View Full Version : GoPro footage of Red Emperor following bait near Mast Head Island

13-09-2014, 04:57 PM
Using a GoPro 3+ inside an Eye Of Mine waterproof housing with a 'video out' cable attached. The 30m cable was plugged into my Lowrance HDS9 where I was watching the footage live 25m beneath the boat.

Watch it here http://www.fishandboattube.com.au/media-gallery/225-red-emperor-following-bait-near-mast-head-island


I've got an extra housing and cable as mentioned above for sale if anyone is interested.

13-09-2014, 05:00 PM
Would love to see it, but the link doesnt work....at least not on an ipad!

Edit @6pm
ok, its working now! Vey interesting footage.

13-09-2014, 05:18 PM
great footage there mr240zed it's surprising what else might be down there just beyond the pickers :)

13-09-2014, 06:51 PM
I was surprised to see it too. I had time to drop the camera down when they stopped biting.

13-09-2014, 06:52 PM
Prime example of when bait presentation is important. I would have love to seen it if the was a big bait on there. I don't think the red would have resisted it.


13-09-2014, 06:59 PM
It did start off as a big cuttlefish fish, then got picked to pieces.

15-09-2014, 03:45 PM
Great Video