View Full Version : No courtesy offshore

28-07-2014, 04:11 PM
Been thinking about whether or not to post this for a while now but here goes.
It seems lately that every time we go offshore around Moreton and Straddie, there is always someone out there (or two or three) that will drive straight over our drift line and be within 50m of the boat (but more like 20m). Sometimes they would fly past and other times pass through slowly sounding out your ground. Sometimes its a bit worrying that their props may cut through our lines when there's a bit of current running. So my question is 'wheres the courtesy gone'? Its a big paddock out there with heaps of places to fish. Why do people have to come so close. I reckon this has happened to a lot of people out there both offshore and in the bay so feel free to express your opinion. Any ideas about what we can do about these fishos who show no respect or common boating etiquette?

robfish 1
28-07-2014, 05:18 PM
I used to experience this regulalrly when landbased - boaties would come within 20-30 metres and often sever lines. A surf rod was kept ready, rigged with a 3oz bomb sinker on bright fluoro line, and after shouted warnings were unheeded, a big cast could put it across the bows.
Most never came within 100m again!
And for those who arced up...gaffs and big knives were brandished menacingly, so no altercation ever eventuated. Of course...this was when I was young and invincible! Being 6'4" and 250lbs didn't hurt, either!
Still, I reckon a good cast ahead of the bows still works well - particularly when they realize they are well within casting distance.

28-07-2014, 05:54 PM
i find when fishing offshore on the weekends is when i get majority of issues obviously due to more people on the water.

However of those on the weekend i think 90% are just that weekend boaties with no idea where to fish.

Most of my marks are well away from all the common spots around Moreton but i always get a boat or 10 during weekends take a big detour from the course they were heading, putt in close, do a circle of the boat and either anchor in my drift line or join me in my drift line.

It was only last week i was happily drifting my spot, and i noticed a little centre console about a Kilometer away heading straight towards the Hutchies area at full steam, suddenly turned and headed straight towards me circled my boat about 50meters away, stereo blasting away at full noise, needless to say the bite shut down nearly straight away.

main reason why i now only fish weekdays.

29-07-2014, 05:08 AM
I used to experience this regulalrly when landbased - boaties would come within 20-30 metres and often sever lines. A surf rod was kept ready, rigged with a 3oz bomb sinker on bright fluoro line, and after shouted warnings were unheeded, a big cast could put it across the bows.
Most never came within 100m again!
And for those who arced up...gaffs and big knives were brandished menacingly, so no altercation ever eventuated. Of course...this was when I was young and invincible! Being 6'4" and 250lbs didn't hurt, either!
Still, I reckon a good cast ahead of the bows still works well - particularly when they realize they are well within casting distance.

cheers mate. i might have a slug set up and do just that

29-07-2014, 05:15 AM
i find when fishing offshore on the weekends is when i get majority of issues obviously due to more people on the water.

However of those on the weekend i think 90% are just that weekend boaties with no idea where to fish.

Most of my marks are well away from all the common spots around Moreton but i always get a boat or 10 during weekends take a big detour from the course they were heading, putt in close, do a circle of the boat and either anchor in my drift line or join me in my drift line.

It was only last week i was happily drifting my spot, and i noticed a little centre console about a Kilometer away heading straight towards the Hutchies area at full steam, suddenly turned and headed straight towards me circled my boat about 50meters away, stereo blasting away at full noise, needless to say the bite shut down nearly straight away.

main reason why i now only fish weekdays.

weekdays are definately the go but unfortunately most of us have to work. and i think your right that a lot of the boaties who follow others drift lines are probably newbies. weve had many times where boaties would head straight for us at warp speed, sound around and probably mark our spot then bugger off. gotta be something we can do about it

29-07-2014, 05:17 AM
Yep happens regularly. It has gotten to the point that I won't bring in/fight a fish while boats are powering by. They see you with a fish on and come and join you. Lost some fish doing this but not as many as if I had people joining me all the time.

29-07-2014, 08:39 AM
Happens everywhere. On shore Ive had a guy anchor virtually on top of my lines. Out on the water I had a guy race up to me, settle in my berley trail, sit there for maybe 10 minutes then race off again at full noise.

As for jet skis....

29-07-2014, 08:39 AM
On Saturday I thought I would anchor well away from any structure or common spot where no none would bother me, within half an hour I had four new friends anchored within 50M of me, one bloke motored over and over my burley trail and then anchored pretty much on top of my anchor FFS, just no clue at all.

29-07-2014, 09:34 AM
I'm a new boaty, still havn't taken mine offshore. Its hard work finding marks no doubt, but its just plain a$$hole to do what these guys do. I've been out on charters and with mates and without a doubt it happens every time I've been out... Age has no significance to who does it either... I've seen old blokes do it and young people.

29-07-2014, 10:32 AM
Its a sheep mentality, and also lazyness and also just not knowing its wrong as well..People are stupid, some just don't care and others are just rude... given all these combinations your bound to run into a few idiots offshore from such densely populated areas... could be worse though, you could not be out there in the first place

robfish 1
29-07-2014, 10:32 AM
cheers mate. i might have a slug set up and do just that

And worst case scenario - and you actually hit their boat...well, they WERE well within a good cast, weren't they?
A bit hard to take you to task when they were so bloody close!

29-07-2014, 11:29 AM
Thanks for the replies fellas. A mate of mine suggested to name and shame these guys by taking a photo of them and their boat and posting it up on all the popular forums. That might deter them from doing what they do and start showing some respect. I might do just that too

29-07-2014, 12:48 PM
Great idea, i'll start, Tinnie with blue bimini named "Wet dreams", learn some fishing etiquette mate.

