View Full Version : What makes a good portable air compressor

09-10-2014, 11:53 AM
Hi All,

Just back from a great week on Fraser, and have a list of things needed before the next trip...

One of them is a portable air compressor that will inflate the tyres. I'd prefer not to spend the $270 odd at BCF etc, there are quite a few on eBay, but what makes a good compressor?

MAX psi? L/Min?

Thanks in advance

09-10-2014, 11:59 AM
Hi All,

Just back from a great week on Fraser, and have a list of things needed before the next trip...

One of them is a portable air compressor that will inflate the tyres. I'd prefer not to spend the $270 odd at BCF etc, there are quite a few on eBay, but what makes a good compressor?

MAX psi? L/Min?

Thanks in advance

Check out ARB portable compressor in like a tackle box, very happy with mine. It inflates tyres a lot quicker than I thought.

Rip it up
09-10-2014, 12:46 PM

Depends on how much you plan to use it. I have the opposite lock compressor and mounted it permanently on the firewall. Running a small 6L tank under the chassis. A nitto connection front and rear.

Works perfectly everything. Hit the switch in the cab prior to pulling up for the inflatation session. By the time I pump up my first 32" muddie from 20psi to 30 the compressor kicks back in. Then I move onto the next one and it sometimes has switched off at 135psi again.

So inflations are a quick process for me. And I can reach the trailer tyres if I need to from the back nitto.

No popping bonnets to clip on the compressor. No hot compressors to pack up or find under a pile of Gear in the back.

Did cost j300 from memory 2 years ago. Still going strong.

Damo's dodgy boat building factory.

09-10-2014, 01:52 PM
Super cheap were selling some for $89, have one and its been real good.

09-10-2014, 02:17 PM
Thanks Dogtooth, that does look good but trying to keep the cost down.
Rip it up, that looks like the answer nice and easy and sounds like it works well. Did you do it yourself?

Thanks Meg-A-Bite, I had seen those good to know it works! That's more my price range..

09-10-2014, 06:27 PM
I got one from fleabay, it was similar price to the supa cheap one but twice the capacity. Twin cylinder version. I suspect that all of these larger ones come out of the same couple of factories in China, naturally. I saw one almost identical in Auto-barn for about $160.

I dont use use mine a hell of a lot, but it does the job, nice and quick to inflate tyres. Where the coiled air hose connects, they get very hot. I had to cut and reattach the air hose to the connector because it got bent and touched the metal and half-melted but it's good now.

For the occasional weekend warriors it's fine, if you are a serious off-roader you'd be better spending more to get a good brand one.

Rip it up
09-10-2014, 11:10 PM
Troy yes all custom built. A pressure switch and 40A relay is needed for the wiring. Most of the cheapie's fail because of small gauge, long run wiring cables. They draw more amps than you think.
If you can upgrade for heavier cable from the connection on the motor you will see more life.

And check they are not sucking up dust through the crappy air filter.

Damo's dodgy boat building factory.

10-10-2014, 09:58 AM
Awesome thanks again guys, good advise as usual.


19-11-2014, 08:52 PM
Look for a continuous rated compressor at a given ambient temperature . Have had a blue tongue from opposite lock for 12 years- continuous rated at 40 degrees ambient from memory - has never missed a beat and I've never touched it service wise - keep meaning to but never get around to it and it's still firing fine. Done plenty of work on several mapoon trips pumping one or more fourby's tyres up at trip's end. The twin tongue would be quicker but happy with mine as it is.

19-11-2014, 09:03 PM
I got a "bushranger" brand one. It was middle range in price, cheaper than ARB but dearer then the Flebay ones. Its never let me down, also gets used on the farm and for bikes etc so gets plenty of use.

20-12-2014, 09:09 AM
I have a Bushranger - had it for 12 years and it hasnt missed a beat. A mate bought an awesome one recently for $119 delivered - twice the size and twice as heavy as mine and goes about twice as hard. I will find out the name.


20-12-2014, 10:14 AM
Sounds good thanks Ozscott. Still looking for a christmas present - To Me ... From Me!

20-12-2014, 11:52 AM
I use a Thumper compressor from 4wd Supercentre about $129 12 months ago. It won the 4wd Action best pump from memory when the others overheated it still slept going and pumped up 4 tyres faster than any of the more well known expensive brands.
Used it heaps this year coming back from Fraser and DI and never let me down yet. However the plastic hose does get hot so I might change it soon.

21-12-2014, 11:21 AM

You'll notice this model had rubber on the connectors so you dont burn your hands when your done. $99 with free delivery.

21-12-2014, 01:19 PM
Yes per Wazza thumper in the one.


$119 current and delivered to my mate in about 2 days


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

21-12-2014, 05:10 PM
I have the thumper as well but mine has the rubber hose ,keep an eye on it when using it as it only takes a minute or so to bring your tyres back to pressure for the road.. Matt

24-12-2014, 02:37 PM
My advice is get a twin cylinder. Brands etc don't phase me.

You'll need a rubber hose ( the standard plastic ones don't last long ) and good fittings.

Preferably in it's own carry bag and a long electrical cable with ciggie plug and aligator clips.

Cheers LP

18-01-2015, 10:43 AM
I was going to buy an ARB compressor for $350-$400 but considered how much I would use it (not weekly) so bought a Thumper from 4Wd supacentre for $134 with a free tyregauge. Very impressed with it's power. Hose gets a bit hot though.

18-01-2015, 12:42 PM
+1 for the value of the Thumper

19-01-2015, 06:50 AM
Redlands 4wd Centre has them for $129 with some freebies thrown in at the moment.