View Full Version : Early morning Jew Joy

18-12-2014, 10:52 AM
I have my kids staying with me over part of the holidays and had put in some serious negotiations with my girls last night to convince them to get up at 4am and try for a fish or two. Alarm went off at 4am, we were on our way to ramp at 4:15 and were motoring off at 4:30 am to a sensational sunrise.


Low tide had come and gone shortly after 2am and the was only a little run in it. very light NW blowing and water temp 27c. I cast both girls lines out and told them to jig them as we drifted with the tide. Both had on 4 inch gulp. I had one on and cast it up ahead of the boat. About 4:45am I felt the familiar tap of a flatty and as I bought him in I realised the net was at home. Lucky he wasn't huge and I made a comment to the girls along the lines of "Don't go catching any decent fish cos we have no net". A quick pic and back he went.


About 10 mins later my daughter wound her line in and removed the weed. We were seeing some swirls on the surface as fish were feeding before the sun got up too high. My eldest girl Holly fired a cast towards a swirl and after a couple of jigs on the retrieve got hit hard. She had 6lb line screaming off her little 1000 reel and the little 1-3kg rod had a fair old bend. She was having a ball as it had a few good runs. She thought she had lost it when it turned and headed straight to the tinny but she quickly picked up the slack and had him tight again. After a short time Holly had her first jewwy beside the boat and I got some lip grips onto him. High fives and a quick couple of pics and it swam away strongly. It went 67.5cm on the mat.


About 20 mins later my youngest (Millie) was complaining of no bites and pointing how Holly had a fish and Dad had a fish and she didn't. "come here" I said. "See that swirl. There will be a fish there". So I fire off a cast and handed her the rod. A couple of bump and winds and she screaming "Dad I got a fish" and the reels screaming again!! Hahahhaa.... good times. She had 6lb and a 2500 reel with a 2-4kg rod. (My favorite flatty outfit). Any way this ting was taking a bit of drag but I could see it wasn't as big as the first so I backed the drag off a bit and let it take heaps of line of her while I regailed her of how big this fish was and how well she was playing it. She played it well and had that beside the tinny after some fun and I put the lip grips onto another nice little Jewwy. I was Millies first too and she was very proud of herself. It went 60cms.


We had a bit more of a look around trying for something else but it doesn't take too much to drag their attention away so we settled on cruising around and stopping for a quick flick now and then.


Was home by 9am with the boat cleaned, girls have had a shower and are now tucked up in bed watching a video. Reckon they will be asleep by the time you finish reading this.

Taking my Boy out in the moring. Hope to repeat this mornings effort

18-12-2014, 11:11 AM
That right there is the definition of a perfect days fishing.

Back In Black
18-12-2014, 11:46 AM
Great report as usual Luke.

Love the look on the kids faces!! Its priceless


18-12-2014, 12:37 PM
Thanks for the report, having a great session like that one just makes it easier for the next early morning trip. Congrats to all.

I see your still taking some fantastic shots. It's good to see.


18-12-2014, 01:03 PM
Great report, well done to the kids. Thanks for sharing.

Scott Ashe
18-12-2014, 03:32 PM
Sounds like it was just one of those magic mornings on the water. Well done.

mull dog
18-12-2014, 04:09 PM
Great report mate. Awesome stuff getting the kids involved, so much better than sitting in front of the tube

Goodoo haven
19-12-2014, 09:22 AM
Good on ya Luke and Co, well done mate.

20-12-2014, 05:12 PM
Great stuff funchy. You would have been stoked to see your little ones reel in those jewies. They are lucky girls to land them so early in life. Ben

20-12-2014, 09:24 PM
great pics Funchy, well done on making the effort. the girls will remember this day for ever.

29-12-2014, 12:28 PM
::)I see Holly gets excited like her father when he hooks into a good size fish..