29-07-2014, 01:07 PM
I was at one of my less commonly fished spots in the bay a few weeks ago and was having a pretty good session. I had a guy in a 6m or so came over and pretty much tried to muscle my 4.5m off my drift. He didn't hang around for that long once I start throwing old pillys that had been sitting in the sun all morning and had gone mushy right in to his boat. I got some pretty good throws in to cause he was that close. Best part was when he took off giving me the finger and I just waved good bye.

catching a fish that you have searched and worked for is much more satisfying then catching a fish that has been burlied to old mates boat

29-07-2014, 06:18 PM
weekdays are definately the go but unfortunately most of us have to work. and i think your right that a lot of the boaties who follow others drift lines are probably newbies. weve had many times where boaties would head straight for us at warp speed, sound around and probably mark our spot then bugger off. gotta be something we can do about it

If you think your problems will go away by fishing weekdays, you'll be sorely disappointed. I fish exclusively weekdays and I can tell you it happens without fail if you fish the artis over at Harrys, Peel or Choochie which is the reason why I no longer bother. It's just not worth the aggravation.

The Black Unicorn
29-07-2014, 06:41 PM
Yep will always happen. Have had a couple of dive boats being rude lately too. One came up to the waverider buoy and 2 guys jumped straight in right next to the buoy. Problem was there were 5 boats all doing the right thing at the time and taking turns motoring up and drifting past flicking lures and baits. To add to this the divers had no flag nor did the boat. Was about a 7m aquamaster platey. Next one was a white haines looking thing called Hammerhead that sat and watched as I was trolling some shallow reef off moreton then when I went by on a lap all 3 occupants jumped in and swam over to the line I was trolling. Again no flags on boat or diver. Made it pretty tough to see them on my return lap but they raised there heads when I didn't detour. Just plain rude!

29-07-2014, 06:44 PM
Friggin divers, where are the sharks when you need them

29-07-2014, 09:36 PM
Finally somone has raised this. I;ve been thinking for some time that maybe I'm just not used to the different city ettiquite in fishing (I come from up north originally). It seems however that many others are getting mighty p!ssed off with the these boaties and their idea of personal fishing space. For me, if you are closer than 100 metres to another boat, then you are too close (let alone the 20 m that seems to be the norm out the bay). And the blowflies! What sort of self satisfaction do they get from motoring up to someone on the anchor, clicking your GPS and stealing the spot they are on? Where's the enjoyment of reading the conditions, doing the research and finding a spot by your own iniative? If you want fish that bad, go to the fish monger. Please.

I used to regularly fish a spot out the bay away from the main boat armada up until recently and would do quite well most trips. Almost every time I'd arrive to the spot empty, and after being anchored up for an hour or so other boats would come over and either anchor close making more noise than a Metallica concert, or would roar in at speed, slow down and click the spot into the GPS. This spot used to be always free of boats on arrival - now, there is always a boat there no matter what time I arrive (usually well before sunrise). And usually within about 20 m of my mark. 20 m means they couldn't have fluked the same place, so its definitely the blowflies who haven't enough skill nor self-respect to find their own spots through exploration.

Well I guess this is not changing fast, so I better get used to moving alot more out there. Problem is, a lot of more experienced bay fishos then me are already doing this and still getting the same issues with these imbeciles.

29-07-2014, 10:05 PM
What shits me is when you burley up and have done for 2-3 hours and these soft plastic junkies drive right up beside you and drift your trail. now I don't mind throwing plastics but is the idea of using lures and plastics to cover ground

30-07-2014, 05:08 AM
What shits me is when you burley up and have done for 2-3 hours and these soft plastic junkies drive right up beside you and drift your trail. now I don't mind throwing plastics but is the idea of using lures and plastics to cover ground

That would really annoy the hell out of me too

30-07-2014, 05:12 AM
Finally somone has raised this. I;ve been thinking for some time that maybe I'm just not used to the different city ettiquite in fishing (I come from up north originally). It seems however that many others are getting mighty p!ssed off with the these boaties and their idea of personal fishing space. For me, if you are closer than 100 metres to another boat, then you are too close (let alone the 20 m that seems to be the norm out the bay). And the blowflies! What sort of self satisfaction do they get from motoring up to someone on the anchor, clicking your GPS and stealing the spot they are on? Where's the enjoyment of reading the conditions, doing the research and finding a spot by your own iniative? If you want fish that bad, go to the fish monger. Please.

I used to regularly fish a spot out the bay away from the main boat armada up until recently and would do quite well most trips. Almost every time I'd arrive to the spot empty, and after being anchored up for an hour or so other boats would come over and either anchor close making more noise than a Metallica concert, or would roar in at speed, slow down and click the spot into the GPS. This spot used to be always free of boats on arrival - now, there is always a boat there no matter what time I arrive (usually well before sunrise). And usually within about 20 m of my mark. 20 m means they couldn't have fluked the same place, so its definitely the blowflies who haven't enough skill nor self-respect to find their own spots through exploration.

Well I guess this is not changing fast, so I better get used to moving alot more out there. Problem is, a lot of more experienced bay fishos then me are already doing this and still getting the same issues with these imbeciles.

Things wont change anytime soon or may never change. But we can probably reduce the number of boaties doing this by disclosing who the imbeciles are by taking a photo of them and posting it up on forums like ausfish

30-07-2014, 10:19 AM
This whole thing about my spot, and that no one could ever find it is really quite stupid, to the point that some truly believe their navigating their own little version of the Endeavour and struck uncharted land. If you leave for a fishing trip and find someone on “your spot x”, then why do some people instantly assume someone snagged it off yourself through pinging, as that’s the only way it could ever be found it’s that secret?

Same as the bloke who’s already out their fishing on your “spot x”, and he’s thinking that someone's coming up to ping him, as he could also be of the belief that his own little “spot x” was solely discovered by himself aboard his little Endeavour.

The last time i checked GPS and FF’s are on most boats so their could be quite a lot of people with the same mark, and if either party is so aggrieved then they have the option to move on, or here’s a thought share. Fair dinkum sometimes when I read these types of threads I reckon their must be a lot only kids out their who have never had to share with a sibling.

Then throw into the mix the flinging of lead that get’s brought up all the time in these types of threads, and you have the recipe for things to go pear shaped real fast, and over what, someone's belief that they are James Cook and have discovered their own spot on the ocean that no one else can fish. Throw a chunk of lead and hit someone in the head and kill them, and when people assume it must have been for something heinous like someone raping your girlfriend/burning your house down etc, however you could correct them and say nah, someone fished to close, and I'm sure a judge would respond favourably with such reasoning in why you took a life.

