View Full Version : Can catch but can't land!

02-04-2015, 07:31 PM
Hey all,

well it has been funny couple days crabbing, set the pots Tuesday and checked Wednesday morning in the pouring rain. first 3 pots were full but no success, the last pot was the jackpot, 1 really nice muddie and one that was definitely a measure and FULL, he was chocolate brown and had barnacles all over him….

While I'm returning the rest of the catch,I'm thinking of a cold beer and a feed of muddies, and that's were it all went wrong. While I'm gently releasing a caught flipper on a big jenny the FULL crab worth a measure sneakily got to the opening and I hear splash..GONE. Oh well at least the keeper one is safe.

Rather then take the good crabs out and then just empty the pots like I would do every other time I decide in my infinite wisdom to just flick the jenny out and the keeper will stay tucked away at the bottom of the crab pot waiting to go home and get cooked, except the jenny got caught and the keeper just popped through the opening.

I'd put a whole a gorilla on the table wright now that I won't do that again… When I got home and told my wife, she laughed and said why didn't you just take the good ones out like you normally do?

Have a safe easter everyone and listen to your wife!


02-04-2015, 08:25 PM
Bermo Bermo Bermo..... Your wife might laugh but to me, I'd seriously need to avoid seeing a strong rope, bucket and big tree out the back for the next few days. .

Where exactly did it drop back into the water?


03-04-2015, 07:31 AM
Haha, yeah wasn't exactly pleased with my efforts.

Crabs were caught at the mouth Hilliard creek along the mangrove edge heading around towards Cleveland. There were heaps of pots in the creek too.

03-04-2015, 08:09 AM
Bermo, I too have made that error. So now I have a nylex plastic box that I empty the crabs into. If jenny comes out first, I put pot down and tip jenny back. If keeper comes out first then into bucket/esky. Helps keep boat clean and stops the odd runaway crab escaping around floor of the boat

03-04-2015, 08:10 AM
Did wife stop laughing when you told her it was her crab that escaped and what was she having for dinner while you were eating yours 😀