View Full Version : A feed at last

28-06-2014, 03:14 PM
Had a fish out front woody pt today by myself .Been very scarce lately but today i caught 3 flathead, 1 sole , 1 snapper and 9 sandcrabs.

a good feed.

fish caught on plastics

28-06-2014, 04:38 PM
Mate you do reports like Si

Went fishing caught fish.

narrr all good mate, got to be happy with the 9 sandies...

28-06-2014, 05:00 PM
And happy with the fish.

28-06-2014, 06:31 PM
nice job greg! any size to the flatties

Scott Ashe
28-06-2014, 06:39 PM
Sounds like a good trip Greg well done.

28-06-2014, 06:54 PM
No real size Dean. Mid to late 40s. I got them where we chase the snapper. 2 duskys and 1 bar tail. Snapper was only 48.
Gee there certainly is a lot of undersize bucks around. Must have thrown back 30. Anything up to 10 crabs per pot. Used whiting frames .

28-06-2014, 06:58 PM
did you get the crabs where i said? there are a lot there but yeah seem to be a lot of small or jennies, 48 is still a very nice fish mate.

28-06-2014, 08:26 PM
No i didnt dean. In same place as last week.
i put them out yest arvo and it was dead low tide, so didnt have time to go all the way around as i didnt think i would get across from the ramp.
next time i will.
i am going back to plastics. Couple reels siezed on me today. I think it was from to much salt spray on the ski.
time for a couple of new reels.
annaconda have got some good deals at the moment.
will head over there in morning.
just out of curiousity, which side do u have your handle when using plastics.
i have been watching a few fish shows this arvo and i can say that most were using handle on left side.
It just looked easier to flick those plastics.


28-06-2014, 09:31 PM
i notice a lot like to wind left handed, just doesnt feel right to me

28-06-2014, 10:02 PM
Great result, Seahorse. I have seen a heap of Sandies diving around the Western Bay of late, and I mean a HEAP. Plenty legal, too.


29-06-2014, 07:48 AM
Have you been using inox on your reels Greg?
If so, it could be the friction ring under the rotor that swollen and causing the jam. If so just remove it completely, it is not neccessary, most of my reels no longer have friction rings.

29-06-2014, 10:22 AM
Well done Greg,
Sounds like a good session. I'll have to give it a crack down your way in the near future.
I'm a left hand winder through and through, the other way feels weird unless it's an overhead.
How's the new rig going?

29-06-2014, 01:29 PM
Pulled reels apart this morning. Greased them. All good.

still went an bought new rod and reel from Annaconda this morn.

Chris, boat is great. Love it. Eventhought little bit smaller than the seajay, it definately rides better and no spray over side as yet.
Yeah mate, have to bright you boat down here for a run. Hows it going?


29-06-2014, 06:45 PM
Hey Greg, glad you're loving your new rig.
Boat's going great thanks Mate, replaced prop and she's back to normal, she's dry as too in any chop.
Think I'll head down your way in a couple of weeks again, probably just steam across from Bribie and give it a go depending on the weather, probably quicker than driving down to Clontarf.
Got the nephews up tomorrow for a couple of days so it'll be Crabbing and Squidding in the Passage I dare say if this wind dies down a bit.
Can't wait to try for some Snapper down your neck of the woods...itching to try it in fact.

29-06-2014, 07:19 PM
I think iam heading out tuesday arvo for fish.
Whats that about ur prop?
What motor did u end up with? Was it a 60 yammy 4 str


29-06-2014, 07:51 PM
If I didn't have the little fellas coming up from Sydney for a few days I'd be down there for sure maybe tomorrow or Tuesday Mate.
Kicking myself I didn't just take a drive down your way this week. Went out in Passage and into the Bay 5 times but not much to show for it.
Did a spot of prop re-modelling between Toorbul and Donnybrook about a month ago, a week after I got the boat. Picked up a shiny new prop from Brisbane Yamaha for cheaper than Ebay pricing!
Yeah got the F60 Yammy, awesome on fuel and WOT at just under 61kmh on the GPS. She gets along pretty good to say the least, and whisper quiet.

29-06-2014, 09:11 PM
Nice work greg. Might see you out there tuesday. U going scarby or clontarf