The whole brandishing of knives and throwing sinkers should be pulled down immediately as it may give readers of this forum the idea that this sort of mentality is appropriate.

In saying the above no i don’t fish to close, and I’m not a fan of it, and have never pinged a spot, however some people don’t know as they may be new to boating.

What I do know is that all people go out to have some fun on the water, not to get into ridiculous pissing contests of who found what and who deserves to fish a spot.

If people need to put things into perspective, take a trip to your local Cancer ward and then you won’t give a shit!

sharkcat 23
30-07-2014, 11:50 AM
Jigsrule what I think we all need to appreciate is that its not the members of forums like this (hopefully) people who have a sense of what fishing and boating should be about and who do care, its the clowns that dont give a stuff about anyone except themselves and if they weren't members of a forum they wouldn't know, therefore probably wouldn't care if photos were placed on here and elsewhere.

Just my 2 cents worth.

30-07-2014, 12:33 PM
@ fishing111. Fair point that we all have what we think are our 'own spot X' when many may have similar or the same points. For me however, I know I was pinged ( I saw it happen in front of me quite a few times. AND I saw distinct changes in behaviour - a spot that has been empty conssitently now has someone anchored on everytime I go (which is much more than my wife likes :-) ). AND those anchored are within approx 20 m of my orginal personally found mark. Like you said though, we don't own the ocean (or the bay) - the precise reason why I've taken to moving around a lot more now.

In any endeavour there must always be some sort of respect between each participant . Often that respect is stated through the way people carry themselves and adhere to unwritten rules. For our endeavour of fishing, we need to understand that our actions affects others (like anchoring too close and making heaps of noise or seeking out others to get spot X and not doing your own homework). Be mindful of these impacts and respect others and we can all play happily in the ocean around us. Certainly I believe I'm playing the game by adjusting my behaviours to deal with the lack of respect of others - I am choosing to move around a lot more and move further afield rather than stay on Spot X all of the time and complain. I would certainly like to see others extend to me the same respect by understanding the impact of their own actions and adjusting their behaviours to suit. One can only hope.

30-07-2014, 08:52 PM
Some great replies. Cheers fellows
Sharkcat - those guys may not care but it would make me feel a whole lot better naming and shaming them
Fishing111 - thanks for the input. True we dont own the ocean or a spot x but when we are fishing an area, its nice to have a little respect instead of someone flying behind your boat at close range at 30knots per hour. Throwing sinkers or smelly bait has crossed my mind but i think id rather name and shame the fools
Acronin - couldnt of said it better myself

31-07-2014, 11:29 AM
Josh fishing areas such a 29s, 33, 35, patch you are more than likely to have this happen. These are major reef systems everyone knows about and most people fish when weather good. I know alot of guys that think its their spot x and they own spot lol.
To be honest Its not hard to find ground in these areas. So of the marks you are fishing someone else might have too.
I know it frustrates me when someone else fishing close to or on a spot i intended to fish but hey what can you do. Everyone goes out to have fun.
Like others said if you dont like fishing in a crowd fish weekday if not that fish deeper mate or at night.


31-07-2014, 04:07 PM
This whole thing about my spot, and that no one could ever find it is really quite stupid, to the point that some truly believe their navigating their own little version of the Endeavour and struck uncharted land. If you leave for a fishing trip and find someone on “your spot x”, then why do some people instantly assume someone snagged it off yourself through pinging, as that’s the only way it could ever be found it’s that secret?

Same as the bloke who’s already out their fishing on your “spot x”, and he’s thinking that someone's coming up to ping him, as he could also be of the belief that his own little “spot x” was solely discovered by himself aboard his little Endeavour.

The last time i checked GPS and FF’s are on most boats so their could be quite a lot of people with the same mark, and if either party is so aggrieved then they have the option to move on, or here’s a thought share. Fair dinkum sometimes when I read these types of threads I reckon their must be a lot only kids out their who have never had to share with a sibling.

Then throw into the mix the flinging of lead that get’s brought up all the time in these types of threads, and you have the recipe for things to go pear shaped real fast, and over what, someone's belief that they are James Cook and have discovered their own spot on the ocean that no one else can fish. Throw a chunk of lead and hit someone in the head and kill them, and when people assume it must have been for something heinous like someone raping your girlfriend/burning your house down etc, however you could correct them and say nah, someone fished to close, and I'm sure a judge would respond favourably with such reasoning in why you took a life.

The whole brandishing of knives and throwing sinkers should be pulled down immediately as it may give readers of this forum the idea that this sort of mentality is appropriate.

In saying the above no i don’t fish to close, and I’m not a fan of it, and have never pinged a spot, however some people don’t know as they may be new to boating.

What I do know is that all people go out to have some fun on the water, not to get into ridiculous pissing contests of who found what and who deserves to fish a spot.

If people need to put things into perspective, take a trip to your local Cancer ward and then you won’t give a shit!
a brilliant post !!!
I sympathise with everyone that this happens too, happened to me countless times. including a guy who I anchored up next to, around 100meters away, who powered up came over and gave me a serve, he wanted much more room, he said he'd been fishing the area for 40 years and I was to close ! we have to be carefull we don't become too "precious". ther's a spot near eden, green cape, when the kingies are on, there would be 50 boats, all trying to get on the reef, sometimes drifting within 5-10 meters of each other, gets real tight ! some, wave arms and say they were there first, but, in general, its about everyones right to have a go, and most guys there work in brilliantly.
ive never ever read on a forum that someone has fessed up and admitted they've encroached on someone elses burley trail etc, but I bet we all have at some point ! lets not be too precious about things, its a vicious learning curve, which we all suddenly click too !
when it happens to me, I glare, if no response and they stay, I anchor up and go somewhere else ! annoying but that's life
those special marks we think are our secret spots, have been fished for decades, its just a cycle ! there's plenty of room and places to retreat too, its no biggy really ! as for the sinker flick, well, ridiculos, where does it end, or who makes the decision there right and justified ! not good
just my opinion

31-07-2014, 04:30 PM
I guess its about what is reasonable though, I was abused recently for being about 150M away from a bloke too but its was the only bit if structure in the area so I thought that was unreasonable but if someone comes and plonks within spitting distance then its just plain ignorant.

