View Full Version : A feed again

25-04-2015, 04:44 PM
Well left clontarf at 6, headed over to Pine.
Scored 3 flatties in first hour. Things went very quiet, so took quick run over to Hayes inlet.
Only got undersize. I saw a few nice Flatties caught, but I couldnt find them.
So i thought , back to Pine for run in tide.
I got a nice 60cm flattie and a sole.
All on paddletail plastics.

A lot of boats there today and a good number of flatties caught.


25-04-2015, 06:57 PM
Nice work mate, any particular colour do the damage?

25-04-2015, 08:29 PM
Bloodworm and white got the bigger one.

27-04-2015, 10:36 AM
Fished Hay's inlet on the run out tide Saturday a lot of juvenile flathead, only one keeper at 57. A few summer tings around kept five over 25 and one keeper bream. Overall a great day obn the water and the best I have had in Haye's inlet for some time. Fished live bait, plastics and prawns, the prawns were the winner.