View Full Version : Any fridge mechanics here?

18-02-2015, 07:16 PM
I have an "Easy Cool" 110 litre 12 volt fridge freezer that I bought on fleabay a few years ago.
It's always worked well, but last trip after a few days, the fridge stopped cooling (freezer was fine).
After getting it home I started to investigate and upon plugging it in, all seemed well for a day or so, then the freezer temp rose to ambient! Fridge side was now fine.
Compressor seems to be fine and given the fault swapping sides I doubt it's gas related.
There seems to be some sort of solenoid on the output side of the condenser which has two capillary tubes going up into the fridge/freezer.
I suspect this directs gas to one or both sides when required, but wanted to confirm that.
My chances of finding factory parts (Chinese) are slim, but it surely must be something that could be retro fitted with a common part.
The unit has a danfoss style compressor (it'd be a copy I reckon) and a gas recharge fitting.
I've connected an LED to the diagnosis output on the pump control and it doesn't blink at all.

Anyone know about this style unit and have gas recharge facilities?

19-02-2015, 09:43 AM
Parts can be generally sourced from any trade refrig supplier such at Actrol, Cool Parts and there are even refrig dedicated Reece stores around now located in most major centres. Most of these have instore refrig mechanics.
Not sure why you think its not the compressor but could be one of a multitude of things including loss of gas which could result in dead compressor. If compressor repairs could be worth more than the fridge is worth. Best to get right diagnosis 1st.

19-02-2015, 10:43 AM
I'm thinking if it was the compressor or lack of gas it would fail to reach proper temp at all.
It will run fine for a time reaching -15 on freezer and -10 on fridge then randomly one side or the other stops cooling.
I'm guessing that whatever controls the cooling to one side or the other is malfunctioning and not restarting once it reaches temp.
Could of course be totally wrong, which is why I asked for input from anyone who does this stuff for a living.

19-02-2015, 06:19 PM
I think i read somewhere, for an Engel, run them upside down for a while. However, research thoroughly before trying this as it might be totally unrelated.

20-02-2015, 10:13 PM
Do not run a compressor fridge upside down. The three way absorption fridges can be placed upside down for say 24 hr then returned right side up for another 24 hours before being operated.

The two capillaries will deliver refrigerant to each side (fridge and freezer). Normally I would expect to see a solenoid valve to shut down the gas flow through the fridge side and this would be controlled by a thermostat in the fridge side. There would be a second thermostat for the freezer and it would control the compressor.

If it is getting down to temp on one or the other side then it is unlikely to be short of gas. If it did have a gas leak then it would most likely have lost all it's gas and not work at all. Whatever you do, do not go and buy Hychill gas and whack that in it as it is flammable. Bit hard to diagnose sight unseen but I would be looking at the thermostats, solenoid and lastly compressor.

You could try bridging the thermostats out to force the compressor to run continually. If you do this and both sides get down to temp and the compressor runs ok then you can rule out gas leaks or a compressor fault.

Good luck,

ps, don't place a compressor fridge upside down, running or not. You will likely cause internal compressor damage.

21-02-2015, 08:26 AM
Ah maybe it was the 'running' upside down bit i got wrong there.

And from what i have quickly read, only for 20 mins or so (not running)

Anyway, research thoroughly before attempting. And it may have nothing to do with your problem either.

21-02-2015, 11:07 AM
Give the guys at evacool a call they might be able to help you with diagnosis and spare parts.