31-07-2014, 08:25 PM
Josh fishing areas such a 29s, 33, 35, patch you are more than likely to have this happen. These are major reef systems everyone knows about and most people fish when weather good. I know alot of guys that think its their spot x and they own spot lol.
To be honest Its not hard to find ground in these areas. So of the marks you are fishing someone else might have too.
I know it frustrates me when someone else fishing close to or on a spot i intended to fish but hey what can you do. Everyone goes out to have fun.
Like others said if you dont like fishing in a crowd fish weekday if not that fish deeper mate or at night.


Gday mate. True what you say and its all good fishing in the same vicinity cos everyone might have same or similar marks but its not good if someone flys straight over your drift line at warp speed and close range

31-07-2014, 08:35 PM
Bonneville, its all good to share the ocean but sometimes its just plain obvious when someone shows a total lack of respect for others

Crunchy, true mate. When they come that close, its best to say something without being too offensive at first

Moby One
31-07-2014, 09:19 PM
I haven't read all the posts but Fishing111 struck a chord. I had a really wierd experience trhe other day...I usually fish offshore Moreton on the 29's, 33's, 35's etc and usually the weekends and I hardly end up close to anybody(except the bait grounds) but the other day , I headed out on a Wednesday with a mate and headed to Mark 1, then headed to Mark 2 and there was a boat about 100m away that looked like it was on my mark and I thought *&%&% so I headed to Mark 3 which was just SE of round patch( and a place where a work colleague had caught a few Snaps the week before) and there was a boat bang on my mark...but to him it probably looked like I saw him and drove up to ping his mark. It was all good though, we shared a few drifts....nothing happening so we headed in closer via Nats rock...and there was a boat there with a dive flag out...wtf is going on I thought, normally I don't see anyone and here in the middle of the week, there are boats everywhere I want to go. It was surreal, hopefully next week I'll have the ocean to myself again.

31-07-2014, 09:26 PM
I used to experience this regulalrly when landbased - boaties would come within 20-30 metres and often sever lines. A surf rod was kept ready, rigged with a 3oz bomb sinker on bright fluoro line, and after shouted warnings were unheeded, a big cast could put it across the bows.
Most never came within 100m again!
And for those who arced up...gaffs and big knives were brandished menacingly, so no altercation ever eventuated. Of course...this was when I was young and invincible! Being 6'4" and 250lbs didn't hurt, either!
Still, I reckon a good cast ahead of the bows still works well - particularly when they realize they are well within casting distance.

I get this all the time. Knobs fishing off baxters jetty in cabbage tree creek. Get pissed when I enter the channel and get their line. Dont worry, pisses me off too cause I have to pull the prop and remove the line. Throw a sinker at me and see what happens.

Had a guy tear it up me at coffs harbour once. He was trolling across the entrance, I came in at pace cause there was a big swell, he had a go at me cause I hooked up his line. Fark people like that. Should be shot.

Moby One
31-07-2014, 10:04 PM
Had a fish there two weeks ago too. It is a skinny channel at low tide, I can cast to the opposite bank at low tide with my bream rod...saw a guy reel in something with a pretty good bend in the rod but he wasn't too excited...turned out it was a prefilleted flat head frame....bonus I said...that saves a lot of work....that got a few laughs....but in reality..if a boat comes past you reel your line in

31-07-2014, 10:05 PM
and there was a boat bang on my mark...but to him it probably looked like I saw him and drove up to ping his mark.

Totally agree, I wonder how many people I have upset because I have plotted a course for a Mark I have at the 33s.... they say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line right? So I plotted the course to the mark as soon as I get through south passage, and if you are anchored on it I have no way of knowing until I am almost there. Despite me willing my GPS to be inaccurate and the boat that seems to be fishing where I want to go isn't REALLY on this mark, I suddenly veer off and leave the guy to fish when it becomes apparent I can't fish there. But when offshore the mark is likely to be a part of a reef spanning a couple of football fields in area, so I pull up and decide to drift at a reasonable distance away from the other boat. So I could probably be accused of being a blowfly ( guilty until proven innocent), and because I seldom anchor I will probably be accused of fishing someone elses' burley trail because that's the way the current takes me??? Fishing111, you get my vote mate, I have seen this kind of thread a few times, keyboard warriors start suggesting hurling sinkers and old bait at each other.... REALLY? 1st aid kits all need to be updated to include chill pills, and lots of it, to think that some would let another fisho upset their day for, I would suggest, were minor grievances which are probably based on misunderstanding. The misunderstanding is that boat A really thinks he is the only one with spot X to himself, but won't admit that the last big fish he caught there he couldn't keep his mouth shut about it, and told a heap of others.

On Saturday, at the ramp, another boat owner asked if he could follow me to my spots out from the seaway, as this was his 1st offshore trip. Bahaha! Just come right out and ask, don't be shy about it! I laughed it off and said I was stopping at the north wall of the seaway 1st, if I saw him out there I would give him a shout. Some have NFI, granted. Hurling sinkers? Not appropriate.


01-08-2014, 03:16 PM
I haven't read all the posts but Fishing111 struck a chord. I had a really wierd experience trhe other day...I usually fish offshore Moreton on the 29's, 33's, 35's etc and usually the weekends and I hardly end up close to anybody(except the bait grounds) but the other day , I headed out on a Wednesday with a mate and headed to Mark 1, then headed to Mark 2 and there was a boat about 100m away that looked like it was on my mark and I thought *&%&% so I headed to Mark 3 which was just SE of round patch( and a place where a work colleague had caught a few Snaps the week before) and there was a boat bang on my mark...but to him it probably looked like I saw him and drove up to ping his mark. It was all good though, we shared a few drifts....nothing happening so we headed in closer via Nats rock...and there was a boat there with a dive flag out...wtf is going on I thought, normally I don't see anyone and here in the middle of the week, there are boats everywhere I want to go. It was surreal, hopefully next week I'll have the ocean to myself again.

