro surfboard leash ankle strap.
I love it...
Edit: pics to come- Photobucket issues
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