View Full Version : Southside Flathead

26-07-2014, 04:38 PM
I took the little tinnie out for a fish this morning to see if there were any lizards still about.
I brought home a nice little feed and ended up tagging and releasing 7 others , Got one nice one that went 760mm, that fought well above her weight - thought she was going to be a lot bigger and was a little disappointed when I measured her.- still a nice fish on 3kg braid and 6 kg leader.
As of late I've been getting them doing it easy ,just trolling hard bodies, but for some reason this morning they wouldn't touch them . I think the water was just too clear and the boat noise probably put them off in the shallow water.
Luckily they took a liking to my soft plastic offerings as I just drifted the banks with tide .
Here's a photo of the big girl just before I released her.

26-07-2014, 06:27 PM
Nice work Beast.

Rod and I scored a donut today at the Barwons. Fish were just shut down all day. The one half decent fish i hooked early got taxed just under the boat.

26-07-2014, 06:43 PM
Well done mate. Nice day out by the sound of it. I trolled a bit today too but didnt get a touch. Got all mine on the gulp again.

26-07-2014, 08:08 PM
Gday beastmaster, your a real sport and your tagging work valuable, today was perfect in the passage, overcast and no breeze and a nice low tide which saw me take home my bag of 5..

26-07-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi Moonligher- I recon you'll have to find a fishing buddy with a bit more form!

Couple of nice fish there alleycat, the blackswans are a good indication of some warm water,( well thats what I tell my young fellow when I see them at awoonga ). I had a jabiru walking the mud flats this morning , dont know what that meant - maybe he just was hungry, he appeared to be feasting on small crabs.

Short Fuse
26-07-2014, 09:54 PM
Hi Beast.

Great work. Sets a nice benchmark early in the season for taggers to try to better for longest lizard tagged for the year. Hope you got it while blooding that nice rod you picked up at the tagging awards night.