We've had a few days like that and its very annoying but what can you do. Pays to have heaps of marks on hand as a contingency plan. If the area you intend to fish is a big area like caloundra wide, there is lots of places to fish. If you keep your distance within 100-150m away from another boatie, I'd say that's a fair call

01-08-2014, 08:57 PM
Personally I can't bring myself to encroach on someone else's fishing spot if they get there first, good luck to them, I'll go elsewhere, I just hope they show the same courtesy to me sometime.

02-08-2014, 09:54 AM
Personally I can't bring myself to encroach on someone else's fishing spot if they get there first, good luck to them, I'll go elsewhere, I just hope they show the same courtesy to me sometime.

That's exactly how I see it too.... I was fishing out of the seaway last sat morning, bringing up a 50cm+ snapper just as a boat roars right past me about 20m to my left, sees the fish, pulls up right behind me and does 2 quick drifts before motoring back on his merry way.... What are you to do then? Theyre the ones that make the blood boil!

03-08-2014, 10:34 AM
Timboo, thats exactly what im talking about. Next time it happens, there gonna wish they didn't do it

03-08-2014, 01:49 PM
You blokes are too precious over fishing you need to chill and share the resource it's not yours it's everyone's and as far as where I or anyone else can fish show me the 100mt or even a 10 mt rule . Try being a charter boat and having recy blowflies buzzing you all day ,what do you want to start a war because my mates 36 ft Blackwatch is going to make one hell of a mess of your trailer boat and imagine 8 leads landing around you and your boat , get real boys just try and give everyone some room but I will say my mate who owns the charter boat couldn't care less as it's more than just following over some marks . Matt 8-)8-)::)::)

03-08-2014, 05:40 PM
I have had no issues outside so far as I tend to keep away from the crowds there is plenty of structure out there if you are willing to put in the time to look for it. A lot of the common fathom lines are on maps and on gps nav cards these days so it is little wonder these places are heavily crowded and fished as they provide a guide for people new to fishing offshore. They also show shoals out off moreton shallow and deep tempest. These areas are not owned by anyone. I have found ground east of a lot of these shoals in slightly deeper water and have done well and have had no real issue with other boats. The only thing that I find can be annoying is you are on a good drift and someone anchors in front of you which is usually when I am fishing on the closer shoals around the cape. You just need to grit your teeth be patient and find your own room. A good spot I have wide of the cape I recently visited had about 5 or so boats fishing on it when I got there which came as a surprise I looked at their drifts and found I was not going to get one so I stayed a little wide of them and gave room. Now to those guys I could have been accused of pinging them on this spot but I gave room for them to fish. Fact is nothing is secret any more someone can ping you coming passed you or on their radar if they have one. If someone is on a spot you fish just give them room move on and come back to it no point in getting Argo about it. As for the bay well that is another story best time I have found when fishing the bay is through the week when I can taking an annual leave day every now and then. If you fish the bay on the weekend then you have to be prepared to deal with the crowds.

03-08-2014, 08:46 PM
Well guys ive got a book full of hook ups and reefs from my trawler days and have had them for decades the lenght of morton and strady nth and sth so as Fisho8 has said nothings secret as a lot of guys fishing out there will be fishing on or near them,if the satilites stopped tomorrow no one would not no were to fish,in the old days before radars it was line of site to get your bearings and graph paper sounder if you could afford one lol.

Darren Mc
06-08-2014, 09:45 PM
Surely it's not to much to ask that you don't do thing's to other boaties that you wouldn't want done to you.(ie throwing sinkers or anything else)

Some people arrive at a fishing location, motor across the back of someone's boat sometimes within 20m or less over their bait's then proceed to dick around sounding then bugger off. Why can't they use their brain's and at the very least go around the front of my boat for crying out loud!!!

Another one is motoring up closely behind someone clearly at anchor with rods out the back of their boat then dropping their noisy anchor right on top of your baits. I've only been sitting there all night waiting for the early morning bite to come on. Ignorance is what it is, plain and simple. One of these day's i'll die laughing if I hook a good size fish and my braid cut's their anchor off. I prey for that day...

My fishing buddy is my father in law and he has cancer. These ignorant prick's piss him off just as much as they do me.

In saying that, all of this stuff really doesn't matter when you think of the unfortunate good people who get cancer.

07-08-2014, 08:15 AM
Gday gents,
This is an issue in Port Philip bay, during snapper season the bay is full of boats, yet you can still find an area that is boat free. People drive close to boats to see if your having any action, what the normal practice is when your on a fish is to keep the rod low so it looks like nothing is happening. Normally they dont get any closer than 50 or so meters when they drop the pick.
The hardest part is returning to the ramp, I like to keep a wide berth from boats whilst travelling but sometimes its hard as you would need to divert all over the place and can easilly add 5km to your trip. And in the mornings to go fishing you need to be at the ramp around 3am to get a park at some ramps, and thats on aweek day, but its all fun.

07-08-2014, 10:02 AM
It comes in 20kg bags nowadays ladies. One teaspoon a day should be enough for you.

No need to get close anymore, check this out: http://fishpirate.net/

07-08-2014, 12:29 PM
I wouldn't mind a few snapper leads thrown my way, they are bloody expensive!!

07-08-2014, 10:40 PM
Surely it's not to much to ask that you don't do thing's to other boaties that you wouldn't want done to you.(ie throwing sinkers or anything else)

Some people arrive at a fishing location, motor across the back of someone's boat sometimes within 20m or less over their bait's then proceed to dick around sounding then bugger off. Why can't they use their brain's and at the very least go around the front of my boat for crying out loud!!!

Another one is motoring up closely behind someone clearly at anchor with rods out the back of their boat then dropping their noisy anchor right on top of your baits. I've only been sitting there all night waiting for the early morning bite to come on. Ignorance is what it is, plain and simple. One of these day's i'll die laughing if I hook a good size fish and my braid cut's their anchor off. I prey for that day...

My fishing buddy is my father in law and he has cancer. These ignorant prick's piss him off just as much as they do me.

In saying that, all of this stuff really doesn't matter when you think of the unfortunate good people who get cancer.

We dont normally anchor but it would make me so angry if anyone dropped their anchor where my baits are set. Some people are just plain stupid

02-09-2014, 03:12 PM
Had a guy yesterday that from my perspective appeared to follow me 100% of the time that I was actually fishing, discounting travel time. I worked two marks 0.2Nm apart for quite a few drifts first up then moved 1.59Nm away working three marks there 0.18Nm apart for numerous drifts. Maybe he had the marks, maybe he didn't but he certainly got on my drift line a few times in absolutley acres and acres of good ground at the Southern Hards/North of Banks area.

Back In Black
02-09-2014, 03:51 PM
I like your style Rob. Lets name & shame them!!

Was he waving to you when you took the pic?? Few more details on his boat maybe??


02-09-2014, 03:56 PM
The guy rang me and it is all sorted. I did take the photo motoring up for a new drift but for me to be that close, he had to be on my drift line.

02-09-2014, 04:26 PM
He's probably thinking "That bloody charter guy is always on my marks whenever I get to them!"

02-09-2014, 04:32 PM
Thanks smithy. Things certainly are getting bad out there and that's why i put up this post. Funny he was looking right at you when you took the pic. Maybe now he'll think twice about what he does.
Thanks for your input

02-09-2014, 07:16 PM
He is all over Facebook to well done Rob this needs to stop...People never cease to amaze me....What a scumbag.

02-09-2014, 09:02 PM
I haven't read all the posts but Fishing111 struck a chord. I had a really wierd experience trhe other day...I usually fish offshore Moreton on the 29's, 33's, 35's etc and usually the weekends and I hardly end up close to anybody(except the bait grounds) but the other day , I headed out on a Wednesday with a mate and headed to Mark 1, then headed to Mark 2 and there was a boat about 100m away that looked like it was on my mark and I thought *&%&% so I headed to Mark 3 which was just SE of round patch( and a place where a work colleague had caught a few Snaps the week before) and there was a boat bang on my mark...but to him it probably looked like I saw him and drove up to ping his mark. It was all good though, we shared a few drifts....nothing happening so we headed in closer via Nats rock...and there was a boat there with a dive flag out...wtf is going on I thought, normally I don't see anyone and here in the middle of the week, there are boats everywhere I want to go. It was surreal, hopefully next week I'll have the ocean to myself again.

That's exactly the way it can seem out there Mal, you go from one spot to the next and the only place on the reef is another boat even if you sounded the mark yourself previously as it is the only spot that looks good and sure enough others have done the same.

I go out 80km east of cape Moreton and last trip I did about 240km and sure enough this freaking boat comes in from nowhere with an AF sticker on it to ping my spot.

I got his photo here 105052

BTW Mal I am not having a go at you - infact I agree with you that on some days it just seems that people are all over your spots and unless you have the sea to yourself it can't be helped.

02-09-2014, 09:09 PM
Smithy you are a highly respected fisho and I don't doubt you felt intruded.

Thanks for your posts on here mate - I enjoy them

02-09-2014, 09:22 PM
I tell you when they anchor mate the make a hell of a racquet shuts the fish down for hours

06-09-2014, 08:59 PM
Smithy, I think I will follow you out one day, about a Metre behind you in the cockpit as a charter payee. I need to treat myself occasionally.

18-10-2014, 06:17 AM
And then yesterday I had a brand new black 685 Cruise Craft with a Verado called "Reel Crusty" do a 270 degree circle around me. If it was his mark, maybe you would do 90-180degrees around me setting yourself up to anchor or drift but 270 degrees, that had to be pinging!

18-10-2014, 09:55 AM
How's this: Out at the wave rider bouy yesterday. Pulled up for a drift about 20 odd metres from the bouy. This huge game boat (Cmon Aussie) trolls between me and the bouy! The tip of his outrigger would have nearly passed over my boat! It gets better, he hooks the bouy with 2 of his lures and then spends 10 mins backing up to it trying to dislodge them. What a clown.

18-10-2014, 10:42 AM
How's this: Out at the wave rider bouy yesterday. Pulled up for a drift about 20 odd metres from the bouy. This huge game boat (Cmon Aussie) trolls between me and the bouy! The tip of his outrigger would have nearly passed over my boat! It gets better, he hooks the bouy with 2 of his lures and then spends 10 mins backing up to it trying to dislodge them. What a clown.

Always plenty of those sort at the waverider unfortunately. Sometimes there might be a dozen boats all working in to take turns drifting past - all working together as such and one twat will turn up and want to high speed troll through the middle of everyone. The only saving grace is that 99% of the time they don't catch anything and don't tend to stay long once the abuse starts to flow.

19-10-2014, 09:54 AM
Many years ago somebody drove by on the plane 5m from me in a narrow creek - cussing that I am a fat bastard with absolute zero provocation (he was obvioulsy drunk/drugged up) ....
When he came back down 20 minutes later I was ready & cast a 3 oz sinker at him.
THANKFULLY I got a birds' nest overwind and the sinker fell a meter short.
Once I had calmed down and realized the STUPIDITY of my actions I have vowed to NEVER again get irritated by clowns .... I shudder to think where my life would be now if that sinker had taken out his eye, or worse.
Don't ruin your life out of a moment's anger ..... you may never get to fish again.

I am THANKFUL for that overwind !!!!

19-10-2014, 12:20 PM
And then yesterday I had a brand new black 685 Cruise Craft with a Verado called "Reel Crusty" do a 270 degree circle around me. If it was his mark, maybe you would do 90-180degrees around me setting yourself up to anchor or drift but 270 degrees, that had to be pinging!

Maybe he shoulda named the boat Crusty Old Bastard, I hate it though when you have spent time setting a berley trail and although they might be on their way to "their spot", and they decide to motor right over where you are fishing, I always move away and go well in front of the vessel. Kept an eye out for you on Friday but probably fishing a bit further south, not many boats around on Friday with that easterly slop.

Floating Rib
21-10-2014, 10:30 AM
unfortunately lots of stupid ignorant people fish, same as other aspects in life, im guessing these days lots of anglers have the same marks but that doesnt excuse someone sitting on top of you if you were there first, lost count of how many times ive had boats anchor in my drift line in the bay, quite often i just up and go when someone homes in on me, dont need the stress. Good post though but sadly preaching to the converted, is there an "IdiotsFish" website we can post this to .

21-10-2014, 07:53 PM
I guess you have to expect people fishing close to you nowdays inside the bay at least. I had a bloke go nuts at me a while a go at harrys for drifting just within 50m of him at anchor over the structure. I considered this ample room for harrys but obviously he disagreed when he eventually up anchored and screamed past me at full noise 3meteres off my transom throwing wash into the back of my tinny. What a F&^%$#t. Ben

21-10-2014, 09:21 PM
My pet hate subject this one!! I've fished a bit more than some and in different places around the globe. Left Oz for 9yrs and came back in 2009 to find no fishing etiquette in existence!!!! What the hell happened????. When I fished the US, people at times were far less "democratic" when it came to deal with such A-holes and they were a distinct minority. I can't, most ashamedly say that here. 1 reason I believe is far too many people simply have ZERO respect for their fellow fishers and for that matter themselves. This dog eat dog and F-u charlie attitude that so many want to portray today is a classic example that has spilled out onto the water (and roads). Yeah in the old days, we'd cast a good heavy lead in their direction but I can only remember doing it once or twice in 30 odd yrs. Now another decade or so on it seems just because you have a rod in the water, that's a target for some knuckle-headed-blisters-on-palm twit to come camp on yr "door step" and see if you are getting any fish!

21-10-2014, 11:55 PM
u all do know, that this tread is only cause we have a lot more (some with no XP) fisher people on the water. It will only get better thru these threads so new fishers understand what line they may have crossed, and fix it....some just dont know and do it again, some dont give a ^$^*. same on the roads, camping spots, shopping malls, car parks...foot paths...bikes...u get the idea :)

Its a changing world, my solution.. i now fish mostly where no one else will go :)

22-10-2014, 07:40 AM
Worst case I had was when I was about 15 fishing a tree that had fallen in the noosa river and pulling a few nice brim out of it. 12 year old kid that had been watching us in his tinny ups anchor from 20m away reverses straight over where I was casting and ties off on the top of the tree. So I continued to cast in the same spot and by that point I didn't care I wasn't getting anything and after a few hits to the side of hid tinny and a few words he pissed off. This was just a case of someone being an ####### and I can only hope he either messed with the wrong person down the track or pulled his head in. I luckily haven't had many bad experiences with other boaties in fact I find the majority are friendly and always willing to lend a hand but this one still takes the cake almost a decade on.

22-10-2014, 12:51 PM
I like this little analogy


23-10-2014, 07:20 PM
more boats with less fish

23-10-2014, 07:24 PM
unfortunately there are only so many productive reefs or areas of structure close enough in for the adverse boaty to be comfortable and happy to fish. Theres a lot more boats out there on these spots and each boat would like at least 50-100m of space. these days that just aint gunna happen. The choices I've found are either go further afield or somewhere less well known or alternatively ditch the drift and just go bottom bashing on the weekend.

24-10-2014, 09:18 PM
Hi All
Agree with all but I find it amusing
I run my own boat as correctly and courteously as I can but we all slip now and again in the frenzy..
I have a few mates that will ride over peoples lines turn into there drift line, cut other boats off don't give wide enough berths etc etc and claim that it is not there sea and not there spot, the sea is for everyone when I correct them
However when someone comes close to them or does what they do they are utterly gutted and completely dumbfounded, like WTF
I crack up laughing and shake my head!! but its not funny.
When they are on my boat its my rules and courteously comes first.

And I have had many many shouts out to other boats
Once is a mistake twice is stupidity 3rd time is arrogance, and time for a bit of abuse

My pet hate is when we are fishing and divers arrive on a reef " say Hutchinsons or 9 mile" and they drop off spearos among the boats, you are screwed as they now effectively own the space within 50 metres and you cannot move back onto the drift line or troll line..

Just my little 10 cents
Cheers Mark

25-10-2014, 08:50 AM
This Sh*** me beyond belief.. I had a bloke pull up in front of me and dropped anchor.. he was probably 20m ahead. I wasnt too dirty on that, lot of water to fish but maybe hes trying to find somewhere new.. But as i pull in an undersize sweetlip he decides to let out anchor rope and drift within jumping distance of my bow. Needless to say a few harsh words where passed, yet this clown felt he had done nothing wrong and persisted to argue the fact. if it wasnt for the missus being on board its safe to say i would have drowned that little weed.

Makes weekday fishing so much better.

25-10-2014, 09:52 AM
I thought it was quite legal to fish for spearos so long as you didn't gaff them, catch & release only.

26-10-2014, 11:29 AM
Thanks for thand sham replies fellas. A mate of mine suggested to name and shame these guys by taking a photo of them and their boat and posting it up on all the popular forums. That might deter them from doing what they do and start showing some respect. I might do just that too

Why not start a facebook page naming and shaming? If you guys think its annoying and a bit hairy at times, spare a thought for kayakers

26-10-2014, 02:42 PM
Name and shame who??? Everyone would be on it...everyone!!

Whats next everyone needs to remove thier radar so they don't steel other peoples spots.

A busy day of Moreton we cannot drive a straight line to our destination because we have to zigzag through boats leaving a 300mtr clearance zone around every boat.

One blokes anchored up at the bait grounds fishing for wahoo and no ones allowed to go near him or collect bait.

Far enough if someone follows you then thats over the score but if someone comes near you then just move on or do the drift again...who really cares. i won't loose sleep when guys come along side me unless I'm anchored and they drive up and sound around me for extended periods spooky the fish i have set up for but even then what can you do. it such a fine line its not worth bothering about.

26-10-2014, 05:13 PM
Well said Keith,I had a bloke off the cape that was that far north i could just make out his boat.
Next minute he comes flying back from obviously finishing his drift which i wasn't aware of and gives us death stares and causes world war 3 on this forum over it.
It was a piss ant wreck,i had the marks for and moved off when we discovered he was drifting it,still caused a hassle over it.
What do you do?

Back In Black
26-10-2014, 06:51 PM
Well said Keith,I had a bloke off the cape that was that far north i could just make out his boat.
Next minute he comes flying back from obviously finishing his drift which i wasn't aware of and gives us death stares and causes world war 3 on this forum over it.
It was a piss ant wreck,i had the marks for and moved off when we discovered he was drifting it,still caused a hassle over it.
What do you do?

You want some tips on what to do??

27-10-2014, 08:41 AM
I have owned larger trailer boats for some years up until recently and almost only fished offshore, Moreton, Barwon banks and Hervey bay areas. I like many of you and other boaties probably have a lots of gps marks that have been passed on from friends and family. So many times I have arrived at "my" spot to find someone else already on it, so I guess its not just my spot, the way I think is first in give him reasonable space, enough space that would normally make me comfortable or go elsewhere.
Yes I have been fishing an area for some hours particularly of Moreton and up comes a dive boat and drops anchor right where I am fishing this does piss me off and yes I have in the passed called out and told them what I think.
Having said that I have also had boats doing a similar drift as the one I am doing and we have come close to each other, most times for me we have a quick chat " how's it going are you getting anything etc." and we all keep drifting and fishing without the increase of blood pressure.
I have also experienced on many occasions at Hervey bay in the bay there can be up to 60-70 boats within 80-100 square meters all fishing happily and have seen many of these actually tie off to each other everyone enjoying themselves.
Lets face it these day we have many more cars on the road and many more boats on the water its meant to be relaxation not aggression lets not turn the water into the roads with this road rage crap.
Maybe some of the fishing magazines, books, boat shows etc. could really get on-board and promote intelligent methods that both the old and new boating people could take on. For me its just common sense and curtesy I am out there for a good time not a hard time and yes at times we all get in the road of others (patience).
I like all others could go on and on about this type of post but lets face it out on the water there are no white lines no no parking signs and its all left to us to do it right.


27-10-2014, 09:13 AM
Hi All
My pet hate is when we are fishing and divers arrive on a reef " say Hutchinsons or 9 mile" and they drop off spearos among the boats, you are screwed as they now effectively own the space within 50 metres and you cannot move back onto the drift line or troll line..

Cheers Mark
Mark, I only spearfish so I know what you mean. A diver with a float line in the water pretty much hogs the entire part of the reef. If you were there first then you should feel free to motor over slowly and tell them politely to leave. If they ignore you then it becomes their problem to avoid the boats. Ignorant divers who jump in amongst a mob of boats trolling give us all a bad name and deserve to be put in their place. Also if I get to a spot first like the Cementco and a boat shows up I always let them know that I'll only be 20 minutes and then it is all theirs. Common sense and courtesy go a long way out there.

27-10-2014, 10:24 AM
I do not have as much experience as a skipper in comparison to many of you, so could the lawgivers provide a ruling on this please ?

If I go to Curtin for example and I see a boat somewhere within a potential drift zone (maybe 1000 by 100 metres), should I:

a) Anchor up a long way off his present location and try to reasonably stay out of his path (should he indeed be drifting), expecting him to get around me if required ?
b) Abandon the anchor plan and drift in sync while keeping a good distance ?
c) Bugger off and go home because there is another boat within cooee ?

What if he was anchored and then decides to drift?
What if another boat turns up ?
If he leaves, do I then own the ground ?
What if there are 6 boats anchored and the first guy decides to drift ?

A little facetious perhaps, but I am interested in what "courtesy" requires here.

..not even going to ask about boatramps....::)

27-10-2014, 10:36 AM
I was at the 33s one day, struggling to catch our keep of Snapper... This white cat comes up on our drift lines, pulls 8 then moves on deeper, then rubs it in... what do ya do? ;)

27-10-2014, 05:54 PM
I was at the 33s one day, struggling to catch our keep of Snapper... This white cat comes up on our drift lines, pulls 8 then moves on deeper, then rubs it in... what do ya do? ;)
Become a Pirate then you can do what you want.

27-10-2014, 06:09 PM
Become a Pirate then you can do what you want.

aha me matey now you're talking. I would of boarded his boat, but it had twin zukes on the back. ;)

(In case it got missed, I was trying to fish for a bite from someone...)

27-10-2014, 08:14 PM
I was at the 33s one day, struggling to catch our keep of Snapper... This white cat comes up on our drift lines, pulls 8 then moves on deeper, then rubs it in... what do ya do? ;)

Julian...you yell out really loud "piss off Rosco"

Andy H
27-10-2014, 08:18 PM
I'm sure they would have only been pan size anyway Julian.

The Silver Unicorn
27-10-2014, 08:55 PM
I'm sure they would have only been pan size anyway Julian.

Must be a little pan!

31-10-2014, 01:36 PM
Its a very broad issue. I came and anchored on one of my marks off Cairns one day, and a charter boat was anchored about 250 metres away. For some reason he came out on the bow shouting and waving at me to go. it was so far off you couldn't even hear him. The assumption was I was encroaching on his mark, although id had this mark for years. I ignored him.

The general issue stands though, keeping a respectable distance. Its sad people cant figure that out, as for those antics by divers, I would definitely take them on about that, and advise them they are putting them selves at risk by their own actions.

31-10-2014, 03:31 PM
Become a pirate!! Haha I love that! Next time I drift into someone's zone and they start shouting I'll just shrug my shoulders and point to the Jolly Roger. Lol ��